How to pray correctly in the morning, read the morning prayer rule? Morning Orthodox prayers in Russian for reading for Orthodox people, for beginners

How to pray correctly in the morning, read the morning prayer rule? Morning Orthodox prayers in Russian for reading for Orthodox people, for beginners

In the article you will learn about what morning prayer is and how to carry it out correctly, and also why it is needed.

What is a morning prayer rule?

Every truly believing person knows that every day you need to pray. Prayer for him is a kind of way of meditation, understanding his deeds, a chance to thank the Lord and tell about his fears.

Important: certain prayers deserve readings in the morning after sleep. You can read such a prayer before the expiration of the first “third” of the whole day. This is no more than 4 hours after the sun rises.

The morning prayer rule is a number of prayers that should be read in the first part of the day. As a rule, this prayer is one for all clergymen of the Orthodox churches. This prayer is innermost and has the most beautiful words praising God.

The morning rule contains everything that a person can and should tell the Lord:

  • Gratitude for life and a living night
  • For health and strength in the morning
  • For the dead relatives
  • For living loved ones

The morning prayer is written in Russian quite simply and intelligibly, so that anyone can reach out in the heart.

Rules for reading morning prayer
Rules for reading morning prayer

How to pray correctly in the morning, how to read the morning prayer correctly?

Any holy father in any Orthodox Church will definitely say that the morning prayer rule should be read only when you have already completely woken up. The mind for prayer and consciousness should be clear, and your every word should go from the heart.

The morning prayer rule contains several prayers. But if you are an ordinary believer, and not a clergyman, you can limit yourself to only two or three prayers, the most beloved and understandable. Choose the most vivid prayers for yourself and read them in the morning in front of the icon, delving into every word.

Modern man lives in the leg. With the development of technology, there are such methods of prayers as listening to audio files. Yes, you can also listen to morning prayer songs on the way to work in headphones or a car.

The main thing for you is a clear awareness, understanding and adoption of each prayer word, whether it is read by heart or repeated for a song. Of course, ideally, you need to have icons at home, and it is at home, in your native walls in the morning to pray before leaving the house and start work.

Morning prayer rule: all prayers

For reading, you can choose absolutely any prayer from the following.

The prayer of the taxter -the prayer with which a person makes repentance, recognizing his sins and asking for forgiveness.

Prayer morning rule: prayer number 1
Prayer morning rule: prayer number 1

Prayer "Visual" -it is necessary in order to start the morning prayer rule. After it, all other prayers go or only those that you have chosen. It is necessary for moral calm, good mood, cleansing the soul and body from doubts and fears, anxieties.

The beginning of the morning prayer
The beginning of the morning prayer

Usually, Prayer "Holy Spirit" It is read by the clergyman before the start of any ministry. The Holy Spirit is one of the faces of the Lord and this prayer is needed in order to show his reverence and love to God.

One of the main morning prayers
One of the main morning prayers

"Trisvyatny" It is part of the beginning of any church service. The prayer is very strong, it is read three times and in it a person asks for forgiveness and pardon from the Lord.

An important part of any service in the church
An important part of any service in the church

A beautiful and strong prayer that is needed for the “unity” of a person with himself, with the world, with people and, of course, with the Lord.

Prayer of the Blessed Trinity
Prayer of the Blessed Trinity

The most powerful prayer - this is "Our Father"that every Orthodox person should know. The day of the believer begins with her and she ends. She strengthens faith in the Lord, gives strength to a new day and helps to cope with difficulties.

Our Father
Our Father

This prayer is honored by the Holy Trinity.

Tropari troparia
Tropari troparia

Next, you are offered a complete list of prayers that you can read every or festive morning. This should be done before the holy images so that your prayers are heard and accepted by the Lord. Be sure to read prayers with a purely soul and a loving heart, understanding and clearly pronouncing every word.

Tip: If you do not know prayers, write them out to yourself. First you can read from the sheet, then tear your eyes a little and only over time, when you learn a prayer, read it as a song.

Morning prayers:

Morning prayer No. 1
Morning prayer No. 1
Morning prayer No. 2
Morning prayer No. 2
Morning prayer No. 3
Morning prayer No. 3
Morning prayer No. 4
Morning prayer No. 4
Morning prayer No. 5
Morning prayer No. 5
Morning prayer No. 6
Morning prayer No. 6
Morning prayer No. 7
Morning prayer No. 7
Morning prayer No. 8
Morning prayer No. 8

Important: it will also not be superfluous to read the prayer for the living and after it a prayer for the deceased. They are quite long and especially relevant on holidays of church days, as well as in order to remember the departed relatives and ask the Lord for their health for those loved ones who are alive and healthy.

The end of the morning prayer
The end of the morning prayer

Video: "The rule of morning prayer"

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