How to clean the jewelry and table silver from black at home: methods of cleaning silver, useful tips, recipes

How to clean the jewelry and table silver from black at home: methods of cleaning silver, useful tips, recipes

An article on methods of cleaning silver and gilded products.

Every self -respecting person takes care of himself and what surrounds him. This applies to kitchen utensils, jewelry, and clothing with shoes.

Sooner or later, you will have to engage in cleansing the surface of your things. But what if your favorite devices or jewelry are made of noble metals? It will be about Tom below.

Silver blackened - how to clean at home: useful tips

Silver products are easily served by hydrogen sulfide, which is located in the air. Please note that hydrogen sulfide compounds are in many cosmetics.

Silver must be maintained clean. At least a couple of times a month to clean it from dust and dirt. This concerns both cutlery, dishes, icons, figurines, and jewelry.

Here are several ways to maintain silver things clean:

  • If your silver products are polluted from sand, dust or cosmetics, you need to place them in a container with warm water
  • Add a few drops of liquid detergent there and leave them for a couple of hours for soaking
  • During this time, the soap solution will penetrate into all inaccessible areas
  • Next, clean the products with a soft brush. Rinse under a stream of water and dry with a towel
  • In order to prevent, as well as the removal of shallow pollution, ordinary water and baking soda will help you
  • Wet a silver thing, sprinkle it with a small amount of soda. Take a cotton rag and rub the product

How to clean silver

  • A bottle with ammonia (10%) pours into a small container. Silver jewelry is placed there
  • It is better to remove the ammonia mixture on the balcony or to places where you will not breathe a caustic smell
  • The solution with products is left for a while from half an hour to 3 hours. Then all products are taken out and washed under water
  • One of the latest ways for prevention in silver cleaning is the use of highly carbonated drinks
  • As a rule, they choose Sprite, Cocacola and other sparkling drinks. A bottle of carbonated water is poured into a pan
  • Silver devices and jewelry are placed there. The liquid is brought to a boil, and then, all products are removed. Washed with water and dried with a cotton towel
    How to clean silver
  • The winding tool is perfect for cleaning all types of silver. On a silver item, it is necessary to spray several press presses
  • Wait until the chemical begins to eat dirt and rub the contaminated areas. After the procedure, rinse with water and wipe dry with a towel

How to clean jewelry silver at home?

When cleaning contaminated silver products, whether it is yellowness, brown plaque or blackness, it is necessary to take into account the fact that silver cleaning should be carried out in the way that is suitable for alloy. Silver alloys are separated:

  • sterling (with the addition of 7.5% copper)
  • monetary
  • filigree
  • black
  • matte

Focusing on the composition of silver jewelry, also do not forget about the presence of stones. Products with such components should only be subjected to gentle processing. And in general, silver is a soft metal, so hard abrasives should not be used for cleaning it.

Silver cleaning at home should be carried out delicate, so as not to harm the product.

Therefore, make a sample on the inside of the product, placing an end to any of the above cleaning products. If the silver alloy does not react with the cleaning agent (does not darken, does not change color), then you can calmly clean the product with any of the above means.

Silver cleaning at home

How to clean the table silver soda: recipe

Silver cutlery, as a rule, do not contain inlay. Therefore, you can clean them with the help of any suitable tools for such soft metal as silver.

  • You can clean silver cutlery by placing them in a pan with a volume of at least 3 liters
  • Previously, all the side walls and the bottom of the vessel are lined with foil (you can take the usual baking)
  • Then silver devices or jewelry are laid out there
  • On top, all objects are covered with 4 tablespoons of baking soda (you can find it in any grocery store, if not at home)
  • Now pour everything with water, cover with a foil with a sheet (build a “lid”) and put it boiled
  • As soon as the silver container reaches a boil, turn off
  • In this form, the mixture should stand for 20 minutes. Then the silver is removed and washed under running water and a washcloth

How to clean silver

How to clean the table silver vinegar: recipe

  • Warm the table vinegar (9%) until the first bubbles appear
  • Lower the cutlery
  • Remove the container from the heat and leave the mixture with products for 5-10 minutes
  • Then rinse with water and dry the devices with a towel

How to clean silver

How to clean the table silver salt: recipe

  • If you have no vinegar, then table salt will help you
  • To do this, take 3 tablespoons of salt and 3 cups of water
  • Dear this in a pan along with cutlery
  • Bring to a boil and boil in a boiling solution for 15 minutes
  • Then remove the devices and wipe them with a cotton towel
    Silver cleaning salt

How to clean the dining room with toothpaste?

  • Toothpaste has wonderful cleansing properties
  • But when choosing this ingredient, it is worth taking only pasty white pastes
  • Gels and colored sprates will not work
  • Only cutlery and relief silver surfaces can be cleaned with paste
  • For other items from this metal, the paste is not suitable, as it can scratch the shiny silver surface
    For the procedure, soak cutlery in water
  • Then take them out and rub them with a damp cloth with a pasty solution
  • Rinse periodically and wipe the devices with dental paste again
    How to clean the cutlery from silver

How to clean the table silver with citric acid: recipe

  • You can still clean the table silver and with the help of citric acid
  • Half a liter of water is poured into the saucepan. 100 g of citric acid powder is added
  • It is brought to a boil. Turn off
  • Then you can load the cutlery and hold them there for half an hour
  • After "cleaning" rinse with water and dry with a waffle towel

Silver plate

How to clean silver in products with stones, children's and household soap: recipe, useful tips

Stones in silver jewelry give charm and sophistication. But, many do not even think that these products need to be cleaned in a special sparing way.

