How to properly and carefully stick a protective glass on the screen screen, a tablet without bubbles at home: instruction, photo, video. How to remove air bubbles from under protective glass: tips

How to properly and carefully stick a protective glass on the screen screen, a tablet without bubbles at home: instruction, photo, video. How to remove air bubbles from under protective glass: tips

How to perfectly stick, glue, glue the protective glass on the screen of a mobile, smartphone or tablet at home.

From the article you will learn how to glue protective glass on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 7, Xiaomi, so that later you will not have to get rid of air tubercles that appeared under the glass.

How to properly and carefully stick a protective glass on the screen of the Samsung smartphone without bubbles: Instruction, photo video

  • For any device used daily, protection is required. And if you are the owner of an ultramodern gadget, then neglect of the possibility of installing a protective coating on the display can cause chips, scratches on the screen.
  • Such additional protection will help to preserve the gadget an attractive look longer, and also extend the period of its active use. Even the top devices that have a special screen protection need additional protection in the form of glass. After all, the strongest glass from which the display is made can be scratched with sand, keys.

Protective glass is a reliable barrier from scratches, strokes, chips. After installing the additional protection, various defects in the gadget display are not terrible.

If you follow the instructions, you can cope with this difficult task at home yourself.

Protective glass is a reliable barrier from scratches, strokes, chips.

How to glue the protective glass on the smartphone screen?

  • A beginner may think that the process of gluing protective glass is complex. But, having trained a little, you will become a real specialist in this matter.
  • A significant difference does not exist in the screen of which device you will install a protective coating. This will be an iPhone, smartphone or tablet, the procedure for action has no significant differences.
  • In order not to have to carry out the procedure for gluing protection several times, an inexperienced person should start not with the screen, but with the back panel of the gadget.

The fact that the screen of the device needs protection must be thought immediately after its acquisition, because the display is very sensitive. Various mechanical damage can appear even if the device is constantly in the pocket.

There is a possibility of scratches from coins, keys, or simply from the fact that the owner of the device scratches the gadget's display with a fingernail. In the presence of minimal scratches on the display, no manipulation will save from the appearance of the bubbles during gluing the protective glass from the appearance of bubbles.

That is why if you decide to remove the old protective glass and change it to a new one, you must act extremely carefully.

What will be needed for work:

  • alcohol napkin
  • dry napkin
  • special liquid for cleaning TV or computers
  • scotch
  • protective hardened glass
What will be needed for work
What will be needed for work

Step 1:

  • Let's start the process of gluing protective glass with the preparation of the workplace. In the room where you will engage in protective coating, you need to carry out wet cleaning.
  • Thus, you will reduce the amount of dust and a micromer soaring in the air. You can avoid the appearance of air bubbles if the process of gluing protective glass is held in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • If you glue the protective glass in the bedroom, you will have to spray water from the spray gun so that the textiles available here do not attract particles of garbage and do not complicate the procedure.

Step 2:

  • Hands need to be washed with soap. It is also worth it to have wet wipes in case, despite cleaning, dust particles fall on their hands or on a working surface. You can remove them without rising.
  • All necessary tools, devices, protective glass are on a clean work surface.
All the tools necessary for work, devices, protective glass are placed on a clean work surface

Step 3:

  • We remove the old protective glass from the phone screen, pulling a little by the edge at an angle of 60 degrees.

Step 4:

  • Microfiber or a conventional alcohol with a telephone display. It is important to remove all the pollution remaining after the removed old protective glass.
  • You can use a special cleaner that is sold in technology stores.

If you have time, then such a tool is quite possible to cook yourself. The recipe is as follows:

  • We take 5 parts of water and one part of alcohol.
  • In the resulting mixture, add a liquid for washing dishes (a little).
  • The resulting mixture we rub the phone screen until the shine appears.
  • We remove the remaining dust particles or particles of the micromer with a piece of tape.
We remove the old protective glass from the phone screen, pulling a little by the edge

Step 5:

  • We take out the protective glass from the package. We find a film and remove it.
    The protective glass must be placed so that the central button and speaker coincide with the holes in the glass.
  • We draw a finger from the center to the lower edge, thus fixing the overhead surface.
  • We take a credit card or a special spatula that is often sold complete with a protective glass. We carry out on the glued glass, not very pressing on its surface, and remove small air bubbles.
  • A few days after the completion of the procedure, very tiny tubercles will disappear themselves. However, it is necessary to ensure that the display coating has a smooth, perfectly smooth surface.
Why protective hardened glass is better than a special display film

Why protective hardened glass is better than a special display film:

  • Protective glass does not affect the color rendering and sensitivity of the gadget
  • Hardened glass - reliable protection of the original glass of the gadget from falling and other mechanical damage
  • Glass at home is easier to stick, because the bubbles remain under the film from the dust particles of any size
  • It is almost impossible to determine the presence of protective glass on the screen
  • The gadget is not weighted in the presence of protective glass, the dimensions remain the same
  • The protective glass has an oleophobic coating, which serves as a reliable protection against mechanical damage
  • The surface of the glass is pleasant to the touch.
  • Unlike the film, hardened glass is not peeled off by accident, since it is fixed firmly and reliably

If you have purchased a high -quality coating, then such a protective glass can be repeatedly glued to a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 7, Xiaomi. With repeated use after careful removal of the coating, you need to treat the adhesive side with ant alcohol.

  • The napkin is wetted with a special tool, and the glass is lightly wiped. Then it is necessary to leave the gadget for a while so that the glass fluid.
    Protection is established in the same way as described above.
  • The main thing is that the holes for the central button and the speaker coincide. Air and the remains of the liquid with a credit card or spatula are again driven out.

From the video you will learn a simple way to equip the gadget with a protective surface made of hardened glass without resorting to the help of a specialist.

Video: how to stick a protective glass on the screen

Video: Glass on Xiaomi Redmi 4x

How to properly and carefully stick a protective glass on the screen screen iPhone without bubbles: Instructions, photo video

Protective glass is selected in accordance with a specific brand of the phone. Therefore, pre -processing of the protective coating is not required, unlike a conventional film.

Protective glass is glued on the front side of the gadget, in the same sequence as the film. You only need to take into account some nuances:

  • All manipulations are carried out with caution
  • A strong bend can cause a crack on the glass
  • Stuck glass can not be smoothed out, the main thing is to drive out the resulting air bubbles
Protective glass is selected in accordance with a particular phone brand

How to perfectly glue the protective glass on the tablet without bubbles: instructions, video

Video instruction will help to stick protective glass on the tablet.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on a tablet

How to remove air bubbles from under protective glass: tips

  • It is better to carry out all manipulations in a room with a limited amount of textiles (in the bathroom, in the kitchen).
  • The bubbles that appear after gluing are removed by smoothing the surface of the protective glass with a flat object (for example, a credit card).
  • If the air bubbles still remain, then it is better to repeat the procedure for gluing glass. But before this, the gadget's screen must be wiped with a special napkin, which is equipped with a protective coating.
  • The micromurian from protective glass is also removed by this napkin. In the absence of a special napkin, computer is used.
  • When gluing a protective glass, the device is better to hold with the left hand. The thumb needs to hold the edge of the protective surface.
  • Stick carefully. Make sure that air does not fall under the protective coating and that the integrity of the protective accessory is not violated.
  • If air bubbles remained under the glass, then it must be lifted over the edge, and then carefully lower it so that the air does not hit.

Now you don’t have to look for information on how to glue the protective glass on a smartphone, iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6s, 7, Xiaomi, because we collected all the answers in the same article.

Video: How to stick a protective glass on the iPhone screen

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