How to please a girl and a woman cancer? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and hold the girl and woman of cancer? What gifts, compliments do girls and women of crayfish love? What boys and men do girls like cancer?

How to please a girl and a woman cancer? How to attract attention, fall in love with yourself, seduce and hold the girl and woman of cancer? What gifts, compliments do girls and women of crayfish love? What boys and men do girls like cancer?

Relations with a woman cancer.

In this article you will find a lot of useful information on how to defeat on the spot and fall in love with a woman-rack forever. This sign is quite difficult, and a woman is a real mystery. Let's try to solve the path to her heart.

Cancer Girl, woman: What is she, what character?

One of the most unusual and mysterious signs of the zodiac, according to astrologers, is cancer. It includes ladies born in the period on June 21 to July 21 (22) (depending on the year of birth). These are true children of the moon, which patronizes them and has a powerful effect on their temperament and mood.

Lady Cancer has a special, not like any other zodiac sign, character. In most cases, she is inherent in:

  • Mystery - Perhaps this is the most important feature of the representatives of the sign. This is a girl - a rebus, as if surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery. Moreover, Rakina does nothing specially for this. It’s just by its nature that it is extremely secretive and absolutely closed to others. You will never know what this woman really thinks, since she prefers her opinion to keep with her.
  • Femininity - Like all representatives of the water element, Lady Cancer is endowed with extreme female charm and attractiveness. As a rule, she also has a beautiful figure with magnificent breasts.
  • Closure - For all its friendliness, this person does not let anyone into its world. This happens because of the uncertainty of crayfish in itself. But at the same time, they are very afraid that others learn about it. So you have to hide in your "shell".
  • Modesty, shyness - Raki girls never boast. They are not inclined to demonstrate their abilities.
Girl Cancer
Girl Cancer
  • Devotion - This woman is always true to her friends, dear and beloved man. She is absolutely not capable of betrayal and will never leave loved ones in difficult times. And if someone dares to offend them, the cancer will rush to defense and, believe me, will fight like a lion.
  • Thrift - The lady has a cancer need to be sure to save money for the future. She rarely throws out old things, folding them "just in case." For her own safety, she just needs to be sure of tomorrow. Often in the chests of elderly grandmothers of this sign you can find many valuable antique gizmos. But you can’t call the crazy crayfish. She parted easily with money. It’s just that this person can save.
  • Zeal and hard work - Representatives of this zodiac to any work are very responsible. They cannot be called careerist. But if it is the opportunity to advance the service ladder, they will certainly take advantage of this chance. But not in order to rule, but to improve the financial situation of your and your family.
  • Family - Girl Cancer is always very attached to her relatives. She is extremely reverent and careful about her parents. For this reason, it often gets married at a fairly mature age, not daring to leave the father’s house. And having created a family, it becomes a very caring wife and mother. The head of the family in the representation of a woman cancer is, of course, a husband. Therefore, she supports him in everything and takes care of as a small child. Over time, such excessive custody begins to annoy some men, and others, on the contrary, encourages others to sit on her head.
  • Extremely strong love for their children - This woman can be called a mother with a capital letter. Children are the main thing in her life, for the sake of them she is ready for anything and sacrifices to many. Cancer literally blows dust off from its children, helps and supports in all their endeavors and deeds. Often this goes even to the detriment of the children themselves, because because of the excessive care of the mother, they turn out to be unsuitable for independent life. In addition, Mama-cray is reluctant to marry her daughters and marries her sons, because it is very difficult for her to part with them.
  • The ability to love - If a woman cancer decides on a relationship, then, as a rule, this is very serious. Her love is simply blind, she forgives a lot to her husband and does not dare to get away from him even when living with him becomes unbearable. Her pathological fear of loneliness is hidden behind this. And also a sense of possessiveness: it is difficult for her to come to terms that she can or lose someone.
Characterization of the sign
Characterization of the sign
  • Tenderness, sentimentality - Behind the seeming coldness of the girl hides an unusually sensitive and delicate soul that knows how to give a sea of \u200b\u200blove and affection.
  • Emotionality - Outwardly, calm crayfish are actually prone to unexpected and very sharp mood swings. This is known only to their loved ones, before whom the girl can open up. Within an hour, she can cry, get angry or cheer. In addition, it has the ability to convey its condition to others.
  • Vulnerability - These girls tend to exaggerate the meaning of the words they said or glanced at them. And since crayfish are not sure of themselves, they give everything an exceptionally negative color. Therefore, they really need the support of loved ones.
  • Thrift - The ladies of this sign are beautiful keeper of the hearth. Crayfish love their house, this is a real protective fortress for them. Therefore, even though they do not really like to clean, they are happy to take care of their dwelling, constantly ennobleing it. In addition, such women are perfectly prepared, in their refrigerator it is always full of food, and the menu is diverse.
  • Ability to keep other people's secrets - These girls can be entrusted with any secrets, they will never be hung up under any circumstances.
  • Romance - Girl Cancer is sure that in life there is nothing more important than love that should be for life. That is why she dreams of meeting the only man with whom she will go hand in hand. In this, it is somewhat old -fashioned, but it is this quality that gives the woman charm and touching.
  • Tact - These persons have an innate sense of tact, they try not to offend anyone, to act ethically and in accordance with high moral principles. They are very suffering from the fact that they offended or criticized someone.

