How to properly and quickly cut a herring on a fillet from bones and skin? How is it easy to clean the herring from bones and skin on a salad, fur coat, cut? Cutting fresh and salty fish and herring on fillet step by step with photo and video

How to properly and quickly cut a herring on a fillet from bones and skin? How is it easy to clean the herring from bones and skin on a salad, fur coat, cut? Cutting fresh and salty fish and herring on fillet step by step with photo and video

Ways how to properly and quickly cut herring on fillet without bones and skin.

Most modern housewives prefer to buy the finished herring and use it for the preparation of snacks and piquant salads. But as practice shows, it is such a filled fish that often has low quality.

For this reason, it will be better if you buy a whole herring and independently save it from skin, fins and bones. In this case, you can more correctly evaluate the product and quality of the product, so you will definitely be able to prepare a delicious snack from it. We will talk about how, without unnecessary problems, we will talk in our article.

How to clean the herring easily and quickly to clean the herring and the tips of the cooks and hostesses

Herring cleaning: cooks and housewives

If you think, then cleaning the herring yourself is very difficult, then you are deeply mistaken. If you show a little patience, you can quickly get high -quality fillet. All that will be required of you for this is to prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife and several paper towels.

Simple tips:

  • Take a cutting board and wrap it with a plastic film or just put on it several ordinary packages. This is necessary so that after filing the fish your board remains clean.
  • Prepare a knife with a thin blade. If you understand that he was a little dulled, then be sure to sweat him. If you do not do this, then in the end when cutting you will like to tear fish fibers and this will not let you do the perfect fillet.
  • Be sure to make sure that you have a tweezers at hand. You will remove the thinnest and small bones from the fillet, located as close as possible to the herring ridge.
  • Also place on the table on which you will cut a fish, several paper napkins and towels. You will need them in order to remove blood and intestinal films from the fillet.
  • Removing the peel from herring will be more convenient with hands. In order to do this quickly, you will need to put the skin in the tail or head, and then carefully pull it over. Try not to overdo it with the tension, because the skin will break and you will have to start the procedure again from the very beginning.

How to quickly and correctly clean the salted herring for cutting: photo

If your goal is an ideal cutting fillet, then you need to clean the fish in a classic way and, if possible, do everything as neatly as possible.


  • Initially, you will need to rinse herring and get wet the surface with a paper cloth. This must be done so that it does not slide on the surface of the cutting board.
  • When you finish with this step, you can take a knife and start cleaning the fish. To do this, put it on the board and cut it with a sharp knife. Next, make a neat cut along the ridge line and remove the upper fins with one motion. The lower fins can be cut off with ordinary kitchen scissors.
  • At the next stage, cut the herds abdomen. If you like the eggs and milk of this fish, then try not to put the knife very deeply. Gently spread the abdomen and gut all the insides. Also, do not forget to immediately remove all the films with a paper towel.

  • Put the skin in the head area with a knife and begin to remove it with a smooth movement. After the skin is removed, inspect the fish again and, if you need it, remove the newly emerging pollution.
  • Next, press your fingers on the incision made along the ridge, and begin to carefully finish one half of the fillet from the bones. Put the separated fillet into the strip and do the same manipulation with the remaining part.
  • After the ridge is removed, you will need to arm yourself with tweezers and try to carefully remove all small seeds. The finished fillet will need to be cooled and only after that it can be cut into portioned pieces and served on the festive table.

How to clean salted herring from bones on a salad fillet, fur coat: step by step with a photo?

Walkthrough photo cleaning of herring

If you plan to use herring fillets to make salad, then you can use the so -called pushing method for this. This method differs from the previous one in that you first have to get rid of the fish ridge and only then remove the skin from it.


  • To get started, prepare a cutting board, a sharp knife, paper napkins and tweezers. When the table is laid out, rinse herring under running water and dry thoroughly.
  • Take the knife in your hands and cut the head, tail and fins of the fish as neatly as possible. Cut her belly and take out all the insides from it. If you see that there are a lot of films or the remnants of the giblets inside the abdomen, then be sure to rinse the fish under water again, and then dry everything with paper napkins.
  • Wrap the fish prepared in this way into the food film and tap it on the table or beat it slightly. Such a little trick will help that even small bones are easily separated from the fillet.
  • Put the track with the abdomen down and pressing it slightly on it, open it like a book. Press it to the table, and then turn it over and remove the ridge with a light movement.
  • At the final stage, divide the workpiece into two separate fillets, remove the skin from them and remove all the seeds using tweezers.

