Roses cake design: cream recipes, decoration technology, design ideas. How to prepare a cream for rose for a cake chocolate-coffee, protein, "Charlotte", Swiss oil, cheese: recipe

Roses cake design: cream recipes, decoration technology, design ideas. How to prepare a cream for rose for a cake chocolate-coffee, protein,

In this article, we will consider several options for various creams to decorate the cake with roses, as well as reveal the secrets of their manufacture.

Today there are many ways and ideas on how to organize a holiday. Be it a day of the birth of a loved one or the long-awaited event in the life of every girl is a wedding. Elements of the organization of the celebration can be different, but one remains always unchanged - this is a beautiful cake. Therefore, we bring to your attention recipes and various ways to cook such exquisite elements of a cake decor as roses made of cream.

The basis for decorating a cake with roses: the necessary components

The most common option for decorating a cake is cream flowers. In most cases, these are roses. They can be of various shapes, any color and such an amount that you want only.

  • Additionally, there should be a special kitchen auxiliary equipment at hand - confectionery syringe and plastic cloves of various sizes, which can be ordered today on the Internet at an affordable price. Can be ordered for Aliexpress, see the catalog By this link.
  • And even if there is no such syringe at hand, arm yourself with a simple plastic bag. Only it should be strong enough, ideally use bags-lits. The main thing is that you have desire and patience!
  • The most suitable mass to decorate the cake is the one that has the following characteristics:
    • oily, which can be any saturation;
    • density, because the cream should not spread, but maintain the shape and patterns until the solidification;
    • therefore, the most important criterion is the ability to keep the original form for a long time;
    • in structure to be a moderately harsh - so that the cream does not spread, but it does not turn out very hard;
    • cooled;
    • and only prepared.
Rose cream should be thick enough to keep shape
Rose cream should be thick enough to keep shape
  • It is precisely for this case that the expression is characteristic that "the more modest - the better." The most optimal option is a mixture prepared on the basis of only two components. Only butter and condensed milk will be required. And the resulting composition can be diversified at will by adding some of these ingredients:
    • dyes - natural and food (if decorations are white, then they do not need to be added);
    • coffee is soluble - adds a pleasant aroma and, accordingly, brown color;
    • sugar syrup;
    • sour cream - it is necessary to make it home, since it is more greasy and whips better, getting thick;
    • cocoa - to give mass the color and taste of chocolate;
    • cream to improve white color;
    • flavors: vanilla or vanilla sugar, powder or stick of cinnamon, zest or lemon juice, etc.

It is better to refuse to add the following elements to the cream:

  • solid pieces of fruits or berries;
  • chocolate pieces. The exception is the case if it is crushed to a powder state;
  • any other pieces and particles that may prevent the mass to become ideal for further use. After all, it should come out smooth, homogeneous and brilliant, without extraneous elements.

The best recipes for cream suitable for decorating a cake with roses

Even if you first decided to cook the cake and decorate it with roses - it does not matter! There are many different recipes that consist of various components. Therefore, we want to share with you accessible and understandable recipes that even a novice mistress can handle.

Important: do not try to grab a complex basis and intricate patterns. It is much easier to train with a simple option, for example, on a trial cake for your family members.

Chocolate-coffee cream

Each mistress finds her own "secret ingredient" over the years and practice. What highlights and makes her creation unique and non -trivial. By the way, the cream for creating roses is also great for lubricating cakes. But keep in mind that they should be well saturated. By the way, the first time is the easiest and fastest recipe.

  • For him you will need:
    • coffee (it can be either natural or soluble) - 1, 5 tsp;
    • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar powder - 1 cup;
    • butter - 150 g;
    • milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • vanilin - on the tip of a knife (take a whole bag);
    • coconut chips (only white)-25-30 g.
  • Take a deep bowl so that it is as convenient to mix everything as possible, and the components do not spill over the edges. First, mix at the same time only dry components: powdered sugar, coconut chips, cocoa and vanillin.
  • Then heat milk and dissolve coffee in it. Just keep in mind - the milk should not have time to boil, it only needs to be a little heated to simplify the dissolution process. Natural coffee requires filtering.
  • Then, this warm mixture is gradually added to the dry components. Pour it with a thin stream, stirring constantly. Also add pre -melted butter. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • When not a single lump remains, the cream is already ready for the creation of brown roses with the aroma of coffee. By the way, they can be drawn immediately on the cake.
Cake with coffee-chocolate roses
Cake with coffee-chocolate roses

Delicate protein cream

This recipe is already referring to the original creams for lubricating and decorating cakes and other desserts. It is as simple as the previous option.