Like any other sign, Lady has cancer and the disadvantages that include:

  • Absolute intolerance to criticism - For these young ladies there is nothing worse than criticisms in your address or ridicule. They react very painfully to this, suffer and can fall into longing.
  • Tendency to depression - Crayfish ladies are constantly in a state of alarm: they are sad about past mistakes, experience dissatisfaction with the present and are afraid of the future. They themselves cannot explain what exactly they are worried and tormented.
Cancer also has disadvantages
Cancer also has disadvantages
  • Resulting -Even if outwardly the girl of this sign does not show the view that something hurt her, she will suffer in her soul. Such a lady remembers not just for a long time, but always. And on occasion, be sure to take revenge. At the same time, the offender himself can forget, or even not to know what the mental wound has inflicted on the young lady.
  • Inability to let go of the past -Crayfish constantly recall and analyze the events of the long-past days, sorting out old letters and photographs, now and then return to the once said words and perfect actions.
  • Maximalism - Often such a girl sincerely believes that everyone around them has the same views on life as she herself. And sometimes this leads to strong disappointments and resentment.

How to attract the attention of girls and women of cancer?

The mystery and mystery surrounding the woman cancer always attract individuals of the opposite sex to her. However, not all of them receive her gaze. How to attract her attention and achieve location?

  • throw admiring glances and smile at her more often. All girls are flattered by such attention, and especially cancer.
  • be slightly mysterious. Although crayfish are not curious, a little mystery will probably intrigue them.
  • create a halo of light sadness around you. You can complain to your broken heart or complain how much ingratitude and injustice in the world. But in no case do not give the impression that you are a loser. No, you are just unlucky. And you also hope to meet your true love. These romantic girls will definitely try to console you.
Attract a woman of cancer
Attract a woman of cancer
  • show that you like animals: install a bird feeder, feed the homeless kitten. This will melt the good heart of crayfish, which loves nature and all living things.
  • position yourself as a successful and wealthy person. If famous and famous people are listed in your friends or friends, be sure to mention it. Crayfish girls will accept it very positively.
  • since these young ladies are very shy, create a situation in which they will be in the center of universal attention and will be able to show their best qualities. They will definitely flatter this attitude.
  • dress always stylishly and neatly. A good haircut and an elegant costume make a good impression on all women.

How will a girl or a woman cancer like it?

This young lady needs confidence that you are looking for long -term stable relations. This is the only way you can like the girl cancer. So if your intentions are serious, adhere to the recommendations of astrologers:

  • Get ready for the fact that the courtship period will be quite long. Rakigne needs time to learn how to trust you and open completely. They are very careful in their sympathies, and prefer to have enough time to study the potential contender for the hand and heart.
  • Take care of such a girl as in love novels: arrange candlelight dinner, read lyrical poems, give bouquets and cute souvenir trinkets, admire night stars.
  • Always tell a woman cancer as many compliments as possible.
  • Let your lady feel that she will be behind you, like behind a stone wall. She really needs protection and will appreciate such a gentleman.
  • At times, treat her as a small child: pamper, indulge whims, comfortly console in a period of sadness. At heart, crayfish always dreams of this attitude.
Like cancer
  • Show cancer that you need it, as in the air or water, that without it your life is simply unthinkable. This is exactly what a girl born under such a zodiac dreams of.
  • Take care of her, meeting from work, seeing home, throwing your jacket on the shoulders on cold evenings. Remember that you are more expensive than any gifts to this girl your attention and protection. However, obsession is also unlikely to like this fragile person.
  • Do not be too assertive, it will surely scare the woman cancer. Although she needs a strong defender, she does not like the onslaught and pressure.
  • It is interesting that, being quite closed and careful, the lady of this sign prefers open, completely predictable men.
  • Know how to tell and listen carefully. Rakins adore spiritual conversations and lively conversations. Get ready for the fact that on the first date she can enthusiastically discuss her film or novel.
  • Remember that money for a woman cancer is not the main thing. She will not meet with a rich, but irrevocable and rude gentleman.
  • Be honest and do not play any roles. Do not pass yourself for who you are not really. These ladies feel falsity immediately.

