How to ask a man? How to ask for money and gifts from a man: phrases, examples

How to ask a man? How to ask for money and gifts from a man: phrases, examples

The article talks about the most common mistakes and rules, having familiarized himself with which a woman can easily learn to ask a man about anything/

Not all men have a feature of giving flowers, gifts to their beloved and not every man is ready to invite his woman to spend a certain amount of money on herself. For these purposes, female representatives should show ingenuity and adopt some win -win phrases that will literally make the man go to your lead.

The man succumbed to the tricks
The man succumbed to the tricks

How to ask a man: Psychology

In the modern world, free emancipated women with unlimited capabilities and free will are increasingly found, which only remains for men that nervously smoking on the sidelines. Often, women themselves suppress in men the desire to show initiative, surprise, perform exploits.


Modern woman
Modern woman

Despite this, a woman in her soul still remains a woman who wants to see next to her a reliable male shoulder who wants to at least sometimes feel like a weak, defenseless girl who wants to receive signs of attention, who simply wants to be happy.

Having mastered many skills inherent in men, and having repulsed them to help women and take care of them, the fair sex should be able to ask a man about something. It can be help in everyday life, and gifts, and money.

Important: if you decide to learn how to ask a man to be something, you should be prepared for a fairly long period of adaptation-before you weren’t like that, the man is not used to satisfying your needs and desires.

Sometimes, in order for a woman to be strong, it is worth going to cunning and showing weakness, becoming helpless, but with satisfied needs.

The woman is cunning
The woman is cunning

Important: next to a weak, defenseless, able to thank a woman, a man feels like a man, reveals his potential, shows strength and power, gains self -confidence.

The man is more valuable to the woman in whom he invested money, energy and strength, and not the woman who herself does everything for a man, forgetting that she is a woman is a fact.

Important: requests are not a manifestation of weakness and dependence.

Before reaping the fruits from your requests, you should focus on the most common mistakes and try to exclude them from your weapons:

  • Do not think that men know about the needs, thoughts and desires of women, that they should guess everything on their own. This is not so, no one knows what's on your mind, you should definitely report your thoughts and desires to a man
  • Do not take over and try to do everything yourself - this will inevitably lead to the fact that at one point you will begin to be angry and offend the man for the attention and support, and your sharp statements that exert pressure, addressed to the man in his address mandatory order will begin to spoil your relationship with him
  • Pressure and manipulations should be avoided - no one should, and even more so, do not openly declare this man
You can’t force a man
You can’t force a man

How to learn to ask a man?

In order to learn how to ask men correctly, it would be worthwhile to abandon the seemingly completely banal things:

  • From the fact that you are inferior to you in transport, in the office, or in any other place
  • From the fact that you are offered to bring weights, even if there are no weights there at all, whether it be a bag or bag, box, etc.
  • From the fact that they want to pay for you in a store, cafe, restaurant
  • From the time when they show interest in your needs and desires, when I directly ask what to buy, give, etc. It is worth boldly talking about your desires

After you allow yourself not to deny your help, you can safely start requests.

Important: it is better to start training at minor requests, very small and not very difficult for a man to execute in time and costs.

A man helps around the house
A man helps around the house

There are some rules, remembering which, more and more often you will begin to get a positive result from your requests:

  • To get the result you need, you should choose the right time and place for your requests - you should not ask if the man is busy watching the TV, computer game, and even more so work. In such cases, a man is either angry or at all caught the essence of your requests - not one of the options suits you
The man is busy
The man is busy
  • Be sure to apply to a man when he is in a fairly good mood when he is able to listen and understand you
  • During requests, it is worth monitoring its intonation - the voice should be calm, gentle, soft. An increased tone with notes of exactingness will not help you achieve the desired result

Important: psychologists say that for a start, you can ask for what a man does for you, for example, to take the child to kindergarten - he will initially be proud that he can satisfy your request.

