How and how to clean coins from copper and silver at home? Cleaning copper and silver coins with folk methods and special means, electrolysis and mechanical exposure: Instruction. Methods of patched coins: Description

How and how to clean coins from copper and silver at home? Cleaning copper and silver coins with folk methods and special means, electrolysis and mechanical exposure: Instruction. Methods of patched coins: Description

Ways to clean coins at home.

Cleaning of coins is very simple. But if the cleaning agent is improperly, the coating may collapse, the product will deteriorate. Therefore, before proceeding with cleaning, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and find out what the coins are made of.

How to clean coins from silver by folk methods?

If you know the material from which coins are made, this simplifies the situation enough. The easiest way is to clean silver coins, since this metal is quite durable and resistant to all kinds of aggressive influences. Products can be cleaned using folk methods or standard tools that can be purchased in jewelry stores.

Cleaning methods:

  • Using citric acid and soda. In order to prepare a cleaning composition, it is necessary to dissolve a bag of citric acid in a glass of water and immerse coins there for several minutes. After that, with the use of soda and water, a paste that is applied to coins is prepared, left in this state for 15 minutes. