How to choose the shape of eyebrows for different types of faces: tips, photo

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for different types of faces: tips, photo

In order for your eyebrows to decorate your face, and not to disgrace it, you should choose the correct shape. To do this, use the tips below.

The shape of the eyebrows is the image that makes us more attractive. You can create images similar to popular people, but your own will make you a beautiful and unique woman. Walking in beauty salons to create an ideal bend is completely not necessary. And in this article we will tell you how to make your shape the eyebrows closest to perfection.

Forms and eyebrows: species

First of all, you need to decide on the type of your face. Faces are different in structure: more elongated, round, triangular and square.

Types of facial shapes. Consider each of them:

  • Square - face, resembles a square, it is more elongated in the cheeks, and the same above and below.
  • Oval - a face reminiscent of an oval, it is more elongated from above and below, the cheeks are oblong.
  • Round - a face resembling a circle, differs in smooth soups, it is magnificent.
  • Triangular - face, type of triangle, wider forehead, which passes into a narrowed chin.
  • Pir -shaped, on the contrary - in this form the face has a more pronounced wide chin and narrow forehead, it is also called - a pear.
  • Rhombus - in this type of face the cheekbones is very wide, and the forehead and chin are the most narrowed.
  • A rectangular one is a face, has a more elongated length than a width, resembles a rectangle.
Face shapes
Face shapes

Views and forms of eyebrows

Variations of eyebrow shapes can be different. It all depends on the fashion that dictates to us how we should look. Remember? "The eyebrow should be thin, like a thread." Today, this fashion of the seventies and eighties is not particularly relevant. In modern fashion, eyebrows should stand out on the face, as well as lips. The eyebrows can be: a house, curved, arched, with a fracture, horizontal or ascending.

  • house - This variation has a noticeable triangle in the middle of the eyebrow, making the gaze more open.
  • curved - This version of the eyebrows abruptly bends to the top, in the bottom a more acute transition from the leg of the eyebrow to the top.
  • arched - These eyebrows are gently bend over the entire length.
  • with a break - This shape of the eyebrows comes from the classic, but its tip is thinner than the base of the eyebrow, closer to the second third of the eyebrow - a break.
  • horizontal - This type of eyebrows will be stretched along the horizon without various fractures, the line is simple, elongated.
  • rising - The shape of the eyebrow, which is rapidly going up, the tip is more narrowed and flies up the eyebrows up.
Forms of eyebrows
Forms of eyebrows

How to choose the right eyebrow shape by type of face?

For a round face

A round face needs, as fashion and stylists say, to narrow this shape of the face should be like an oval.

Such eyebrow forms are suitable for this:

  1. With a break, this form will make the face more oblong, look more open, will help narrow the upper part of the face. Visually, the chin will stretch, and the cheekbones will become already. This form should be wide enough, in order to “pull” the look at itself.
  2. The ascending shape of the eyebrows is also appropriate in this case. The form that strives up will make the face the most open, and narrowed. In this case, you will need to carefully pinch the tip of the eyebrow so that it goes up. A special eyebrow pencil will help to emphasize the eyebrow with a comb. You can also paint the eyebrows henna.
Cool -faced
Cool -faced

IMPORTANT: Ground girls do not go both very thin eyebrows and very wide, they make the face heavy.

For an oval face

The oval face is a standard of beauty. Absolutely all types of eyebrows can come this type of face. However, you should not choose straight lines. They narrow the oval, making the face heavy for the look. And otherwise try various options.

  1. With a break - this option will give your facial expression a certain romance and mystery. Take carefully to the construction of the bend, it should not be sharp, and the corner should be narrowed.
  2. Horizontal eyebrows can be slightly sophisticated by the oval of the face and make it very feminine. However, remember that the eyebrows should always be symmetrical and should make the same shape. A look will help to make a more expressive one if you remove excess hairs and below in the middle of the eyebrow a little.
  3. With arched eyebrows you will emphasize the whole charm of your image. Be sure to calculate correctly and the length and width of the eyebrow, also decide on the height of the arch in this particular case. And then the eyebrows will open your gaze and make it soft and beautiful.
To the oval
To the oval

Important: never lower the tip of the eyebrow, this will make your gaze dull, like Pierrot. The tip of the eyebrow should always look up.