  • A man should give time to think about your request, evaluate his strength. Do not put pressure and force to quickly make a decision
  • You should really evaluate the capabilities of a man - do not ask for what he is beyond his strength
  • In requests addressed to men, it is worth avoiding or orly phrases - the essence and sincerity are important to them
  • You need to ask you to study with dignity, do not build a helpless victim out of yourself
  • It is worth asking not a questioning phrase, but an affirmative one should not doubt it. For example, the phrase "Would you take me out after work?" It is better to replace the phrase "Please take me after work"
  • If your request is just a whim, albeit very desirable for you, then it makes sense to offer a man something in return. For example, he is coffee to you in bed, and you will cook your favorite dish a little later
  • Having learned to ask, do not use it too often and turn a man into a goldfish. Delivered and really significant requests will bring much more satisfaction
  • In the modern world, in the bustle of affairs, a man can banally forget about the satisfaction of your requests. If a man has forgotten about his promises, then do not be afraid to remind him of this, taking advantage of the previous rules
The woman achieves her own
The woman achieves her own
  • Even if you refused your request, you should not independently satisfy the desired need, showing the man what you still cope with everything. It is better to postpone the all kind of request, and then again turn to the man with her, showing it that you can’t cope without him without him
  • It is worth reacting quite calmly to the refusal, do not be offended by a man and angry. In this case, it is better to slowly but surely try to convince him that you need his help
The woman is aggressive
The woman is aggressive
  • Do not forget about gratitude and gratitude. Assessed actions will set up a man to further satisfy your requests

It is worth saying that psychologists suggest using the “three p” rule:

  • Ask

A request is a voluntary permission to be weak, and a man to be strong.

  • Give thanks

Thanks to the man for his actions, you charge him with energy to further actions, make him feel important and necessary.

  • Praise

Praise and admiration are able to grow his natural nobility in a man, which will help him more actively satisfy your needs and desires.

A woman thanks a man
A woman thanks a man

How to ask for gifts from men?

Important: no matter how you ask a man about gifts, he will not have a desire to fulfill your requests, if in everyday life you do not notice the little things that he does for you.

About the rules that should be used when you ask for a gift from a man, we examined in detail in the sections above. However, one should listen to some other tips:

  • To nourish the desire for men to spend money on you, you should mandatory recall the gifts presented earlier and show the abilities of your memory. It is worth doing carefully, not too often - completely unobtrusive.

Important: sometimes gifts are associated with the holidays, so arrange them for yourself and inform your man about them.

A woman creates a holiday
A woman creates a holiday
  • Women with a petition of gifts should use their female spells - sexuality, femininity
  • Men also need exquisite compliments, and their gratitude and appreciation may well be expressed in the form of a gift
  • Sometimes you can ask more and at the same time agree to less. For example, “Dear, how would I want you to buy a fur coat for me, but I understand that at the moment you will most likely have no opportunity, so maybe we will buy me a short fur coat, which is twice cheaper?”

Important: love yourself, pay attention to yourself and you will definitely be rewarded for your behavior.

A woman receives a gift
A woman receives a gift
  • It is better if you prove that the gift bought to you will bring a man a direct or indirect benefit. For example, tell the man that you have saved a certain amount of money by buying the necessary thing with a discount on the sale
  • Use psychological techniques. For example, remember that it is much more difficult for a person to part with cash than bank cards
  • If the man agreed to give the desired gift, then do not postpone the purchase for a long time - you need a gift here and now. Sometimes it happens that due to circumstances, a man can change his decision, and you will have to accept it

Video: Want to know how to ask for gifts for men?

How to ask a man’s money for money?

In more detail about how to ask men and not only what phrases you can use by watching a video on the topic: ““ How to ask for correctly: 3 magic formulas of a soft request "

How to ask a man: phrases, examples

You can also use the following phrases:

  • Dear, I have a small request for you ... (my own request)
  • Of course, I understand that you have the right to refuse, but I would like to ask you ... (my own request)
  • I will be very happy if you agree ... (your request)
  • You know, I'm so upset ... I don’t know if you should tell you, I'm afraid you will refuse. Here is such a thing ... (essence) Can you help me?
A woman really needs money
A woman really needs money
  • I am preparing you a surprise. This is what you love ... And you would like to do something pleasant for me too? So I would like ... (my own request)
  • Dear, how I would like you ... (my own request)
  • I like it so when you ... (my own request)
  • You are so cute when ... (your request)
  • I am terribly rejoiced when you ... (my own request)
  • You know, I dreamed today ... (my own request). That would be cool if the dream became reality
  • All girlfriends will die of envy if you ... (your own request)
The man is satisfied with himself
The man is satisfied with himself

Every woman should remember that she is a woman - it is worth learning to use her spells and female tricks to achieve their goals. Thus, women are able to increase the self -esteem of men.

Video: Excerpts-1. How to ask men for gifts and money?

Video: Excerpts-2. How to ask men for gifts and money?

Video: Excerpts-3. How to ask men for gifts and money?

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Comments K. article

  1. Why ask to earn the site yourself where they pay well Russian-ind .ru thousands a day.

  2. How much pleasure and new sensations, when my dear man gives money!

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