How to wash the blinds vertical in the washing machine and hands at home: Tips for washing and drying vertical blinds

How to wash the blinds vertical in the washing machine and hands at home: Tips for washing and drying vertical blinds

Eashing instructions for blinds with hands and in washing machine

The blinds protect our house from the penetration of light, and can also extend a dream. This is especially true in the summer, and for those who live on the sunny side. Due to the constant sun, the room inside is very heat. Therefore, blinds are a great option to protect the room from the sun and prevent the penetration of sunlight.

How to wash the blinds vertical: laundry features

Before purchasing such products, it is necessary to determine the type of fabric from which they are made. It depends on this how you will be cleaned in the future. The fact is that Jacquard products cannot be washed in a washing machine. Shown only with hands or removal of dirt in an upright position. They can cause you a lot of trouble. All pollution, such as point spots from coffee, ketchup or champagne, are removed immediately after the appearance of the spot. You should not wait for standard, periodic cleaning, because the spots can be strongly loured into the fabric and poorly remove from it, even after using stains.

If on the label or instructions you did not find that the lamellas can be washed using household appliances or manually, we recommend cleaning in an upright position. To do this, you do not need to dismantle and disassemble them. It is necessary to prepare a cleaning solution, dissolving a little soap in warm water, apply it to the sponge. After removing dust with a vacuum cleaner, a soap product is applied and wiped with a washcloth. The fabric is wetted with warm water without the use of soap products and the remaining soaps are removed. The lamellas are left in this state until they dry.

Washing blinds
Washing blinds

How to wash the blinds vertical at home in a washing machine?

The product from synthetics and cotton can be cleaned using household appliances, unless of course they are made of colored fabric that is mfrining. In offices and business centers, they mainly hang cotton products that are perfectly washed in washing machine, which takes a minimum of time.


  • After the dismantling of the product, it is necessary to wipe them with a dry cloth or pour them. This is necessary in order to remove the remaining dust. Next, it is necessary to fold five lamelles one on one and turn them into a roll.
  • Next, put on the canvases a protective cover for washing. If you do not have it, an ordinary pillowcase is suitable. Sew the hole, and then use only a liquid detergent or gel. You can not choose powders with aggressive components or bleach.
  • It is not recommended to remove contaminants with a stain coir. It is best to use products for wool or silk. They are intended for delicate fabrics that respond poorly to hard washing. Set the machine to the "manual washing" mode, at 30 degrees, it is not recommended to use the squeeze.
  • The maximum, you can set the selection at 400 revolutions, this is at your own fear and risk. Because it is not known how well the fabric will react to such an excavation. It is best to only drain water, without spinning.
  • After that, you need to put the lamella in a large bowl and rinse again with the help of a shower. Next, the segments of the fabric in the bathroom are hung and allow them to drain. After the water stops draining, you can outweigh them onto the balcony.
Wash the blinds
Wash the blinds

How to wash vertical blinds with your hands?

Hand washing is a safe option for jacquard products that do not tolerate cleaning in the washer very well.


  • It is necessary to remove the lamellas and soak them in the bathroom. It is necessary to dial a slightly warm water in the bathroom, dilute in it a little means to remove pollution from carpets or upholstered furniture. Next, soak the prepared lambles for several minutes. As a detergent, you can use a shower gel or powder for baby underwear.
  • Next, it is necessary to lower the fabric strips into warm water and soak for several minutes. After that, the water merges, the blinds with a detergent are soaked once again.
  • It is necessary to pour new water several times, add a detergent and soak for about 20 minutes. After several cycles of such cleaning, the lamellas are washed in ordinary running water.

How to dry vertical blinds?

Drying options:

  • Drying is carried out in a vertical state, that is, immediately after rinsing, you need to hang the lamella in the same place and let them dry
  • Another option is drying on a flat, smooth surface in a horizontal position
  • To do this, a linen dryer or a clean table may be suitable. It is necessary to lay out a terry towel or old fabric on the surface, which is not a pity, it absorbs the remaining moisture
  • In no case can you dry the blinds in conditions of bright sun or hot air. When exposed to high temperatures, the form may change, the blinds are deformed
  • If there are folds or bends, you must carefully rede it. You can not use heavy objects. If severe creases are observed, you can iron through a layer of thin fabric or gauze, with a low heating of the iron

How to wash blinds: tips


  • Before the washing, it is necessary to conduct several simple experiments and adhere to the rules. First, make sure that the fabric does not pour. To do this, moisten the usual white fabric or handkerchief of white color in water and rub the lamellas.
  • If the fabric remained white, it did not paint in any color, you can safely proceed to the wash. If the fabric is painted, you can’t wash. Because some blinds with a pattern, so after washing they can be polished, their appearance will deteriorate.
  • In this case, only dry washing with a vacuum cleaner is shown. Please note that cotton blinds after washing can sit down, so you can purchase the product longer. If you are not at all familiar with the quality of the fabric or a concept of what you have made of lamellas, in order not to take risks, you can contact a cleaning company or dry cleaning.
  • You should not use very hard brushes to remove dirt. The best option is a soft sponge or brush for cleaning clothes with a soft, natural pile. Such products are used only if there are strong contaminants on the surface of the fabric. This is especially true in the case of dirty joints between the upper, lower strips and fabric. It is in the places of docking the parts that the most powerful pollution appear, which are difficult to remove.

When to contact the dry cleaning:

  • If you have purchased expensive products made of synthetic, color fabric, which is melting
  • If it is impossible to disconnect the plastic components from the lamellas. In this state, the products cannot be immersed in a washing machine, because this is fraught with breakdowns of the household appliance, as well as the blinds themselves
  • If you live in a very dirty area and dust accumulates in large quantities, it cannot be removed during vertical cleaning
  • If you are not very sure that the products survive this kind of manipulation, they can polish, break or sit down
Remove the dirt from the blinds
Remove the dirt from the blinds

You can remove pollution from the blinds both manually and in the washing machine. If you have chosen cotton fabric or synthetics, you can wash with the use of household appliances, do not worry that the fabric will sit or polish.

Video: How to wash blinds?

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