How to properly iron a shirt: step -by -step instructions, modern technologies to facilitate ironing. How to stroke the shirt in a minute?

How to properly iron a shirt: step -by -step instructions, modern technologies to facilitate ironing. How to stroke the shirt in a minute?


How to iron a shirt: a detailed instruction with a photo.

A shirt is the main element of a female and men's business suit. It is not surprising that the ironing of shirts is the daily duty of thousands of people. In order for this duty to be a joy, and not cause a lot of trouble, we suggest learning how to properly iron a shirt, as well as use the latest technologies that facilitate our life.

How to properly iron a shirt: step -by -step instructions with a photo

Want to know how to properly iron a shirt? We will tell about this intricate process from scratch so that the issue of ironing shirt does not seem terrible and voluminous.

  • The first rule of ironing clothes is to study the label. It indicates in what temperature mode the product can be stroked (and is it possible at all), because part of the shirts from synthetic fiber cannot be ironed at all (what we will do with them a little later).
Give a shirt to a girl - for many the easiest way out to strok a shirt
Give a shirt to a girl is for many the easiest way out to stroke a shirt
  • The second rule of ironing shirts - do not dry the product to the state of the "cracker". Gather shirts for ironing in a slightly wet state. If you have already overdried, hang on the hanger and spray slightly from the spray gun and give it to hang for 10 minutes and only after that you can start ironing.
  • The next step is to turn the shirt on the wrong side. This is a mandatory rule for those who want to wear a shirt for a long time and not to glue the traces of the iron.
  • Choose the temperature regime on the label on the label. Please note that you can have several shirts and each will indicate its own temperature regime. You need to choose by degrees (indicated on the iron or in the instructions for it, as well as in brackets on the label under the icon of the iron).
  • Inexperienced often make such an error: two points are indicated on the label, they choose the mode on the iron iron and begin to iron. Moreover, the probability that the temperature regime in this case will coincide 50/50. But are you ready to take risks, especially if the shirt is expensive?
  • If the shirt is not new and there is no shortcut, put the iron on the minimum mode and reward the small area from below (which is refueling in the trousers), if it is not smoothed out, add the temperature to one mode. But if you feel that the iron glides poorly, this means that the fabric melts and it is necessary to reduce the temperature. After reduce the temperature, wait 1-2 minutes and only then continue the ironing.
  • Steam is an indispensable assistant to stroke the shirt. Expose the function on the iron, but if there is no one, spray a little water on the shirt and reward. When the iron with water is in contact, the same steam forms.

In household stores, you often meet small ironing boards, which many mistakenly take for a tourist version of a full -fledged board. Everything is a little more complicated - this is a special device for ironing small details and sleeves of shirts in particular. Get such an assistant and you will understand how easier it facilitates the process.

Now we move on to the very action of how to properly iron the shirt:

  • Turning the shirt on the wrong side, stretch the sleeves and straighten the cuffs;
Wet shirt - fast ironing!
Wet shirt - fast ironing!
  • First of all, iron the cuffs of the shirt;
  • We go to the ironing of the sleeves. We fold the sleeve so that the seam lay closer to you and level with your hand in the opposite side of the seam, when you are moving with your hand, you can iron it with an iron. Thus, you iron the two sides simultaneously without the formation of unnecessary folds and irregularities;
We strok the sleeves first
We strok the sleeves first
  • Now we move to the outside of the sleeve, which many leave with the fold, it does not look very beautiful. Therefore, we recommend ironing the sleeve, leaving 1 cm on the outside, after which we must slightly move the upper layer of the fabric on yourself, so that the not completely ironed part is from above, and walk over it again. If there is a stand for ironing sleeves, it is enough to iron on one side, scroll and iron it from the second;
Thoroughly iron the places near the buttons
Thoroughly iron the places near the buttons
  • The next part is the front half of the shirt on which the buttons are located. Carefully rewrite around each button and only then iron the main part. If you put the shirt on the edge of the board (it usually narrows), the zone near the shoulder and the sleeve is not difficult to iron. Otherwise, you can use the above stand;
The edge of the ironing board is an ideal place for ironing the upper zone of the shirt
The edge of the ironing board is an ideal place for ironing the upper zone of the shirt
  • Moving the second half of the shirt, where the loops. This half strokes without problems;
  • Turn the shirt and put it so that the collar hangs slightly from the edge of the board, and the sleeves and front from the side parts of the board. Now take the back, tighten in one direction, reward and in the second direction. 30 seconds and back is ironed;
It remains to iron the collar and the shirt is ready!
It remains to iron the collar and the shirt is ready!
  • It remains to iron the collar. We strok it from the wrong side so that the traces of the iron are not visible, then we throw the collar on the bend, put the thin fabric (in order to avoid all the same traces of the iron) and smell the angle between the counter and the extinct part of the shirt.

In conclusion, it is worth adding how to store ironed shirts. Each shirt hangs on a separate hanger and fastened with all the buttons. Bringing in the closet, straightening it among things. So you can put shirts for the whole working week!

How to stroke the shirt in a minute?

We will immediately assume that this is not a panacea that will do everything for you. This is the technique that Thomas Mayers Levin offers. In the first time, the ironing may take a little more time, and then you will reach the coveted 60 seconds to stroke the shirt.

Thomas Mayers Levin offers:

  • Do not waste time spraying water on separate parts of the shirt, but moisten it before you begin to iron;
  • We straighten the cuffs and iron in one movement (the iron with steam works miracles);
  • We lay out the sleeve and iron with two movements (the fold remains on the outer part, but for a quick solution this is not a problem, right?);
  • With a bed of shirt on the back and several movements we lay a shelf at the collar;
  • We spread the collar and iron it with one motion;
  • Loaming on the edge of the board a shirt and begin to iron, constantly moving it towards ourselves in order to iron all the parts.

For a detailed study of this technique, we give a video a lesson in an incomparable Thomas.

Video: How to Iron a Shirt

How to iron a shirt: modern technologies to facilitate ironing

In this section, we will talk about the secrets used by housewives around the world. Expensive or cheap, interesting or pointless - you decide.

  • The air conditioning for washing - the whole cap is a miracle of funds and shirts after drying are dented much less, and ironing is much easier.
  • Drywall with thick tubes instead of fishing line is an excellent solution, because when drying, the very crease with which you usually struggle the longest (right?) Is not formed.
  • Dry the shirt on a metal or plastic hanger. A wooden hanger or with a fabric tightening can leave stains on a shirt, and deteriorate from moisture.
  • A steam generator is a great way to stroke the shirt of steam. To do this, it is enough to hang a shirt on a hanger and blow a steam. The steam is supplied under high pressure, piercing the fibers of the fabric and thereby smoothing. Remember, at the beginning of the article we talked about shirts that cannot be stroked? If, after drying, they still do not look very aesthetically pleasing, go through them a steam.
Steam generator - the latest device for ironing clothes
Steam generator - the latest device for ironing clothes

A device for drying and ironing clothes. Appreciate your time and comfort, and are you ready to pay for it? Buy a newfangled device for drying and ironing products, and the question of how to iron your shirt will no longer arise! It is enough to hang a squeezed shirt on the device and turn on one of the modes. At the end of the drying, you will receive an ideal shirt that can be dressed immediately.

A device for drying and ironing clothes - a real find for those who do not like an iron
A device for drying and ironing clothes - a real find for those who do not like an iron

We hope we answered all your questions how to properly iron a shirt, and now you can simplify this process until the minimum time. And in conclusion, we propose to get acquainted with the video instruction on the ironing of the shirt.

Video: Presidential Ideal Male Shirt ironing


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