  • And the composition requires only a small list of products:
    • only proteins of chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
    • sugar or sugar - 200 g;
    • water - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • lemon juice - 1 tsp. (You can slightly increase the dosage).
  • First you need to cook sweet syrup. To do this, use only water and sugar. Tash on low heat until the grains are completely dissolved.
  • It is more convenient to use powder because it will accelerate the process. But this is not the strict rule. You can use ordinary sugar. Just do not forget to stir the liquid.
  • In the finished syrup, which has already cooled down, it is necessary to pour lemon juice. And even in this matter you can use analogues - take citric acid on the tip of the knife.
  • Beat the proteins separately. Be sure to use a mixer, because you should get a magnificent foam. And in them, pour the syrup into them with a thin stream. Also quickly beat the mixture so as not to lose their splendor.
Protein cream will also give a certain sourness
Protein cream will also give a certain sourness

Swiss oil cream

Here is another insanely delicious recipe for a cream for decorating a cake with roses, which in common people is called "merenga". Its main advantages are that:

  • it is very easy to work with it;
  • he perfectly keeps uniform;
  • it has a stable and ultra-stir texture;
  • it does not flow, even if it is in great heat.

The main thing is not to forget about one small, but very important nuance - after being in the refrigerator, the cake must be held for about half an hour at room temperature. This will contribute to his easy cut.

  • You will need:
    • egg protein - 6 pcs.;
    • sugar - 180 g;
    • butter - 0.5 kg;
    • vanilla essence - 1 tsp;
    • food dye - color at will;
    • several deep bowls.
  • The total cooking time will take no more than 40 minutes. Moreover, this amount is designed for 20 servings.
  • First you need to heat the oil to room temperature, cutting it first into small pieces. So it will reach the required temperature faster.
  • Connect the proteins to sugar in a heat -resistant bowl. This is a prerequisite, since in the future a gradual rise in temperature will be required to 70-75 ° C.
  • Put the mixture in a water bath. To monitor the temperature, you must use the thermometer. It is important to constantly mix the mixture so that nothing is burned and does not stick to the bottom.
  • As soon as you reach the desired temperature, remove the hot mass and begin to whip it until it cools completely and turns into a brilliant and fluffy mixture. This process will take no more than 10 minutes. And in order to accelerate and simplify it, arm yourself with a mixer.
  • Then reduce the speed of the mixer to a minimum and gradually add the oil, carefully knocking down everything. After the oil, vanilla extract is added (optional). Beat until all the bubbles from the surface disappear.
  • As a result - an oil cream that can be diversified as imagination tells you. It is this option that provides for the use of various additives.
  • For example, various seasonal berries in the amount of 160 g, which must be chopped with a blender. Or about 200 g of grated chocolate. You can also add condensed milk or caramel, only you need to reduce the amount of sugar initially.
  • And arm yourself with a little cunning - the cream can be divided into several parts to create multi -colored roses.
You can create multi -colored compositions
You can create multi -colored compositions

Cream "Charlotte"

It is ideal not only for an unusual decoration of the cake, but also for its layer.

  • You will need:
    • 200 g of sugar;
    • 250 g of butter;
    • 150 ml of milk;
    • 2 g of Vanilin.
  • Mix milk and sugar in the pan in an amount of 50-100 g. Slightly beat the mixture with a whisk. After add the remaining sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Put on small fire and cook until the mass thickened, while constantly stirring. The mixture in its consistency should resemble condensed milk. If you do this syrup for the first time and are not very sure of your abilities, then it is better to prepare it in a water bath.
  • It is necessary to give a mixture to cool. So that it is not covered with a crust, it is better to cover the pan with a film.
  • While the syrup cools down, beaten oil with vanilla in a deep bowl separately in a deep bowl. When the oil is already ready, add syrup into it gradually (about 1 spoon) and beat well. It is also better to use a whisk.
  • After all this, put the mass in the refrigerator for 5-7 minutes so that it grabs. And you can safely decorate the cake.
Cream "Charlott" is very easy to use

Rose cheese cream recipe

Its name is cremic, which already speaks of the homeland of such a cream. He is insanely popular in the States. But beyond their borders I found many fans. Moreover, cooking does not require special skills.

  • And the composition is not distinguished by complexity:
    • any cottage cheese - 0.5 kg;
    • any flavorings and dyes - in fact;
    • butter - 160 g;
    • sugar powder - 0.5 cups.
  • The oil must be heated until the texture is soft. To speed up this process - cover a piece with a glass into which boiling water was previously poured.
  • Now it needs to be beaten with a mixer at maximum power to splendor. Add additional components and powder. Mix well again.
  • But keep the cheese in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then add to the oil. Beat a few more minutes at high power until the cream is uniform.
Kreminz is insanely tasty and incredibly easy to use
Kreminz is insanely tasty and incredibly easy to use

How to make roses on a cake: cooking technology

After you have decided on the cream, you must start the most important process. The most important thing is to be patient.

