How to clean boiled chicken eggs, soft, which are poorly cleaned: 6 ways. How to clean quail eggs? How much and how to cook eggs correctly in order to easily clean: tips, video

How to clean boiled chicken eggs, soft, which are poorly cleaned: 6 ways. How to clean quail eggs? How much and how to cook eggs correctly in order to easily clean: tips, video

Eggs are often the main product for breakfast. But, in order not to spoil the morning meal, it is important to clean the eggs correctly.

Boil the egg and clean it is it seeming easier. However, often the shell begins to crumble, the protein is ripening with it, and instead of a beautiful even oval, we get something incomprehensible configuration. What to do to avoid such disappointments?

How to clean boiled eggs: 6 ways

The freshly the egg, the worse it is cleaned after cooking - this is proved by science and practice. The thing is that in such eggs there is practically no airspace between protein and a shell - hence difficulties. But there is always a way out!

  • Method 1.Everything is very simple: before starting cooking, you need to throw into a saucepan with water, where eggs will be cooked, near a teaspoon of an ordinary food soda. The level of pH of proteins will increase, which prevents the adhesion of the film located between the protein and the shell. The cooked egg in this way is much easier to clean.
  • Method 2. In a boiled egg, we make holes from both ends in size about 0.5 cm. We clean the shell from them and strongly blow into the hole from the sharp edge of the egg. Moreover, not just strong, but very strong! The egg is blown out, breaking the shell.
  • Method 3. A wonderful opportunity quickly peel several eggs at once. Having cooked them, you need to drain all the water from the pan, but leaving about a centimeter from the bottom. Now, quite energetic shaking and rotation of the pots, you need to force the eggs to spin in it, reminiscent of a whirlpool. With such a circular motion, the eggs knock on each other and on the walls of the pan, cracks form on the shell, into which water penetrates, facilitating the lag of the shell and film. The only condition is that the pan should be quite large and wide.
  • Method 4. Dip the boiled egg into a glass of water and tightly close the palm on top. Then we begin to shake the container, making the egg beat against the wall. The same mechanism for the occurrence of cracks in the shell through which water falls under it is triggered. The shell is removed after that in almost one movement. Another way how to clean boiled eggs -put it in a small jar and instead of a palm to close it with a plastic or screw cover.
  • Method 5. The original method that can peel the eggs  from the shell For any purposes: for salad, in order to bending or just eat for breakfast. We coolate the boiled screwed egg and cut it into two parts along with the shell. Then we take a spoon and carefully remove both halves. By the way, in this case, with fresh eggs, the situation is easier and with minimal time.
  • Method 6. Boil the egg, cool and roll it in your hands or on the table, pressing slightly. After that, the cracked shell is easier behind the film from the protein.
Roll out
Roll out

How to clean quail eggs?

  • Despite the small size and a rather hard shell, Peel the quail eggs not so easy.
  • Therefore, culinary specialists are advised to pour cooked eggs with a solution of vinegar with water (in a ratio of 2: 1) and leave for a couple of hours.
  • Under the influence of vinegar, the shell is almost completely dissolved, leaving only a film on the egg, which is not easier to remove as an example.

How to clean the soft -boiled egg?

  • Typically, such eggs are eaten from a special stand, and peel the soft eggs It is possible in a special way.
  • The egg is inserted into it with a sharp end down, and the dumb top is tapped with a spoon and cleaned about one and a half centimeters.

How to clean the eggs from the shell that are poorly cleaned?

Eggs are poorly cleaned for two reasons:

  1. The eggs are very fresh, literally only from under the laying.
  2. The eggs were in a frozen state for a long time, including And in the refrigerator.
Identify freshness
Identify freshness

After the egg is welded, it must be cooled in cold water for several minutes. But before that, hit him so that the shell cracked and water could fall under it, which will facilitate cleaning.

  • Start cleaning the eggs from the dumb side, where there is a small air gap (pier), which will make it possible to start cleaning so as not to damage the protein.
  • Peel the eggs Under a stream of cold water - it helps to make the process of cleaning easier and high -quality.

How to cook the egg correctly so that it is easier to clean?

  • How to cook the egg correctly so that it is easier to clean? Put the egg not in cold water, but in boiling water. In cold water, slow heating of the protein occurs, as a result of which it sticks to the film separating it from the shell.
  • Do not cook very fresh eggs, it is better if they lie down for a week or two, then the shell is less dense and the egg is cleaned easier.
  • So that the egg does not crack during cooking and the protein does not flow out, they should be heated much in warm water to room temperature or slightly higher, add a pinch of salt or a quarter of a glass of vinegar to the water.
  • You can also pierce it from the dumb side, so peel the egg It will be easier and this will prevent possible dents.

How much and how to cook eggs correctly?

  • How much and how to cook eggs correctly? Egg. If you need a consistency “in a bag”-3 minutes are enough. From the moment of boiling. The soft eggs should be cooked for 6 minutes, and the screwed-about 11-15 minutes.
In time
In time
  • Quail egg. Due to the small sizes and, accordingly, a smaller amount of the contents, a quail egg in order to cook “in a bag”, up to 40 seconds, for the soft egg - one and a half mines, and to cook the quail egg screwed, you need up to 3 minutes.
  • Ostrich egg. These giants among eggs require much more time for cooking: from 20 minutes, if you need eggs “in a bag”, up to 45 minutes. Solder and as long as an hour and a half will be required to make the egg invigorate.

Knowing how much eggs you need to cook, you can cook eggs in the form in which you would like to use it for breakfast or add it to any dish. Besides peel the egg Which is properly welded, much easier.

Video: How to clean a boiled egg?

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