How to complain about the group in VK: In what cases do you need to do this?

How to complain about the group in VK: In what cases do you need to do this?

Don't know how to complain about the VK group? This article has all the necessary instructions and other useful material.

In contact is a huge social network with many profiles, different content and communities.

  • This is a self -regulatory social network, since admins cannot keep track of all the profiles of the site, records, photos and video content.
  • Therefore, in this social network there are special tools that help administrators tell the presence of unacceptable content.
  • For example, the community has photos, videos or records of indecent, unacceptable nature.
  • How to report this to the administrators of VK? Look for an answer in this article.

In what cases is it worth complaining about the VK group?

Unacceptable video content in the VK group
Unacceptable video content in the VK group

The VKontakte social networks prescribe the rules and there is a list of permissible content, which can be published on the pages of the resource: in people's profiles, in groups, on public pages.

Often people, placing some notes on their profile walls or in groups, do not even suspect that it is unacceptable. This applies, for example, to the creation of Signah VK.

  • Girls and even guys write the names of their passions or other people who asked them about this, on different parts of the body.
  • Then they take pictures of themselves and send the sewer to their friend, another user or place on the page.
  • However, they do not even think that the photo can be erotic or pornographic.

If you do not know how to make a sewn VK, read article on our website on this link.

So, here is the list of content that should not be published on any pages of the social network:

  • Posts, photos, videos and other content that is related to suicide or calls for the performance of certain actions.
  • Materials that fall under the propaganda of extremism and violence.
  • Erotic and pornographic video materials in which young children under 18 years old take part.
  • Articles, photos and videos that contain information with drug promotion.
  • Photos and video for adults.
  • Content that offends the honor and dignity of individuals or population groups.

Of course, this is not the whole list. But thanks to him, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat can be on the pages of the social network and what is prohibited for publication. If you saw a record, photo or video in a group of obscene nature, then you can file a claim against it. After that, the contents of the community will be verified and deleted by admins. If the group publishes inappropriate posts again, then it will certainly be sent to the ban and blocked.

How to complain about the group in VK?

If you notice the facts of insults in some community, send a claim to the administrators of the social network. They will definitely study its content and take all important measures: remove the record or ban the community if such posts appear in it constantly.

Complaint about the post of VK

First, consider how to send a claim to one post of VK group. Here is the briefing:

Click for the duration of the post
Click for the duration of the post
  • Go to the right community.
  • Find a publication that causes unpleasant emotions.
  • Click the time when it was published.
  • This post will open in a separate window.
  • There is an active record below "More" - Click on her.
  • A drop -down menu will appear. Press "Complain".
Click "complain"
  • Then the window will open in which you will see a notice that this post has already been noted as spam. But you need to put a mark opposite the record, which concerns the fact that made the post inappropriate.
Select a item that refers to your complaint
Select a item that refers to your complaint

Everything - your claim is sent and will be verified by admins.

Remember: If you just send a claim to some group or post, then they will not be deleted or blocked, since the moderators carefully check all the claims.

Complaint about the VK group

If you are sure that the whole group contains posts, records, comments, photos or videos aimed at insulting some citizens or several people, then you can send a claim to the entire community as a whole. Here's the instruction, how to do it:

Click "Help"
  • In your profile, in the upper right corner, click in the name near Ava-Miniaturka or to this avatar itself in miniature. Among the sentences from the drop -down menu, select "Help".
  • After that, the section will open in which you need to choose "How to complain to the group".
Click on an active entry
Click on an active entry "How to complain to the group"
  • Then you will see a page with detailed information about what posts and what content are unacceptable. Click "Complain to the community".
Click "Complain to the Community"
  • Then the page will open. On it you will see a form in which you can ask a question about the social network. Describe your problem and indicate that it is exactly that you are satisfied with this group.
  • After the text with a description of the complaint, put a link to the group and click "Send".
Describe your complaint and click on
Describe your complaint and click on "Send"

After such manipulations, your letter will be sent to the administrators of the group. If they decide that you need to find out some clarifying information, then they themselves will contact you. You will also receive a notice of which decision was made about your complaint, for example, the group is blocked. Good luck!

Video: How to complain about the VKontakte group? How to block the VKontakte group?

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