How to clean a herring from bones on a fillet in one motion

Service cutting in one motion

Those who want to clean the herring of bones in one motion can use the method with which we will introduce you a little lower. But remember that you get exactly the result that you expect, the fish tail must be kept very tightly.

In view of this, if you feel that it begins to slip out, then just cover each part of it with a paper cloth, and then divide the fish on the fillet.

Recommendations for cleaning herring from bones in one motion:

  • At the initial stage, it is necessary to carry out standard preparation of the carcass for cutting. This means that you must gut it and remove the fins. You can already additionally dry the abdomen at this stage and remove the remaining intestinal films from it.
  • Make a herring on the tail of herring with a depth of no more than one centimeter, and then take it in your hands, begin to make smoking movements on yourself. If you do everything right, then herring will describe circles around its tail.
  • At the next stage, you must tear the fish into two parts with one sharp movement. As a result, you should have two abdomen without bones and a sorcerer with a ridge in your hands. It can be easily separated from the fillet with your hands.
  • At the very end, you will have to remove the remaining small bones and you can cut herring for salad or snacks.

How to quickly and correctly clean the fresh herring from bones on fillet: photo

Freshwater cleaning on fillet

As you already understood, if desired, the herring can be very quickly cleaned of the skin and bones. If you want to simplify this process as much as possible, then use the method described below.

In this case, you can get a beautiful fillet without bones literally in a matter of minutes. True, you must remember that it is easiest to clean in this way as large as possible.


  • Take a fresh herring, gut it and clean it from intestinal films
  • Remove the fins with kitchen scissors, and then with a knife make a longitudinal incision along the ridge line
  • Next, put your finger into the fish and start carefully separate the fillet
  • Having separated one half, put it aside and remove the bones from the other fillet with the same movements
  • Inspect the herring, and if required, remove small seeds with tweezers

How to get rid of small bones in the herring?

Small Bones' herring from herring

A large number of people refuse to use herring due to the presence of small bones in it. But if you do not buy a finished fillet, but try to make it yourself, then you can simply get rid of the bones. If you filter the pickled or salted herring, then you will need to arm yourself with ordinary tweezers and gradually remove all the bones from the fibers.

But keep in mind that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bone ridge are placed quite deeply and for this reason they can sometimes be seen with eyes. In view of this, it will be better if you first remove all visible bones, and then begin to carefully probe the fillet with fingertips and remove everything that you will find. This procedure should be finished only after your fingers stop finding the bones. If you remove the bones from a frozen fish, then it will need to be cleaned from the skin first and filter, and then literally put in slightly salted water for 15 minutes.

After this time, the fish will need to be removed from the brine, rinse, and then it is easy to remove all the seeds with tweezers. And finally, we want to tell you about the radical but very fast method of removing small bones. In order to get rid of them alone, you will need to take and carefully draw a longitudinal line along the upper part of the fillet with a knife (its width should be approximately 5 mm). Having done this, you immediately remove all the bones and you do not have to spend time looking for them with your hands and removal with tweezers.

What herring to buy: fillet or cut yourself?

Herring recommendations

If you want to make a herring fillet yourself, then you need to choose the right fish for this. If you decide to save and buy not quite high -quality herring, then the perfect fillet is unlikely to work out. Therefore, when choosing this product in the market, in a store or supermarket, first of all, pay attention to its smell.

To do this, it is not even necessary to pick him up. You can just come as close as possible to the counter on which the herring lies, and inhale deeply. If it is spoiled, then you will feel a rather specific and unpleasant smell that will give a rot. A fresh and properly stored herring will have a pronounced sea smell. After making sure that the fish smells right, try to feel it, paying special attention to the abdomen.

If you feel that it is too soft, then with a high probability you have a stale product that has been defrosted many times. Be sure to look at what color the gills of the herring are. If they are dark red and elastic, then you can safely make a purchase. Well, finally, look at the eyes. If they are muddy, then this indicates that the seller offers you a completely spoiled product.

How to cut herring at the factory, in production: video

Above, we have already introduced you to simple home methods of turning the carcass of herring into an ideal fillet. And as you already, probably, understood this task to the power of any person, even to those who have never prepared anything in their lives.

But finally, we decided to show you that the fillet made on an industrial scale can also be of high quality and tasty. To do this, we bring to your attention a video from which you will learn how to cut this delicious fish in large industries.

How beautiful to serve herring on the table: photo

Idea for serving # 1
Idea for serving No. 2
Idea for serving No. 3
Herring with boiled potatoes
Idea for serving # 4
Idea for serving No. 5

Video: how to clean the herring of bones. Lifehack

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