How to fall in love with, conquer, win a girl or woman of cancer to a man and a guy according to the signs of the zodiac?

Changing women crayfish live according to their special and only understandable laws, which are not always lending on logical analysis. Therefore, to conquer such a personality, a man needs to make a lot of efforts and show great patience that some signs of the zodiac simply cannot do.

In order to win this mysterious and unpredictable nature, a man needs to take into account the features of her subtle soul:

  • Aries - Your strong temperament will always attract weak crayfish. Your brightness and ability to carefully care for a timid girl. However, the pressure and the “big passions” inherent in you can also scare it. Show prudence, be more condescending and restrained.
  • Taurus - You have a lot in common with the girl of the sign of cancer: the desire to create a cozy house, family values \u200b\u200band a sense of duty. Therefore, to achieve love, this lady will be quite easy. Create her material well -being and provide maximum comfort. But you should overcome your temper and not be such an “autocrat” in everyday life.
  • Twins - Between you, rather strong friendship is possible than passionate love. Your opinions and beliefs, and even a reaction to the same events, are too different. And your changeability and love for “distant expanses” greatly injure such girls and encourages them to climb into their “shell”.
  • Crayfish - You have good chances of reciprocity. However, just like her, you are not confident and somewhat infantile. And this lady needs a strong support and a hard hand, which will direct in the right direction. Try to convince her of your hardness and strong character. And do not fall into sadness and despondency, to which you are so inclined.
  • a lion - Do not be too assertive, it can push the shy young lady. Show your best qualities: generosity, reliability, ability to take care and protect. And do not forget that you love compliments not only you, but also your chosen one. Therefore, praise it more often.
  • Virgo - Cancer for you is a happy find. She will be able to appreciate your prudence, calmness, accuracy and the ability to accumulate savings. To fall in love with her, refrain from criticism to her in order not to injure this sensitive nature. In addition, you will have to do romantic actions that are given to you with difficulty.
  • Scales - Your politeness, courtesy and the ability to be pleasant for sure this lady will fascinate. However, in order to keep your “crustacean”, you need to be at home more often and abandon social parties that you love so much.
  • Scorpion - The stars say that you can easily win Lady Cancer. After all, you have general views and principles with her. Protect it from the attacks of depression, which she is so susceptible to, and her gratitude will not have borders. But you need to curb your jealousy, because a woman of this sign will always be true.
Relations with zodiac signs
Relations with zodiac signs
  • Sagittarius - The inherent life force and indefatigable energy at first will attract cancer like a magnet. But soon the dissimilarity of views and worldview can disappoint the girl. In order to maintain a relationship, you need to be more sensitive and curb your freedom -loving nature
  • Capricorn - Show Cancer your willingness to take care of it and provide a calm and comfortable life. In response, you will receive all the sincerity, tenderness and devotion to which a cancer woman is capable of. Just try to compromise more often and do not forget to speak the words of love, without which this lady simply cannot feel happy.
  • Aquarius - Unfortunately, the stars do not believe in your success with a woman cancer. You are too different with her. And you will have to abandon almost all your habits and views in order to win the heart of this woman.
  • Fish - To conquer the girl cancer, you really need to do anything and do not. Just be yourself. The inherent sense of duty and responsibility, tenderness and ability to console in difficult times will forever tie this girl. And your need for a reverent attitude will find a response from super -swarming crayfish.

Woman and girl Cancer: How to understand that she is in love, that she likes you?

It is almost impossible to understand the true attitude to you by a woman of cancer because of her secrecy and silence. In addition, the representative of this sign does not recognize the relationship in public. It is extremely difficult to wait for a demonstration of feelings.

In addition, you need to understand that the girl cancer is very weak, easily, easily, sensitive nature. But at the same time, with all her appearance, she tries to demonstrate completely opposite qualities - independence and strong character. Therefore, she will not call first or take some other steps to rapprochement. The initiative should come only from you.

The crayfish are very shy
The crayfish are very shy

To understand if you like this mysterious young lady, use the advice of experienced astrologers:

  • Talking with the girl, translate the conversation on the topic of her personal life or family. If she does not close, but willingly tells about it, you can not doubt - you are not indifferent to her. After all, this sign is very secretive, and before whom - it is not revealed.
  • With people who are indifferent to her, the cancer girl behaves coldly, and even arrogantly. She will not waste her charm. Such a person flirts only with those who really interested her. At the same time, be careful: these ladies flirt very subtle and unobtrusively, and you may not even understand this.

