How to get red and close shades when mixed?

How to get red and close shades when mixed?

To get the red color of the desired shade when mixing colors, just use our tips.

Crimson, scarlet, burgundy, marinovy, karmin, pink, crimson and dozens of shades - all this, without hesitation, is called red. And if many colors can be obtained using the “yellow, red, blue” triad, then how to get red itself?

How to get red when mixed?

It turns out that the same basic yellow and blue can be used for this, or their “close relatives”. Want to check it out? Try connecting black and yellow paint. Happened? Now take a purple and yellowness. And also mix blue with orange. Beauty, right?

  • Many shades are also achievable, you just need to change the proportions. Say, mixing two parts of the fuchsia shade with one part of the yellow color, we see as a result of the “average” red.
  • Similar mixing methods are used in typographic business, in the textile industry for painting materials, and even in engineering technologies, giving the desired color to structures.
  • It is interesting that the closer the tones in the color spectrum are, the more it is the shade of the color you need. And vice versa, remoteness gives rise to saturation and depth.
  • Combining shades mixed with the main color, you can see the entire spectrum of red. In combination with yellow, red will become scarlet, white tones will give pink shades. And for a thick dark red color, add purple or blue components.
We get color
We get color

Advice:If your task is to create a picture or choose the desired color for painting any surface, first experiment on a palette, combining various options and proportions. When you have many shades of red before your eyes, it will be easier to decide which one “falls into the top ten”.

From which they just do not get red! Even flora and fauna are actively involved in this process. Some titles of shades speak for themselves, because they were given the names of the rose, grenade, cherries, raspberries.

  • The composition of painting for drawing often includes enzymes secreted by the worms of the coospend. It is not for nothing that “wormhole”, “chervonnaya” come from the word “worm”. Hence the “karmin” sound of the worm in many languages. By the way, there is still an opinion that Coca-Cola uses Carmine in the technology of the drink.
  • An example is such a plant as a yellow braid. Yes, it is yellow, it is often used for staining, and not only in its natural yellow color, but also in red. The orange lichen was also called the same application, and the mare is called “dyeing”, because it is grown mainly for use as a coloring substance that gives precisely a bright red color.

    Interesting: to get the necessary dye, Marena's roots are etched. The degree of their etching determines the shade of the resulting color: from red and brown to pink, orange, purple. In the 19th century Marena extract was produced for painting (it was called "Krapp"). And Georgians use Maren today as a dye for Easter eggs.

With the help of a four -color color model CMYK (English Cyan (Blue), Magenta (purple), Yellow (yellow), Key color (key black) in the printing process, they reach the seal in the so -called "full -fledged". The principle of mixing the main ones is also based on the principle of mixing the main flowers to obtain shades.

  • So, in order to achieve the desired red, the purple “typographic Magenta” is used, which in its color scheme is closer to raspberry shades (in general, the term “Magenta” denotes the purple series).
    In one typographic color system, RGB (from English words RED (red), Green (green), Blue (blue) Magenta is a product of mixing equal parts of red and blue, in CMYK is one of the main colors.
  • It is the combination of Magenta and yellow color, depending on their ratio to each other, gives a wide range of red, from light purple to juicy red-orange.

On the same principle, the color model of the CMYK in paints for printers also works. And now there are some practical tips that will help to navigate in the variety of shades of red.

  • Need scarletcolor? Start with the following proportions: take one - yellow in three parts of red. The desired degree of shade can be adjusted, adding yellow gradually, thus can be reached to orange.
  • Soften too sharp red You can add pink, and even white. Only with white you need to work again, gradually and gradually, otherwise you can bring the color to the same pink.
  • A complex multi -way combination of mixing in equal shares of red with yellow, and then very accurate use of the resulting orange to give this shade to red. Received in the end red-orange There will be a catchy bright tone.
  • Saturated with thick burgundy The color is very popular. But the process of obtaining it is the same rich in subtleties. In fact, burgundy is a red connection with brown with small impurities of blue and yellow. A little more blue - and the tone will become colder, you can darken a drip of black (but only by a drop, otherwise the final color will turn out dirty).
  • A drop of black and in creating brick or chestnut King, after you mix red with a small amount of brown. Varying by combinations and red proportions with white, you can achieve raspberry, pink, peach and other shades. Violet paint makes red darker.

Red color is called aggressive, passionate, sexy. It can be gloomy as the famous “study in crimson colors” of Conan-Dyul, or maybe gentle and dreamy, like Greenov’s “Scarlet Sails”. And every shade of this color of love, rage, passions can be reproduced by mixing tones and halftones of the widest palette of colors donated to us by nature itself.

Video: How to get the desired color? Mixing colors

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