How to lose weight? Kefirno cucumber diet. Menu for 5, for 7 days, for every day

How to lose weight? Kefirno cucumber diet. Menu for 5, for 7 days, for every day

Problems with excess weight “tremble” in front of this diet. The simplicity of the kefir-ogram diet is surprising with its effectiveness and you will be surprised to notice its quick result!

Among the variety of existing diets, it is worth highlighting one - the most effective. We are talking about kefir-ogure diet, impressive with its simplicity and effective power!

How does a kefir-ogure diet helps to lose weight?

Any, self -respecting girl, from time to time observes a diet. The problem of excess weight does not force to sit still, offering all new options for combating sagging belly and round forms. The severity of the diet is the main fear that is in the head of far from one “bbw” and is the most frightening factor of all.

So how to be if you want to achieve the result of losing weight in the shortest possible time, and you need to spend your strength to fight at least? The answer to this question will be a kefir-ogure diet, which has established itself with excellent results.

Important: in the human intestine there are up to 7 kg of feces that spread toxins throughout the body, which means that you need to get rid of them constantly!

The secret of losing weight is quite simple. Cucumber and kefir - two low -calorie products with a set of important and necessary trace elements For the body. These two products are able to provide the body with the necessary substances and at the same time contribute to burning excess fat. The main advantage of the diet is that it does not leave side effects, and the help is guaranteed. This is because the ease of these products does not load the body and it easily gets rid of toxins and toxins accumulated in it.

Features and benefits of kefir-ogum diet

The combination of such products, to put it mildly, is not familiar. That is why the diet has the effectiveness of combating the "litterity" of the body.

Important: a similar method of purification is the safest of all existing ones.

It is important to note that for the body, such conditions are stress. And in a situation where the receipt of calories is limited, it will begin to burn defamed fats. And the receipt of new fats will simply be impossible. Tartronic acid contained in the cucumber neutralizes the actions of carbohydrates. And if carbohydrates do not break up, then fats are not deposited.

Important: potassium and magnesium contained in cucumbers positively affect the cardiovascular system.

Kefir is not inferior to cucumber. The proteins and calcium contained in it have an excellent effect on the intestinal microflora. A good mood depends on the same substances, because they have a positive effect on nervous system. What is not a reason to fight depression?
Thus, the kefir-ogure diet not only helps to lose weight, but also to improve the body.

The main rules

The kefir-ogum diet has gained great popularity due to the fact that it is easily tolerated by any organism. It is very easy for her to use and is not difficult to observe. Food occurs only by two components, but the diet should still be observed!

Important: compliance with all the rules of the diet will lead you to successful weight loss.

The rules are important:

  1. A day you need to drink no more than 2 liters of kefir with a fat content of 1% - 2.5%.
  2. Fatfound kefir is better not to choose.
  3. Every day you need to consume 1.5 - 2 kilograms of fresh and environmentally friendly cucumbers.
  4. Drink enough fluid per day (at least 1.5 liters).
  5. If difficulties arise with the menu, you can use not a large amount of fish cooked for a couple (up to 100 grams).

Subject to the diet, it is important to take into account all the features of your body and proceed from body weight.

Important: in no case should you ignore a plentiful drink, since the body will significantly lack fluid. You can diversify ordinary water with lemon or green tea.

Menu of kefir-ogure diet for 5 days, week and every day

Depending on the weight of the body and health status, you can adhere to 5 and 7 daily kefir-ogum diet. Such a not difficult menu can be diversified and even embellished with feed.

Important: it is impossible to observe a strict kefir-ogure diet for more than 7 days, as this can contribute to the burning of muscle mass.

Kefir-Ogour Diet menu for 5 days

This diet provides for constant consumption for breakfast of cucumber cocktails, which is very easy to cook with a blender or even the most ordinary grater. One or two glasses of a cocktail are sufficient to quench hunger. You can decorate such a cocktail with any greens, but the best in taste is dill. You can drink cucumber cocktails every 2-3 hours.
For a variety, you can independently prepare salads and soups based on these components, adding lemon and greens.

Yes, there is little variety, but if you imagine that in these 5 days you can throw up to 5 kilograms of excess weight, then you should try.

The number of meals per day should be 5-6 times, and you may not bother yourself and there are cucumbers in their most ordinary form, the main thing is to observe daily proportions.

Kefir-Ogour Diet menu for 7 days

This diet differs from 5-day in that not everyone is able to withstand it. The body incredibly “misses” another food and day after day gives this to know this in a bad mood and a breakdown of strength. At such moments, you can afford low -calorie fish: no more than 100 grams in one technique prepared for steamed or cooked. This is able to recharge you with enthusiasm and force to survive the extra two cucumber-kefir days.

Kefir-Ogour Diet menu for every day

The useful property of the components of the diet is difficult to challenge. Surplus kefir-ogur days is useful and necessary. Only in this way is it possible to cleanse your body of unnecessary dirt and toxins.

Important: if there is no way to observe five -day and seven -day modes, you can always sit on such a diet for a day or even 12 hours. The effect will be present in any case, and the benefits with it.

Pros and cons

The undeniable and main plus is effectiveness. No other diet is able to fight with excess weight in such a short time. Observing such a diet for several days to consolidate the effect, it is important not to break the next day and not be seduced by fatty calorie foods. The transition to other products must be made smooth and uniform.

A simple and quick solution to your problems will only leave a pleasant impression, and excess and unnecessary weight will go completely imperceptibly.

Kefirno cucumber diet: contraindications

But, as in everything, there is a minus in the kefir-ogure diet. This diet is not suitable for everyone. You can not use this diet:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Mothers during lactation;
  • Women during menstruation;
  • People with diseases of the urine system;
  • People with gastritis, colitis or ulcer.

Important: choosing a kefir-ogure diet, first of all, choose a healing path for themselves.

The ease of use and simplicity of components is available and does not cost large financial costs. It is clearly worth trying such a diet, but before - you need to carefully listen to the characteristics of your body and clearly follow the instructions to hold the diet. Be healthy and beautiful!

Video: How to lose weight quickly? There is a kefir with a cucumber


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Comments K. article

  1. I tried this diet ... Good, of course, but its only minus catastrophically lacked strength for training. The benefit of coffee helped out or sport expert Energy ... That's the only way to train))) And the weight fell well, by the way, that it was madly pleasing)

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