How to get a dark green color by mixing colors?

How to get a dark green color by mixing colors?

In this topic, it will be a dark green color obtained by mixing paints.

How to get the desired color by mixing paints is a question that often worries novice artists and designers who are in a creative search. But it is not always possible to find the correct answer in the literature, and their own experiments are sometimes not entirely successful. After all, it is difficult to recreate an imaginary tone. Therefore, in this material we want to make out the combination of the tints to obtain a dark green color.

How to get a dark green color by mixing colors?

The reason for the failures often lies in the fact that some paints when mixed give reactions, due to which colors lose their original brightness or completely acquire an unexpected shade. But do not despair - after all, through experiments, you can guess the desired combination, and we will help you with this. Consider various options on the example of obtaining a dark green color.

A dark green color is the color of wisdom and deep thoughts, which personifies life experience. People who are in adulthood gravitate to him, knowing the meaning of life and knowing their price. This color patronizes money and luck. Remember the dark green cloth in a casino or on a billiard table.

  • The easiest way to get a dark green color- It is to gradually mix the black kner for ordinary green paint, which usually does not exceed 0.5 parts. Depending on the amount of black paint added and on the initial direction of green, you can get its different shades.
    • Recall that for a simple green tone, 1 part of the yellow and 2 parts of blue paint are reunited.
The easiest method
The easiest method

All shades of dark green color contain an admixture of a black shade, so they can be conditionally divided into six groups

  • Saturated-dark brown-green -The only warm tone of dark green paint, which is achieved not only by the addition of black color, but also with a slight addition of red or yellow tint.
    • It is also repeated according to the scheme of 1 share of yellow, 2 proportions of the blue and 0.5 lobes of the brown ring.
  • Coniferous- deep green color, achieved by mixing black with a slight preliminary addition of yellow.
  • Simple dark green A tone is a mixture of green and black, as we have already mentioned.
  • Malachitethe dark shade of green is achieved by mixing black with green with a slight addition of blue.
  • The color is dark khaki - In addition to mixing black, the desired shade is achieved by adding red and gray colors.
  • Dark gray-green Cauler - achieved by mixing green, black and adding gray.
Color circle to get a dark green shade
Color circle to get a dark green shade

We will remember a few important rules for obtaining dark green color from the original green:

  • the more we add black paint, the resulting the color becomes darker;
  • the more red, the warmer the color;
  • the more blue, the colder the color.

All shades of dark green color in the composition go well with light green shades, which give it depth and severity. In addition, a combination of dark green color with beige, gray, yellow, brown, gold is possible.

As you can see, getting a dark green color is very simple, the main thing is to catch the desired percentage to recreate the required shade. And in conclusion - never be afraid to experiment, but do it with a small amount of paint. Although it is not always possible to repeat the path made again, you must also consider it.

Video: How to get a dark green color and its different shades mixing paints?

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