For a square face

In order for the face to look as best as possible, the eyebrows for this shape should be round with soft lines, slightly rounded and the form of an arc. Makeup artists offer to make the tip of the eyebrow with a sharp and slightly raised. It will look great if it is located above the outer edge of the eye.

Square face
Square face

In this case, the tip can be slightly longer than other forms of faces, notice - you need not to make short lines. The width of the eyebrows should be either not too narrow or not wide. Wide eyebrows give a square type of face, and narrow faces make the face awkward.


Important: do not make short lines, all forms should be slightly elongated.

For a triangular face

If you are the owner of a triangular face, you need to visually narrow the bulging cheekbones and too large forehead. For this type, you can create fermented in several places. As a letter S. However, for this shape of the eyebrows, you need a certain density and bending of the eyebrow in a natural place.

For a triangular face
For a triangular face

In order to make a clear line, it is best to turn to the master in eyebrows, but if you want it yourself:

  • Carefully make the eyebrow arch, remove excess vegetation in the center.
  • To be able to form a bend, remove the hairs at the top of the eyebrows closer to the corners of the eye.
  • The tip should be wrapped in inside and the eyebrow should be short.

Important: for the eyebrows to be the same, be sure to mark the bending, arch and tip length.

For a rectangular face

If you are the owner of a rectangular face, then the beautiful shape of the eyebrows will be straight and quite thick for you. Such eyebrows should be located at a distance from each other as far as possible. Otherwise, they will narrow your face and lengthen him.

For a rectangular type
For a rectangular type

In order to achieve this, you need to remove all the hairs on the bridge of the nose, and the ends of the eyebrows must be narrowed, but not very much. Eleks with rising lines and a slightly curved arch look very beautiful on a rectangular face. They give the look more softness, but not heaviness. Very high eyebrows with an acute arch do not suit you.

Important attention! No sharp bends and high arcs.

For pear -shaped face type

Such faces have a full chin and chubby cheeks. The main task in this option is to make the upper and lower part of the face the same. The girls of the holder of the face are the triangle, on the contrary, are required to paint the hairs on the eyebrows, making them more expressive.

The form
The form

The eyebrows should be clear and wide enough with long lines. The density of the eyebrow should also be quite pronounced. The arch of the eyebrow should be pronounced if the facial features are small. And if the face is large, then the bend is small.

Important: Attention! The eyebrows should be thick and wide.

For the face of the rhomboid

Carefully consider all types of eyebrows. For the face, the rhombus needs to smooth out too clear facial lines and sharp cheekbones. This type is suitable for a line of arched eyebrows or an eyebrow with a bend.

Be sure to keep in mind what your facial features are. Small or large. For small ones, you need the eyebrows thinner, for large ones - wider. Follow your shape. Make adjustment once a week.

For a rhombus
For a rhombus

If you have chosen the shape of the eyebrows correctly, then it can make your face better:

  • You can make the face wider, for this, eyebrows elongated on the horizon are suitable.
  • To narrow the face, round the very end of the eyebrow.
  • Eyes are closely planted, for such a person you need to arrange the base of the eyebrows as far away from each other as possible.
  • And vice versa, if the eyes are far located, the beginning of the eyebrows should be as close as possible.
  • When you remove the hairs, make sure that you do not pluck your eyebrows hard. Thin eyebrows are not in fashion today.
  • Decide on the eyebrow tone. You need to choose, relying on the color of your hair: blond, you need to darken your eyebrows, approximately darker. And girls with dark hair should do a little lighter.
  • When you make one eyebrow, carefully follow the second to preserve symmetry and eyebrows were the same.
Selection of eyebrows
Selection of eyebrows

The eyebrow shape will help to choose the right eyebrow stencil. They are sold in beauty stores. This is plastic with an eyebrow drawing on it by an already finished pattern. The stencil can be installed on the face and determined whether the shape of the chosen eyebrow is suitable for you. Through the stencil, you can draw the entire eyebrow with a pencil or special shadows. And remove the hair remaining outside the contour with tweezers.

We are sure that you will succeed, and your eyebrows will take the appearance of well -groomed and beautiful. And the faces will become open with a soft look. And your full look will be fascinating your eyes.

Video: eyebrow correction in the shape of a face

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