How to understand whether you have charisma: signs of female and male charisma, differences. How to determine charisma: Test

How to understand whether you have charisma: signs of female and male charisma, differences. How to determine charisma: Test

Charisma is an intangible quality in a person that attracts others. You will learn about how to understand if it is in you charisma.

Charisma - Congenital or acquired quality? Why is it given to one, while others do not have charisma? How to determine whether you are charismatic? We often ask these and other questions to ourselves. Let's try to answer them.

What is charisma?

Charisma is a Greek word, denoting the "divine gift." For the first time, this term is used by the German economist and sociologist Max Weber.

  • Charisma You can call a set of personality qualities of a person who make it possible to influence others, bring him to the leaders, allow us to carry people along with their ideas.
  • Otherwise charismatic You cannot call those leaders who went down in history, with a plus or minus sign (after all, negative heroes are also endowed with considerable charisma).
Can influence others
Can influence others
  • Could be the leaders of the nation Mussolini or Hitler, Stalin or Churchill, we would remember about Martin Luther King or Mahatma Gandhi, Mao or Golde Meyer, If they had not had a charisma that attracts attention to them, convincing in their opinion, leading entire nations?
  • But charismatic people - These are not only the leaders of the nation. In any team there is a universally recognized leader to whom they are drawn and for whom they follow.

Signs of charisma

It is possible to understand whether a person has innate charisma. In games, it is always the main one, in the classroom there is a recognized leader, in the yard - the soul of the courtyard company. What signs are inherent in such leaders?

  1. The presence of individuality. This applies to character, abilities, temperament, sometimes - to hobbies and habits. If a person gives the impression of an exceptional, in most cases he is charismatic, at least for the group of people in which he occupies a leading position. He in every possible way strives to correspond to what is expected of him, thereby maintaining his status.
  2. Leadership skills, regardless of whether a person leads one class or a whole nation. The main thing is the readiness to be liable and the decision will be supported by the team.
  3. Self confidence, i.e. Belief that the goal will be achieved. Even in case of failure, the charismatic, confident leader does not give up, but extracts lessons and searches for other ways to achieve the goal.
  4. Oratory data. A competent, figurative, emotional speech affects the mental and emotional aspects of those to whom it is addressed, causing the feelings required by the orator and the perception of what has been said. Let us recall the same Hitler and his pathos and vivid performances that convinced the whole nation of its exclusivity.
  5. Characteristic speech, carrying a "highlight" inherent in this person only to this person. An example is Lenin's burry, stuttering inherent Churchillor deliberately slow speech of the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.
  6. Recognizable appearance. It is not necessary to have external attractiveness, the main thing is to find your characteristic external image and adhere to it. Such extraordinary distinguishes a person from the crowd and makes recognizable.

Women's charisma and male charisma: Differences

  • Of course, there is. And it is due to our traditional ideas about the purpose of a woman and man.
  • Male charisma It is determined by our ideas about the strength inherent in the man, the instincts of the conqueror and hunter, the straightforward leader. Recently in the formula of charisma men include concepts not only forces, but of presence and warmth.
  • Presence is understood as the maximum concentration on its counterpart, and strength as internal responsibility and the ability to make a decision. As for heat, it means the ability to participate and support. It is in such a complex that the above components are formed into the concept male charisma.
The difference is the floor
The difference is the floor
  • Female charisma Inherent in qualities, to some extent opposed to each other. So, confident and at the same time soft and feminine, with a solid, but at the same time, a slight character, restrained, but in a way emotional in the right moments-such charismatic woman. It is charming and extraordinary, with inherent inner strength and harmony.

Why not all people are charismatic?

To become charismatic is problematic for people with the following qualities:

  1. Pessimismpreventing him from advance to the goal.
  2. Fear of taking responsibility that unusual leader.
  3. Fearthat prevents internal changes.
  4. Cruck complexityMaking a person uninteresting to others.
  5. Lack of skills Communications and the ability to listen to others. Without these qualities, it is impossible to attract the attention of even the only interlocutor, not to mention the team.
  6. Wrong priorities arranged, when a person tries to succeed in many areas at the same time that only units manage.
  7. Overstated requirements Both in relation to oneself and to others. This is emotionally exhausted and does not give a result.

