How to paint fabric, clothes, shirt at home: instructions, overview of natural and synthetic colors for clothes

How to paint fabric, clothes, shirt at home: instructions, overview of natural and synthetic colors for clothes

Ways to paint fabric, shirt at home.

If you have a few things that are sorry to throw away, but you want to breathe a new life into them, you can try to paint them. In this article, we will tell you how to paint the fabric and what kind of dyes to use for this.

Painting of fabric: Subtleties of color choice and fabric features

It is worth initially determining the type of fabric. You need to understand that fabrics made of silk, wool, cotton, flax are well painted well. Products from polyester or synthetics are painted poorly enough, so we do not recommend that you at home stain such canvases. Jeans fabric perfectly stains. To do this, you can use both natural and artificial dyes.

Color selection:

  • Artificial dyes can be purchased at a household chemical store. Choose a dye depending on the color of the fabric, as well as your desire you want to get the color. The most interesting thing is that color products are the best to paint in dark colors.
  • An ideal option will be black. He is able to block any color shades. White fabric is best painted, it can be painted in any color. In this case, shades can be quite bright or dark. Choose dyes a little darker than you want to get if you paint a white fabric. If you stain color fabric, choose on the contrary, a lighter dye than you want to get in the end.
  • Remember that it is unlikely that you can paint red fabric in green, because the original color will interrupt a new shade. The result is a dirty color with a strange shade. It is for this reason that color things are painted in dark blue, dark brown or black.
Fabric staining
Fabric staining

How to paint fabric at home: Instruction

Before starting the procedure, select a suitable container, an enameled pan is suitable. Try not to use galvanized or aluminum pots for painting, because they can oxidize from the effects of paint. In no case do not use this container for food purposes, to prepare jam, blanks for the winter. You will also need wooden shoulder blades, the dye itself, as well as a hanger and a plastic bowl.


  • Dissolve the dye according to the proportions in the instructions. Be sure to weigh the things that are going to paint to calculate the exact amount of dye.
  • Next, wash the product, remove all the spots. After you used the stain remover, turn on the additional rinse on the washing machine to remove the remains of the stain remover. Because it can interfere with uniform coloring of clothing.
  • After that, immerse the dry tissue in the prepared solution and put on the stove. It is necessary that the fabric is freely located in the pan. If the container is small, you risk obtaining creases, as well as uneven staining with stains.
  • If you stain jeans, you want to get stains, you can twist them several times, fix them with ordinary soft rubber bands and paint in such a folded, compressed state. Thanks to this technique, you will get something similar to jeans with stains.
  • If you want to achieve uniform staining, make sure that there are no creases and folds. If there are buttons or metal inserts on the clothes, they are best removed to prevent the appearance of rust. Because during staining many metal products rust, forming traces of fabric, which then are very difficult to remove.
Painting the fabric
Painting the fabric

Clothing paint: a review of synthetic dyes

Choosing paint:

  • It is also worth paying attention to the amount of dye. If you want to get light color on white fabric, you need to add a small amount of dye. If you want to get a dark shade, add more than indicated in the instructions.
  • Remember that it is advisable to keep dark things in the solution longer than light ones. If you are sorry to spoil the thing, it is best not to stain. In the presence of a shred, see how the fabric reacts to staining. Please note that woolen, cotton, silk products are prepared differently for staining.
  • In order for the paint to hold well, it is necessary to impregnate things with a solution of vinegar or baking soda with salt. This must be done before staining so that the paint holds well on the fabric and does not wash off. After staining, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse clothes in the water until you get completely transparent water without traces of paint.
  • After the water becomes transparent, it is necessary to squeeze the clothes slightly. In no case do not dry the painted things near the heating sources or under the direct rays of the sun. It is best to dry on the shoulders. If this is wool, then drying on the shoulders can cause stretching the product. Therefore, it is necessary to lay out products from wool on a sheet and dry on a flat surface. After drying clothes, sew buttons and metal decor again.
How to paint jeans
How to paint jeans


  • Acryl paint on decol fabric
  • Dye for Marabu fabric
  • Optic tissue in bulk aniline dye
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Painting of fabric
Painting of fabric

How to paint a shirt: overview of natural dyes

In addition to artificial dyes, you can use natural ones. For this, juices from vegetables, as well as berries are suitable. Such staining looks very interesting and unusual. True, natural dyes do not give such a persistent result. To predict the color that will turn out is quite difficult.

List of natural dyes:

  • Shell on Luke
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Vegetable, berry and fruit juices
  • Nettle leaves
  • Turmeric
  • Orange or lemon
  • Buckwheat leaves
  • Tansy
  • Oak bark
  • Pucks ate
Paints for textiles
Paints for textiles

Before staining, it is advisable to try the dye on a flap of fabric. Do not stain clothes that are sorry.

Video: paint the fabric

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