  • Ideally, use a special nail for the preparation of flowers. But, if one was not at hand, then you can use an ordinary saucer.
  • Cut parchment paper into small squares. Their size will be completely dependent on the size of the rose itself.
  • Now, using the cooked cream, glue the parchment to the saucer. One small pea is enough.
  • Sometimes the technology involves the use of toothpicks with a small biscuit piece, as a basis.
  • In a special bag or even a plastic bag, type cream. Dress the desired nozzle or make a small hole.
  • Turning a saucer or a nail, apply the first petal with smooth movements. He must occupy the third part of the circle. The remaining two petals lie nearby, find a little on top of each other.
  • Keep in mind that these will be the largest petals. Further, according to this technology, apply the next tier of the petals, which is already slightly smaller in size.
  • Also, do not forget that they should be in a checkerboard pattern. And constantly increase the number of petals by 2 pieces.
  • Do this until the full shape of the bud, the last petal should be located in the center and have a wrapped position.
  • Do the right number of roses. Together with parchment, you carefully remove each ready -made bud from the saucer and stir on a baking sheet.
  • After that, interfere with all the roses in the refrigerator until they are completely solidified. This time directly depends on the chosen cream. Then you can glue jewelry using the same cream or glaze on the cake.
  • If you want to lay out a whole bouquet with stems and petals, then pre -separate a little cream and paint it green. You need to draw directly on the cake.
  • But there is also a reverse technology, which implies the beginning with the center. That is, you make the first rounded petal, and then draw around it. By the way, in such a situation, the petals increase in size and decrease in the amount of 2 units with each tier.
The process of creating a rose
The process of creating a rose

Cake decoration with roses: tips

We want to share with you some simple tips to avoid incidents and unpleasant situations. And as a result, you get a beautiful masterpiece, which will maintain freshness and original appearance for a long time.

  • Try to avoid a combination of products of various temperatures. In no case do not pour melted and hot components into the oil or cream base. That is, milk or chocolate, as well as gelatin. They must be at room temperature. And with gelatin you need to be extremely sharp, since it can even grab with lumps from the temperature jumps.
  • Cream is a perishable product that can swim in the literal sense of the word. Therefore, it must be stored before decoration, and after it strictly in the refrigerator! And not even on the balcony in the cool season.
  • The container, which is used to mix the components and whip them until smooth, should be wiped dry with napkins. There should be no drops of water and, especially, there should be no oil in it.
  • Each component should have “its own” temperature. The oil should be characterized by softness and room temperature, but do not remain in a liquid state.
  • But take cream, proteins or sour cream only in chilled form. In order for the cream to whip better, you can use the popular life hack - substitute a container with cold water under a bowl.
  • It is better not to overdo it with dyes, because it can turn out to be too rich, artificial and unnatural color. The optimal amount of dye is 1 drop or on the tip of the knife.
  • It is also necessary to know that each cream has its own safety period. On average, this period does not exceed 24 hours. The only thing is that an oil -based cream can stand for a little longer than a day. But it is not advisable to delay to extreme indicators.
  • Do not forget about what surface the mass will be overloaded when decorating a cake. If you want it to “stick well”, best use the following options:
    • not completely frozen icing from chocolate or caramel;
    • jam, confiture;
    • cream;
    • the grout used “under mastic” is a crumb of cakes mixed with cream.
Be sure to keep in mind which surface the roses will stick on
Be sure to keep in mind which surface the roses will stick on
  • But on the contrary, to subside and slip, the cream will be from such surfaces as:
    • mirror glaze;
    • jelly coating;
    • corge without covering at all.

IMPORTANT: Before applying the cream, you need to soak cakes with syrup quite well. But do not overdo it. They should turn out juicy, and not break up in their hands.

  • Each experienced hostess already knows that the dough retains her abilities for several weeks in the freezer compartment. So the rose cream is no exception.
  • Moreover, in the future, you can even create compositions not only from multi -colored roses, but also of different colors in texture.
  • To make it easier to find the desired material later, divide the remains into different packages, signing them by color and types.
  • But keep in mind that you can’t abruptly throw the cream into the cold! First you need to put it for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, and only then - in the freezer.
  • And you need to defrost only under natural conditions. And again, do not reach the table immediately. Put the silt at least a few hours on the shelf of the refrigerator.
  • And even if you did not work smoothly the first time or it took more time than originally planned - do not be upset. Everything comes with time and with experience. After some time, you will only remember this with a smile. And you yourself will share your experience, and give valuable advice to beginners.

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Video: How to make roses for a cake?

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