How to cheer up a girl, girlfriend, lover, woman: practical advice. How to cheer up the girl in correspondence, in social networks, VKontakte?

How to cheer up a girl, girlfriend, lover, woman: practical advice. How to cheer up the girl in correspondence, in social networks, VKontakte?

Ways to cheer, cheer up a friend, lover in social networks.

Girls are very strange creatures, with a changeable mood, and it can change very quickly and without significant reasons. In this article we will tell you how to cheer the girl's mood.

How to cheer up a girl: Practical tips

There are many options and they depend on whether a friend is nearby or is at a distance. Of course, if the girl is not far from you, you can meet her. This option is more acceptable and optimal, because eye contact helps to cope with depression and cheer up.

The main ways to cheer up your friend if she is next to you:

  • Feed. Invite the coffee shop or purchase coffee, as well as fresh baking along the way to a friend. This will certainly cheer the girl's mood
  • Make her a compliment. Tell us that it looks good today
  • Offer to take a walk. A walk in the park or along the embankment is suitable if there is a reservoir near you
  • Tell the girl a funny story that happened. Perhaps these will be facts from childhood, which are very often humorous and very funny. After all, children are one of the most immediate and funny
  • Invite the girl to take shopping. New purchase, even the smallest, always improves mood
  • Try to find out from the girl what upset her. Perhaps she will tell the reasons for her bad mood. At the same time, the girl will become easier and she will smile. In no case do not impose, do not insist, do not ask intrusively
Good mood
Good mood

How to cheer up your beloved girl?

If a girl lives with you, try to amuse as follows:

  • Prepare a romantic dinner
  • Arrange a party in her honor
  • Invite the picnic near the house. There may be some kind of landing, or a beautiful lawn. Take a bottle of wine, fruits and go relax with you
  • Early in the morning, while your lover is sleeping, write her recognition and put it next to the bed or hang on the refrigerator. Fix with magnets
  • You can write a congratulation on the mirror with an ordinary cosmetic pencil. Just think that the lover does not be upset when the inscription will wipe
  • Go to her cinema or some exhibition with her. Perhaps the theater is suitable
  • Give her extreme entertainment. It can be a parachute jump or a trip to the mountains, a jump from the bridge
  • Give your beloved massage. You can make it yourself, complementing the rose petals, as well as candles and champagne
  • Dial for your beloved bath with foam, decorating the rooms with candles, as well as flowers
Cheer your beloved mood
Cheer your beloved mood

How to cheer up a girl in correspondence in social networks, VKontakte?

If the girl is far from you, this is not a reason to be upset. With the help of social networks, you can also improve your girlfriend's mood. To do this, there are a lot of sites through which congratulations are carried out.


  • In contact with. There are voices that can be purchased by replenishing a special account. For these voices you can buy a gift or some unusual postcard. There are free options to improve the mood of the girl VKontakte. To do this, you can send an entry on the wall. If the wall is blocked, and postcards of strangers are not published on it, you can send the girl pleasant words in a personal message. Open any of the congratulatory sites, copy the verse and send your beloved poem about love
  • Any girl can be amused with humor. To do this, copy a funny joke or picture, video. Send your girlfriend. Sending can be carried out not only through the VKontakte network, but also other social networks.
  • If your beloved is now at work, you can send her a letter by e -mail. She will definitely read it and this will cheer her up. If for some reason you are far from each other, for example on a business trip, you can cheer up with a phone call. A lot of programs allows you to contact a girl using a video. It can be Skype, Viber or WhatsApp. Thus, you can arrange a tete-a-tet dinner.
We cheer up the girl
We cheer up the girl

How to cheer your girlfriend?


  • You can prepare a surprise for the girl. Cover the table in your room, put candles, champagne and glasses. Contact the girl through the video call, imagine that you are together in a romantic setting. Your girlfriend will like this idea.
  • One of the simple and banal options to please your girlfriend, who is far from you, is to purchase a bouquet of flowers and send her with a courier. The same can be done with a note or letter. Complete your bouquet with a poem or love notes that you put in a floral bouquet.
  • You can cheer up your girlfriend with strangers. To do this, agree with a woman in a flower stall or policeman, who constantly protects the metro station to pass a love note with your name. If the lover works, ask her colleagues to raise her mood.
We increase the mood of a friend
We increase the mood of a friend

Choose an option that corresponds to the character of your girlfriend, and you know that she will definitely react to such an unusual trick positively. There is no point in a girl who is afraid of heights, to give jumps from the bridge and some extreme entertainment.

Video: cheer up the girl

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Comments K. article

  1. The advice, of course, are good ... But sometimes the problem lies much deeper. So the guy tried to encourage such images and nothing happened, because if a person’s depression was already serious. In the end of this, it was possible to get out of this only with the help of heart conversations, its constant support, sorties to nature and from additional means of Triptofan took the formula of calm (in the online store I ordered a phytomarket). Now, thank God, everything is fine))

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