How to develop charisma?

It turns out that charisma is not only given from birth. If desired and motivation, perseverance and clear goals, charisma can be developed. There are several ways for this.

Charisma can be developed
Charisma can be developed
  1. Learn to oratory. This can be done using trainings, courses, various methods. You can work with voice and intonations with a teacher, in theatrical groups. It is important to expand the horizons in order to speak not only beautifully, but also competently, becoming interesting for the audience.
  2. To be able to free from negativity, negative emotions. For this, there are also many ways - from sports or beloved to various methods like shots in a photo of an offender or a loud scream.
  3. The ability to serve yourself, having developed your own style in clothes, hairstyle, conversation, gestures. This can be achieved, carefully studying successful people, leaders, analyzing their performances and trying to understand how they differ from others.
  4. True tasks, with real stages and terms. Even the most insignificant intermediate goal should be fully and on time - then you are worthy of praise.
  5. Control feelings and emotions, not reducing the fun of the Sabbath, sadness - to hysteria, and joy - to scream.
  6. Learn to feel the interlocutor, listen and hear his words and mood. Observe your behavior during communication and how your counterparts behave, analyze the words, gestures, poses that are unpleasant to you (and therefore can be rejected by others). Work to get rid of such phenomena.

How to determine charisma?

  • There is a famous one hovard Friedman testdeveloped by the California psychologist. It involves determining the degree of emotional expressiveness inherent in a person.
  • Answer 16 of the statements below using 9-point scale. If what has been said to you is not inherent, put 1, and so on, as the degree of coincidence increases with your habits.
  • The highest degree of similarity is 9.
How to identify charisma?
How to identify charisma?
  1. I am automatically i sway to the beatIf I hear good music.
  2. I strive to look in any situation fashionably dressed.
  3. I laughing So that you can hear far around.
  4. I have a property pay attention for the presence of minor details.
  5. AT telephone conversation I do not hide my feelings.
  6. I am ready for any situation.
  7. Comrades often expect advice from me, telling me certain situations.
  8. I make detailed lists of intended cases.
  9. I have a persistent desire bring what has begun to perfection.
  10. I often hear an opinion about what could become good artist.
  11. I always plan detail plans And I adhere to them strictly.
  12. It happens that having taken food from the refrigerator, I forget that you need to put it back.
  13. Solving sharad and puzzles - My horse.
  14. Others give me less years than my real age.
  15. On the various events I am always in the center of the audience.
  16. When communicating with a loved one, I use tactile contact.
  • If you scored 1-37 points - You most likely belong to shy people who prefer loneliness.
  • 38-49 points - Your communication with others can be successful, but this is caused not so much by your charm as mental abilities. And, it seems, you can use non -verbal communication techniques not subconsciously, which is inherent in charismatic people, but intentionally.
  • 50-60 points - You are inherent in the quality of the leader, and by nature you are an extrovert. You definitely manage to stand out from the crowd, but sometimes attention to you is burdensome.
  • 61-72 points “It looks like your charisma is on top.” In any case, you are capable of understanding the feelings and emotions of others, and they, in turn, are emotionally charged next to you.

Harism test

Evaluate the compliance with one or another statement on a 5-point scale using a test test:

  1. I always stand out in any companies.
  2. I am able to influence others.
  3. I can lead people to a common goal, knowing how to achieve this.
  4. I always have to my person around me, and they like to communicate with me.
  5. I almost always smile at those who are next to me.
  6. I am able to find an approach to any person.
Are you charismatic?
Are you charismatic?

Now add all points and divide the resulting number by 6. If you succeed more than 3.7 - You have a fairly high degree of charisma, in any case, this indicator is above the average.

Video: How to develop charisma?

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