How to make a minion to a guy, a man? Is it normal to do a guy, a man of a minion? How to learn how to make a guy, man Mignon: description, photo, video

How to make a minion to a guy, a man? Is it normal to do a guy, a man of a minion? How to learn how to make a guy, man Mignon: description, photo, video

Options and features of the implementation of the minion to a man.

Now there is a lot of information on how to make a man pleasant. There are many sex techniques. Non -standard and not quite traditional options for sexual caresses are in fashion. In particular, it is anal and oral sex. But well, a man can be done with his hands.

What is a minion to a man, a guy?

The minion is also a blowjob, only the lips, tongue and mouth help. The result is a mixture of oral sex and erotic massage. There are a huge number of varieties of blowjob, there is also enough technique.

Blowjob techniques:

  1. Tea bags. This is one of the options for oral sex, in which not only the stimulation of the penis is carried out, but also the licking of the testicles. In this case, a woman should completely immerse one or two testicles in her mouth, carrying out circular movements with a tongue.
  2. Irrumation. This is a deep blowjob in which the penis is completely immersed in the throat. For this, the most convenient is the pose lying on the bed, with a downside down. The partner becomes over a woman and introduces a member deep into her mouth. In this case, vomiting are possible. Therefore, try to eat and drink nothing 2 hours before sex.
  3. Caresses with your hands. In this case, in the delivery of pleasure, both the lips with the tongue and the hands participate. It is necessary that the hands are continuing the lips. When the lips fall below, the hands should also drop below. Do not forget about the language, he must fade the head, looming the circle.
  4. Sucking. The lips and arms participate in this technique. You can caress the testicles with your hand, and your lips need to create a vacuum. At the same time, inhale the air from time to time and create a vacuum. Do not touch your teeth at the same time. I participate not only lips and hands.
What is a minion to a man, a guy?
What is a minion to a man, a guy?

Is it normal - to do a guy, a man minion, is it worth doing?

Around oral sex there are a lot of prejudices. But in fact, this is the relationship of only two people. It doesn’t matter what stereotypes exist. You can be a decent and business girl, but in bed to turn into a skillful mistress. That is why it is worth mastering as many minion techniques as possible and delight your partner.

Advantages of the minion:

  • Brings partners together. A trusting relationship arises between lovers.
  • Reduces the risk of betrayal. Very often, men in marriage are looking for relaxed women on the side, as the wife is in no hurry to realize a man’s sexual fantasies.
  • Makes sexual life brighter. Many men are empathic, they love emotions. And they are ready to give a lot, getting a blowjob. Thus, a woman also gets more from sex.
Is it normal - to do a guy, a man minion, is it worth doing?
Is it normal - to do a guy, a man minion, is it worth doing?

How to learn how to make a mignon to a guy correctly: description, photo, video

First you need to start with the simplest ways. This can be done with your lips and help yourself with your hands. In men in the body and in the crotch, there are many nerve endings, stroking which can be achieved by a strong erection.


  1. Subtract the head shallow in your mouth and press your lips. Using the language, make circular movements. In this case, it is necessary to stroke the testicles and in the direction of the penis. Pay special attention to the bridle.
  2. You can not use the lips and the tongue. A peculiar massage will turn out. To do this, moisten the member with massage oil and hold it in the palm of your hand. Take movements from top to bottom as masturbation. At the same time, glide with your palm over the head, changing the direction of movements. Rub the bridle with two fingers. After that, click a member with two hands, squeeze and unclench your palms.
  3. Lie on your back so that your head hangs out of bed or from the table. The partner should stand on top and enter a member in the mouth. Try to stick out your tongue and put it on the testicles.
How to learn how to make a mignon to a guy correctly: description, photo, video
How to learn how to make a mignon to a guy correctly: description, photo, video

Video: Minion techniques

How beautiful to make a good minion to a man, a guy with his hands?

This is a special technique that combines the Thai massage technique. At the same time, lips and mouth may not participate in the process at all. Massage and affection of a member are carried out with massage oil. In this case, stroking the head, bridle and the basics of Lena is carried out.

Unusual options:

  • Use food. It can be a chocolate pasta, whipped cream. They can be coated with the penis and lick.
  • Use ice. Take a piece of ice in your mouth and behind it, caress it with your tongue.
  • Use candies. Unusual sensations give mint candies. It can be Halls or Mentos.

You can watch more about how to caress a member with your hands.

Video: Hand caresses

How to persuade a girl to a Mignon to a guy, a man?

Almost all men like to receive oral affection, as well as massaging a member with their hands. However, due to stereotypes, a huge number of women refuse to make a blowjob. This mainly applies to unfamiliar partners. In turn, many men want to get everything without doing anything. For many, oral sex on the first date is considered the norm. Do not be surprised if on the first evening the girl does not want to make a minion and refuses. As you get together and develop trusting relationships, sex will also become better.

What should not be done:

  • Press the girl. The exception is girls prone to subordination, for whom forced blowjob and sex are the norm.
  • Joke about oral sex. Irony and such jokes can hurt the girl, and she will not want to meet with you at all.
  • Offer money. Among the guys there are not many who are ready to buy such affection, but are still available. Of course, there is a small chance that your partner will agree, but most likely you will listen to many unpleasant things about your person.
  • If you and your partner have long been, then talk to her about such caresses. Ask or gently hint that you would like to get a minion. If a partner loves you, then he will definitely agree.

It is best to do this in the process of sex. Just ask or hint. At the same time, follow the rules of personal hygiene. The girl will be pleased to feel a pleasant smell from you.

How to persuade a girl to a Mignon to a guy, a man?
How to persuade a girl to a Mignon to a guy, a man?

As you can see, the minion is one of the ways to deliver pleasure to a man. Having removed complexes and prejudices, you will be able to become the best mistress.

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