How to put a middle name in VK instead of a surname?

How to put a middle name in VK instead of a surname?

The article contains two ways to install a middle name instead of a surname on the VKontakte website.

Put in VCthe middle name instead of a surname can be quite simple. To do this, you will not need to know any secret data, except perhaps the password from the page on which you want to replace the surname by middle name.

The middle name instead of the surname and sounds more solid, automatically makes the owner of the page more adult and more status. In addition, some surnames seem ridiculous, ridiculous in sound, or they may simply not like their owner. Then the surname takes place to replace with a middle name.

Next in the article we will tell you how to do it.

Previously, VKontakte existed a graph of a middle name, but later her handsome
Previously, VKontakte existed the column "patronymic", but later its handsome

How to make or change your middle name in VK instead of a surname: Instruction

So, if you decide for some reason to replace the middle name in VK with a last name, perform actions from the instructions below.

  1. Go to the site VC, entering the login and password from the page on which you want to replace the surname by middle name.
  2. Under the photograph of the profile (in the center) you will see the illuminated inscription "Edit". Click on this button. Automatically you get into p azdel of editing basic personal information.
  3. The first line is the name, then immediately after - the surname. Instead of the surname, indicate your middle name.
  4. After piercing the page at the very bottom and click the "Save" button.
Instructions on the screenshot
Instructions on the screenshot

After your actions, return to your page to evaluate the result. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video below, it contains a different, more complex way to install a middle name instead of a surname.

Video: How to return the middle name in VK? Secrets of VKontakte

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Comments K. article

  1. VK said that you need to wait before the end of the month because the middle name cannot be done in the surname!

  2. I tried to do this three times already on top it comes out that the application was rejected. Then they also write that you can send an application in April 15, shorter today, and the day has already ended. In general, I do not know how to change the surname in combination in another way

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