How to properly iron the dog so that she likes: the places of touch that and do not like dogs

How to properly iron the dog so that she likes: the places of touch that and do not like dogs

How and where to properly iron the dog.

Many of us love pets, so they seek to make their lives as comfortable as possible. To do this, they purchase the best food, visit the veterinarian, making all the necessary vaccinations. However, few people know how to properly iron the dog. In this article we will tell you how to do it. 

When is it impossible to stroke the dog?

Many of us believe that any touch to the dog should cause him delight or pleasant sensations. In fact, everything happens exactly the opposite. After we touched the dog, we see his strange reaction, he squeezes his ears, looks from the sneaky. This means that the dog does not like that you are stroked with it,or The place is not suitable. Perhaps the touch give her discomfort. Therefore, it is advisable to stop any caresses so as not to annoy the dog. 

When you can not stroke the dog:

  • When she is in the process of playing, in a playful mood, runs after the ball or indulges with other dogs. In this case, she is not at all to the affection, she wants to play. In this case, the pet can inadequately respond to your touch. This can serve as a kind of call to play, so a friend can easily grab the fingers or poke his nose into his palm, distract, wagging his tail. This means that the dog does not want strokes, the main desire is games and fun. 
  • While eating. The fact is that almost all dogs, regardless of how long it is with you, is treated carefully and scrupulously. Many people noticed, if you approach the dog during a meal, she begins to growl, grimaces and threaten. Accordingly, in any case, it is impossible to touch the dog while eating. 
  • The dog is sick, or sleeps. Any stroking can wake the dog, or aggravate its condition. Therefore, refrain from stroking at such moments. An ideal option for caresses with a dog is rest time, after a walk. The dog wants affection only when it is well -fed, clean and walked. Accordingly, it is best to carry out such manipulations after a walk, feeding, as well as bathing a dog. 
Games with a pet
Games with a pet

How to stroke the dog to like it?

How to iron the dog? In no case should you move against wool growth.

How to properly iron the dog so that she likes:

  • The fact is that they can cause discomfort in the dog, so the reaction follows ambiguous, inadequate.
  • Even the most obedient dog can rush, growl or run away. Therefore, postpone caresses until the next times, and in no case do not stroking against the wool. 
  • Gently go to the dog in a special way. The fact is that if you go too fast, the dog can be scared and regard it as an attack.
  • Therefore, go medium, measured and complete confidence with a gait.
  • You must be absolutely calm and not be afraid. Dogs really feel fear, it can spur them to bite or react inadequately. 
PSA reaction
PSA reaction

Why do dogs love them to be scratched when they are stroked?

It is necessary to approach not right in the direction of the muzzle, but a little extending with an arc, so as to become the side of the dog. The dog will be able to evaluate the distance, will understand that you do not want her evil.

Why do dogs love them to be scratched when they are stroked:

  • The touch of the owner to the dog is usually always perceived well. The fact is that this is a sign of attachment. In addition, dogs want to feel necessary and useful. They are always devoted to their master.
  • Therefore, any incentives on his part are perceived very well. The dog perceives stroking its master, as encouraging, affection. This is a sign that a person is pleased with his pet.
  • It is best to stroking in the area behind the ears and between them. No need to stroke the withers, you can stroke the sides with light movements. Try not to touch other places, and in no case do not carry out pathetic movements.
  • Try to talk in a calm and confident voice. If you notice that the dog takes their steps back, lowered his ears and looks at you from the sneak, it is best not to annoy the dog, leave him alone.

Where is it better to stroke the dog so that she is pleased?

There is a place, when stroking which the dog experiences pleasant emotions, she really likes it.

