How to choose the right eyebrow color? Eyebrow color in hair color

How to choose the right eyebrow color? Eyebrow color in hair color

The article will tell you what eyebrow colors are suitable for blondes, brunettes, brown -haired women, and red. What color to make a tattoo so that it looks natural.

Fashion dictates its own rules. 20 years ago there were eyebrows in fashion, 10 years ago-eyebrows with a break, now-wide eyebrows with clear contours. But it is not enough to have a fashionable shape, you still need to choose the appropriate color of the eyebrows. If the color of the eyebrows does not harmoniously combine with hair color, eye color and skin - write is gone. Find out how to avoid mistakes and choose the right color of the eyebrows.

How to choose the color of eyebrows in the color of the hair?

Golden Rule: Blondes eyebrows should be tone darker than hair color, and brunette eyebrows are lighter than a tone.

But in all rules there are exceptions. And besides blondes and brunettes, there are still brown -haired women, red, brown. Therefore, everything is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance. It is impossible to unequivocally say that brown blondes are suitable, brown -haired women - chocolate, brunettes - black. An important role is played by complexion, makeup, eye color.

Sometimes two colors are mixed. If you paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you can emphasize the lower part with a dark color, and everything else is lighter.

What are the colors of the eyebrows? Unusual eyebrow colors photo

Eyebrows can be not only natural shades. And yes, it can look very colorful and beautiful.

Extraordinary personalities will like such a beauty-idea as painting eyebrows in different colors.

In this case, the color can be plain. Monophone color

The eyebrows can combine several bold shades at once. Several colorEyebrows can repeat the color of individual strands of hair or combined with the color of lipstick, or can be absolutely opposite to the color type of their appearance. Opposite

And there are also "elegant" options for the design of the eyebrows. Elegant

Natural eyebrow color photo

The most common option, of course, is a natural color. Not every woman will allow herself to walk with bright multi -colored eyebrows. And in some situations it is simply inappropriate. Stereotypes? Maybe. But it so happened in our society that beauty is considered acceptable if everything is in the moderation of it. What color can there be natural eyebrows?

Dark eyebrowsNatural darkShades of gray and brownNatural brownLight eyebrowsNatural light

What is the color of the eyebrows suitable for blondes?

Black or blue-black eyebrows will give vulgarity to the image of a delicate blonde. If such an image is permissible for a movie or a secular diva star, then in real life this option will not look very harmonious.

Unsuccessful for blondTherefore, blondes should give preference to muffled shades. It can be brown. Shades of gray are also suitable. Suitable blondIt is also important to consider the color of your eyes:

  • Blondes with blue eyes are a gray color in light and dark colors
  • Blondes with green eyes - brown, golden
  • Blondes with brown eyes - chocolate shade
  • Ash blondes will be in the face of gray shades of eyebrows

What is the color of the eyebrows suitable for red?

Girls with bright fiery hair can paint eyebrows with a pencil of golden brown color. Terracotta color is also suitable. Teracotta redheadRed -haired with green eyes can be highlighted with a dark pencil.

An unsuccessful option for red -haired - light eyebrows. Unsuccessful redheadSuitable brown-haired brown-haired, gray, gray colors. Briters

What is the color of the eyebrows suitable for brunettes?

Brunettes are with light skin and darkness. In the first case, it is better to give preference to a dark gray or brown color. Bright brunetteBurning brunettes with dark skin can safely paint eyebrows in a rich black color. Dark -skinned bruna

The perfect eyebrow color for brown

Blossy eyebrows will look profitable against the general background if their tone is 1-2 darker than the hair color.

Important: select a pencil or paint with the tone that prevails with you. For example, if the hair is red, take a brown or honey pencil. If the hair is prone to ashen, your version is gray, smoky.


What color should be the perfect eyebrow pencil? Video

What color to make eyebrow tattoo?

Permanent makeup - A great solution for those who are tired of drawing an eyebrow with a pencil every day. When making a tattoo, you need to be more careful about fashion trends. Firstly, not every woman will suit wide eyebrows or eyebrows with a break. Secondly, the fashion is very variable, and the tattoo will remain for a long time.

The master should be taken to the choice of color with all responsibility so that the eyebrows look as natural as possible. The color should be chosen taking into account the fact that after a while the updated epidermis will make the color brighter per tone.

  1. Brown-haired to the face will be gray-brown color
  2. Briters - chocolate
  3. Blondes - gray and brown tones
  4. Red-haired-warm golden brown
  5. Brunettes - a mixture of gray, brown and olive

Important: tattooing is never done in black, because this color after a while acquires a blue tint. It looks very unnatural. Instead of black paint, gray, brown and olive are mixed. In the end, this color looks like black and does not have unnatural shades.

How to choose the right color of eyebrows: tips and reviews

Catherine: I never thought about the fact that it would be nice to paint your eyebrows. But then she noticed in one magazine that the models had clear eyebrows. I tried to tint with a pencil and noticed that my pear -shaped face shape has become less noticeable. Now I always tint. If the eyes are painted and the eyebrows are light, my shortcomings become more noticeable.

Yana: “My real hair color is light blond, the color of the eyebrows is about the same. I have been dying in the brown -haired woman for a long time, so I also paint my eyebrows. A light brown color is suitable for me. If you leave light eyebrows against the background of dark hair, then the face will be inexpressive, inconspicuous. ”

Anna: “My eyebrows are dark. If you take into account my blond hair, then the eyebrows just seem black. Such eyebrows give my face rudeness. I decided to light them up a little. They advised the color of graphite and brown. I painted it in dark brown, now my face looks much softer. But the problem is that my roots grow again and the eyebrows quickly become dark again. ”

Elena: “My hair is nature red and white's eyebrows. I really do not like them. I constantly paint in brown or black. Depending on the eye makeup, I choose the color of the pencil. Sometimes you have to highlight the eyebrows stronger, sometimes it’s enough just to emphasize slightly, so that it is clear that they are at all. ”

Experiment with the color of your eyebrows, perhaps before that you had not at all the color that you need. If you can’t achieve the desired result yourself, go to the beauty salon, experienced craftsmen will help you make your eyebrows irresistible.

Video: How to create perfect eyebrows?

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