How to submit documents to the university: what official papers will be needed upon receipt, preferential categories of applicants, when should the documents be submitted, how is the admission to universities?

How to submit documents to the university: what official papers will be needed upon receipt, preferential categories of applicants, when should the documents be submitted, how is the admission to universities?

In this article, you will learn in detail how to submit documents to the university, what a package of papers you will need for this and who has benefits when entering higher educational institutions.

You will not have time to look back, as the time of submission of documentation to universities will come close. And everyone who wants to continue their studies must not miss his chance. After all, because of some little things you can lose time. Therefore, this event should be prepared in advance. It is required on the portal of the university to study all information about the rules of receipt and prepare a package of documents for submitting to the university. Next, we will study in more detail all the rules for the preparation of a package of papers in the educational institution and the requirements for its timely submission.

What are the requirements when submitting documentation to the university: what papers will be needed?

In the event that you have prepared everything, then there will be very little time to communicate with members of the selection committee-only 10-20 minutes. As a rule, admission to ordinary higher institutions occur with a standard packet of papers:

  • Statement, which you can draw up with a member of the selection committee, appearing directly at the university.
  • Photocopy your his passports, myself the passportor another document with which you can verify the identity.
  • Certificate or diploma About previous education.
  • Documentation About how you went through testing Exam, six matte photos the size of three by four.
  • If necessary military ID, certificate of registration.
  • Help From a medical institution forms 086-u, if you enter a medical, pedagogical or other university.
Documents for admission
Documentation for receipt

An example of the application form you can download here:

You can provide documentation personally directly to the educational institution to members of the commission. Or you can send by registered mail by mail in Russia. In any case, the main thing is to take into account the deadlines for feeding the package of papers. And sending documents to the address of the university must also be done in advance.

If the incoming one is still eighteen years old, then provide the commission with consent to the processing of personal data. This consent should be signed by parents. Otherwise, members of the selection committee are not entitled to accept your papers for admission. It is allowed to provide originals or copies of documentation to the university. Moreover, the certification of papers at the notary does not need.

Many universities require a medical certificate of form 086-U, because the student needs to take care of its presence in advance, undergo a physical examination.

Exams at the university
Exams at the university

IMPORTANT: To improve the chances of receipt, collect the documentation that confirms the right to preferential receipt. The selection committee will require the originals of such documents. These rules are effective for beneficiaries, participants and winners in city and other olympiads, competitions.

Preferential categories of applicants

Without entrance exams, only any ratings can only be received:

  • Persons who took part in the All -Russian Olympiads.
  • Pupils who have gold medals or are the winners of the Olympic Games.
  • Applicants who won gold medals in the world championships or European countries in sports competitions.
  • Pupils included in the national teams, international groups, according to the general educational nature of the profile direction.
  • A special quota is provided to applicants who do not participate in general competitions with disabilities of the first and second group.
  • Orphans who have no parents have the right to enter universities under the age of 23 in special positions.
  • For participants in hostilities, about ten percent of budget places for subsequent training are allocated.
  • There are target quotas, namely: universities conclude contracts with certain organizations, farms, companies. These companies send applicants, pay for their training with the aim of getting a specialist in the future for the main place of work. These people do not participate in mandatory universal competitions.
  • Foreigners also have every right to enter universities outside the competition.
Preferential categories of people upon admission to educational institutions
Preferential categories of people upon admission to educational institutions

As you can see, there are many nuances upon admission. And in order to increase the chances of going to the educational institution, the commission members will have to provide all the available data on your benefits.

How to apply to a university - feeding time

On a full-time, in-person, budget form of study, the selection committee registers documentation until a certain period. As a rule, time is set the same for all educational institutions. Future students should meet in the next period:

  • Before on the seventh of July It is necessary to submit documentation to those applicants who should pass additional examinations of a creative, professional nature.
  • Before tenth July, submit documentation to those universities where mandatory tests are carried out in additional subjects, disciplines.
  • Before july twenty -six Applications are submitted by those applicants who go after the exam.

If a person enters a paid or budget basis, then educational institutions set deadlines on their own. Each applicant has the right to submit five applications at once to different educational institutions to increase the chances of admission. Moreover, in each institute, the future student has the right to choose any three specialties.

How to apply to a university: the process of enrollment

Until the end of July, all universities usually publish on their portals lists of applicants, which overcame the necessary threshold for minimal balls. Any applicant, if there is access to the network, can find out what position he occupies in the number of points, and whether he has hope to go to this university or not. In the case when applicants gain the same number of points in a particular specialty, the advantage of enrollment will be given to a person who has some advantages or equalize grades in the certificate, diploma. 

When the estimates are already exhibited and you know what place you occupy in the ranking, enrollment is in such a priority:

  1. Allocate applicants from the general list, which have quotas for enrollment at the university. This list includes people with disabilities, orphans, participants in the fighting, injured, participants in the Olympiads, etc.
  2. At the second stage, about 80 percent of budget places are filled, which remain after enrollment of beneficiaries. Applicants will take place in the number of points, the higher the score, the more likely it is to get a budget place. The selection committee issues an order to enrollment no later than the third of August. If the applicant submitted documentation to several educational institutions, then it is where he went through the competition, he must bring the originals of documents before this date.
  3. At the last stage, if there are still budget places, then members of the commission fill them out. The rest of the students of this university or other educational institution should also provide the originals of all documents to the members of the commission. We'll have to have time to do this until the sixth of August. Since the final order is issued on the eight of August.
What will be needed for admission to the university?
What will be needed for admission to the university?

People who participate in the compilation of lists should follow their changes daily until the applicants are finally determined where they will study.

Video: How to submit documents to a university?

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