  • Prepare a bar of a baby soap, grate it
  • Dip 1 tablespoon of shavings into 2 cups of water and stir until dissolved
  • In a soap solution, lower silver products with stones
  • For cleansing contaminated jewelry is enough 2 hours
  • After this time has passed, pull out the silver and rinse
  • Wipe with a microfiber rag next

Cleansing silver with stones

  • Silver jewelry with emeralds, pearls and rubies cannot be cleaned in hot solutions
  • Take warm water into a small container. Immerse the jewelry there and after one and a half to two hours you can get them back from there
  • Wipe the products with a canvas cloth
  • If desired, you can add a small amount of laundry soap and insist for an hour

Peel silver jewelry with stones

  • Silver jewelry with corals must be cleaned around the stone
  • Submitting them in solutions is not recommended. These stones are very sensitive even to sunlight, and from being in the solution they can lose their color
  • Therefore, choose soda solution, tooth powder or ammonia for cleaning, which will be discussed below

Cleaning silver jewelry with coral

How to clean silver with ammonia: recipe

One of the most common ways to clean silver jewelry is cleansing with an ammonia solution. You can purchase such a solution in any pharmacy and use at home one of the prescribed recipes below.

  • A 10% solution of ammonia in proportions of 1 tsp. Mix to 100 g of water in a cup or glass
  • Immerse silver jewelry there for 2-3 hours
  • After that, with the help of a tweezer, take out the products and rinse in the water

Clean silver with ammonia

  • For greater efficiency, you can mix ammonia with dental powder
  • Mix 5 tablespoons of warm water, 2 teaspoons of tooth powder and 2 tablespoons of ammonia alcohol
  • Close a piece of old cotton t -shirt or other cotton fabric into the solution prepared in the solution
  • Wipe the product with a moistened cloth until it is cleaned. Then rinse it under water and wipe it with a towel

How to clean silver products

  • After rinsing in a soap solution, you can place silver products covered with blackness in an ammonia solution with chalk
  • This is done like this: in 5 tablespoons of water, add 2 tablespoons of an ammonia solution
  • Pour a teaspoon of crushed chalk to them
  • In this mixture, soak a piece of soft fabric
  • Wipe it with the product before cleansing. Then rinse and dry clean items

Chalk and a solution of ammonia will clean the silver product

How to clean silver foil: 2 methods

  • Who would have thought that foil might be useful in removing contamination on silver products
  • The fact is that the foil with a mixture with salts in aqueous solution reacts with silver
  • Thus, all the dirt is cleaned on the product, and it shines again with pristine beauty

Method 1

This method is suitable for those products that are not so contaminated. A small proportion of dust or black plaque will be cleaned after using this method.

  • Take food foil, a teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of water. Foil needs to be torn to pieces
  • In a folded volume, it should be the size of a palm. Immerse all the ingredients into the water and mix until salt dissolves
  • Then send your silver products to cleanse
  • After only 15 minutes, your rings and earrings will be clean again

Method 2

Suitable for purifying silver things with deep pollution.

  • Smell the product in water
  • Swear it with salt (1 tsp. Enough), wrap everything in foil (you can add a little more water to enhance the reaction)
  • In half an hour, expand the foil and you will see that you will have a new product

Clean silver

How to clean gilded silver at home: Useful tips

It is important to know that before cleaning the gilded objects they need to be prepared.

  • Degrease the surface with alcohol, thus, an excess plaque will be removed, which will facilitate the purification procedure
  • For further procedures, you need to use a dry suede rag that will clean the product
  • Dip the product in wine alcohol. Then wipe the dry rag dry
  • This method is safe when cleaning gilding
    Peel the gilding with wine alcohol
  • If you prepare a mixture of 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar (9%) and lower gilded jewelry there, then after 15 minutes there will be no trace of the plaque
  • Wipe the decoration with a suede cloth.
    As an express method, you can immediately place 2 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water
  • Wipe the sponge, wipe it with its product and bring to shine with suede

Clean gilding

  • Gilded jewelry can be cleaned in beer
  • To do this, place the product in a glass with beer for half an hour
  • Then rinse it under water and grate it with a suede cloth
    Gilding can be cleaned with beer

How to clean silver with Amvei?

  • At home, you can also purchase specialized cleaners like Amway
  • With their help, your silver jewelry, figurines, cutlery will sparkle again
  • To do this, use the series of cleaners Amway Home L.O.C. 1 cap of the product dilute in a glass of water
  • Lower your products for 15-20 minutes, and then clean them with an old toothbrush and rinse with water
  • Also suitable for cleaning windows Amway L.O.C. Plus
  • Apply a couple of drops to a silver decoration. This will be enough for its deep cleaning
  • After a minute, wipe the jewelry with a microfiber cloth

This article presents methods of cleaning silver and gilded products that can be used at home.

What is the way to choose exactly you, everyone decides on their own. Do not forget to follow the purity of dishes and jewelry, and then they will delight you with their brilliance!

Video: How to clean silver at home?

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