Consider the fact that the crayfish are very shy people and can even refuse to go on a date, even though the gentleman is, in principle, pleasant. Do not give up your hands, be more persistent, but not obsessive.

How to seduce a girl or a woman of cancer?

Seducing this woman of water elements is not easy. Indeed, for her, sex and love are equivalent concepts. And love, in turn, smoothly flows into marriage and family. Therefore, short -term passionate romances are unacceptable for a serious woman cancer. And if suddenly, unexpectedly for herself, this lady will allow a random connection with a man, she will prefer to never meet him again, as she will believe that she was overly opened to him and became too vulnerable.

So if you want to seduce this girl, get ready for long and diligent courtship:

  • first, become her friend, to whom she can trust
  • take your time, and for the first sexual date, find the right time and place
  • make sure that the "tent of love" is comfortable and beautiful
  • create a romantic atmosphere: candles, champagne, aromatic oils. Night beach lit by the light of the moon is even better
Seduce cancer
Seduce cancer
  • show that you are completely fascinated by it and do not notice anyone around that you only want to be with her
  • shower it with compliments all the time and admire the beauty
  • appeal to sentimentality and hypermaterian feelings of a cancer girl
  • be gentle, affectionate and in no case show rudeness, even in a joke

Achieving the location of the cancer girl, keep in mind that she rushes into love as in a pool, and gives her lover all herself. Therefore, if your plans do not include marriage or long -term communication, you should not enter into a relationship with it so as not to cause cancer of suffering.

What do women and girls in bed like in bed?

Behind the timidity of the nature of a woman, cancer is hidden sensuality and natural eroticism. However, only sensitive and patient men can wake up these qualities, who with understanding relate to the subtle mental organization of their partner.

  • Many representatives of this zodiac sex have a secondary sex in relations, and feelings and gentle recognition are in the first place. Therefore, in bed, crayfish are quite passive and rarely take the first step.
  • As a rule, these ladies are shy about their own love for sex and carnal pleasures. And therefore, at the beginning of the relationship, they can be slightly clamped, preferring to make love in the dark or in such poses when the partner is behind and does not see the partner's face.
  • Fast sex women do not like crayfish. They prefer unhurried caresses, without fuss and haste.
  • The situation in which the act of love takes place should be as comfortable as possible and create an atmosphere of security. Therefore, often representatives of this sign prefer to have sex in their own home, where they feel more confident and free.
Board cancer preferences
Board cancer preferences
  • Crayfish very subtly feel the mood of their partner and try to make every effort so that he feels like a king in bed.
  • At the time of taking off the clothes of this shy young lady, it is very important to hear compliments from your man about how beautiful it is. This gives her confidence and allows you to liberate.
  • Crayfish are very tender with a partner, with pleasure touch him, stroke, kiss. They themselves also enjoy the response caresses of a loved one.
  • Be prepared for the fact that cancer will not say about his desires directly. She sincerely believes that a man should intuitively feel what exactly she expects from him.

How to hold a girl or a woman of cancer?

A man has to unravel the puzzle of the soul of a woman of cancer all his life. And even having lived with her for many years, so he will not be able to understand her completely. Next to such a girl, any young man will feel like the most powerful and capable of great exploits. Rakini can wait for their only narrowed life. And even being married, the woman’s soul will be full of doubt about the correctness of her choice and whether she missed her true love in the past.

Therefore, constantly, all your life, prove to your chosen one that you appreciate and adore it:

  • if possible, you are always next to her. In your absence, be invisibly with her, with the help of SMS or cute notes left on the table in the morning
  • do not stop admiring her beauty, youth, mind, and the ability to conduct economy. Remember that it needs to be often praised
  • show cared in everything: meet with work, wear bags, be interested in her affairs and healthy parents
  • be affectionate and tender with this sensitive young lady. It should be treated as a fragile porcelain vase, trying not to hurt and not hurt
  • for the sake of her family, this woman is ready to sacrifice her career, dreams and ambitions. Therefore, do not disappoint her. Prove that she was not deceived in her hopes for happiness with you
Hold the woman of cancer
Hold the woman of cancer
  • never criticize her parents. For her, the family is the basis of all the foundations. And you need to show respect for her relatives
  • do not bring discomfort and confusion into her life. This woman is rational and loves order in everything
  • lady Cancer catastrophically does not tolerate conflicts and clarification of relations. She is very worried about them and cannot calm down for a long time. Therefore, try to avoid quarrels and disputes
  • do everything possible so that your chosen one believes that her world worries you more than anything, and her thoughts and feelings are important for you that you will never leave her alone with difficulties and will always accept her as she is
  • since the young lady of cancer is always overcome by doubts, and it fluctuates in her relationship, be a strong and confident partner who can take responsibility for your joint future

What compliments do girls and women crash?