Where is it better to stroke the dog so that she is pleased:

  • Such places include the area behind the ears, between the ears, between the eyes and the side of the tummy, chest, that is, on the sides. But there are places where you should not stroke. In most cases, the dog will stand silently, and expect the end of the action.
  • She does not want to disappoint her master, cause him discomfort and anxiety. Therefore, in most cases, the pet will just sit and be silent, pulling his eyes, or pursing his ears.
  • After you finish ironing, the dog will just leave. This does not mean that she is pleased, she just endures, and does not want to disappoint you. After all, dogs are very attached to their owners. 

Is it possible to iron the dog on the head, nose, scratch behind the ear, stroke the throat, chest?

The most unpleasant places for the dog are the following: 

  • In the face of the muzzle. In particular, discomfort can cause stroking just below the lower lip and jaw. In this area there are very hard hair that acts as an organs of senses. This area is extremely sensitive, so touching it can cause discomfort. 
  • The lower body, in particular in the tail. There are also certain places that are mainly stimulated during knitting. Therefore, do not stroke the dog in this area. 
  • Also, do not stroke the tail, as well as paws. Almost all dogs cause stroking discomfort in the front and hind legs. Under the ban, the zone near intimate areas. However, some dogs can fall on their back, thereby playing. They love when they scratch their stomach. In this case, it is better to carry out not stroking, but with nails, that is, scratching the tummy. It is best to do this in the upper part, and not closer to the genitals, if it is a male. 
Games with a pet
Games with a pet

Why can't you stroke the dog on the head?

Many owners may not carry out stroking, but patting movements. Usually they are carried out in the lower body of the body, closer to the tail, or on the sides. Some dogs can perceive the pattern as a punishment. Do not stroke and pat the dog on the head.

Why is it impossible to stroke the dog on the head:

  • There is a thin fat layer on the head and a lot of sensitive zones, the touch of which can cause discomfort in the dog.
  • Any movements in this zone are perceived as rudeness, physical strength, and its manifestation.
  • Therefore, completely refuse to strok the head and pathetic, this is by no means encouraging the dog, and do not cause a pleasant sensation in it.
  • You can pay attention to the fact that after the implementation of such movements, the dog packed the ears and tilts the muzzle down.
  • This means that she is unpleasant, and it is advisable to stop such actions. 

Why does the dog like it that you stroke it with your foot?

Many of us noticed that the dogs like it when you stroke them with your foot or touching them with your toe. This can be explained, because dogs have stronger developed senses than people. The most interesting thing is that the smell of sweat, socks, dogs like it, because this is the smell and the owner. Therefore, they do not mind that the owner carry out such touch.


Why can't you stroke other people's dogs?

Many of us want to stroke the unfamiliar dog while walking in the park, or to caress the dog of their friend or neighbor.

Why cannot you stroke other people's dogs:

  • It is advisable not to take any active actions without the permission of the owner. Ask the character of the dog and ask to stroke it. Only with the permission of the owner, proceed to the plan.
  • The fact is that almost all dogs are wary of strangers. What is allowed to the owner, they do not allow others to do. Some dogs are negative about any touch that come from strangers.
  • But many love affection, so with pleasure they will accept such stroking. In any case, ask the owner.
Frightened dog
Frightened dog

In no case should you approach the homeless dogs with the desire to stroke them. This is an unfamiliar dog that is unknown how it will react to your touch. 

Video: How to iron a dog?

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Comments K. article

  1. Lord, well, nonsense. It seems that you have crystal dogs. So do not look at them, they don’t blow at them, they will break. For all my 40 years of possession of the nursery, not a single dog “experienced discomfort and fear” from the fact that they felt behind her ear, scratched her belly or stroked her back and did not give a god they felt for the Lyakhu. So that my dog \u200b\u200bgrowls on me? During the meal, I can pull out food from her mouth, and she will not even dare to a tooth on me, not to grow in, and your article is apparently written from experience with some spitters and other inadequate decoys? I am a mistress, I can say the king and God for the dog, and I can do what I want, and almost everything that you described in the article is a marriage, an inadequate psyche and a coward. If anything, I have a nursery of Rizenov

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