Woman Cancer, like no other, needs compliments. This person is constantly not confident in itself. It seems to her that she is not young and beautiful enough, that she undeservedly offended someone that she cooked tastelessly or little, that in her garden there were not well-groomed plants. Therefore, do not skimp on praise.

In the case of cancer, it is impossible to overdo it. The main thing is that your words sound sincerely and do not look like rough flattery. Compliments can be different, and there should be a huge number of them.

In this girl you can admire many things:

  • beauty and well -groomed
  • intellect and wide horizons
  • the ability to cook amazingly and create comfort in the house
  • sensitive attitude to relatives and friends
  • good heart and responsiveness

What boys and men do girls like cancer?

A girl born under this sensitive and romantic sign needs, first of all, in spiritual comfort and complete security.

And she likes men who can provide her with these conditions:

  • restrained, but with a romantic character
  • independent and purposeful
  • wealthy, hard on the legs
  • gallant, with good manners and knowledge of etiquette rules
  • moderately energetic
  • loving a relaxing vacation
  • caring towards their parents
  • sensitive and tender
  • self-confident
  • non -proceeding, but also not tranquirs
  • endowed with a natural sense of tact
  • those who want to have children
Guys for a woman cancer
Guys for a woman cancer

And they will try to avoid these young ladies of such gentlemen:

  • having too hot and passionate temperament
  • restless and unrestrained
  • overly assertive and brutal
  • with pronounced sexuality

What to give a girl to a birthday cancer, New Year?

A lady who is under the influence of the moon and has such a contradictory character, to please a gift and is easy and difficult at the same time. After all, cancer is usually silent about his desires, and it is difficult to understand what exactly can please her.

Therefore, when choosing a gift of such a person, consider the features of its character:

  • for a girl born under the constellation Cancer, the cost of a gift is not important. The main thing is that he is given from the heart and be evidence of your special attitude towards her
  • these young ladies are sure that you yourself, at an intuitive level, must guess what to give it. Therefore, be careful, and pay attention to her thin hints
  • cancer women can safely be given cute souvenirs and trinkets, if only they were sentimental and romantic
  • surprises and extravagant gifts are unlikely to like such a lady. It is better to give what pleased her last time (another decoration, another perfume)
  • it is preferable to choose delicate flowers: lilies, irises, orchids
  • the offering for such a girl may not be material. It will be delighted with romantic gifts in the form of a balloon flight, named after a star, a chic dinner by candlelight or on the sea coast
  • the gift should be beautifully packed. Aesthetic crayfish will be offended if it is prepared "in haste"
Gift for cancer
Gift for cancer

Surely Lady Cancer will probably be pleased:

  • since this woman spends all her strength on close people and for the sake of them denies herself in many ways, pamper her paid procedures in the spa - Salon, silk pajamas, exquisite perfumes, exclusive cosmetics.
  • Cancer loves water very much and everything connected with it. Therefore, it devotes a lot of time to the decor of the bathroom and the guidance of comfort there. You can give something related to water procedures: a set for a sauna, handmade soap, beautiful towels, exquisite shower gels, bath oil.
  • these women adore their home and adorn it and improve it. Give beautiful furniture, lamps or elegant decor elements.
  • girls of such a sign are reverent to the past. They like to sort out old photos, touch old things. Feel free to give a digital frame for a photo, camera, antiques.
  • a sense of security and comfort is what Lady Cancer strives for. It will definitely please it warm dressing gown, unusual cozy slippers, woolen plaid.
  • all women love jewelry, and this sign is no exception. Give preference to white gold or silver, as well as the stones of light shades (pearls, topaz, azette, aquamarine, lunar stone).
  • family traditions are very important for crayfish. They are very fond of home holidays when everyone gathers at a large dining table. Beautiful dishes, table silver, a large festive service will come in handy.
  • representatives of this sign are easy to rise. Therefore, they will be happy to receive a tourist ticket as a gift, preferably to the sea.
  • considering that women crash are excellent culinary specialists, give sushi sets, illustrated a book of recipes, pay a master class on the preparation of unusual dishes.

Take the choice seriously. After all, having pleading Cancer with your gift, you will prove your attentiveness to it. And the girl will definitely appreciate it.

Video: Psychological Pomprat Zodiac Sign Cancer

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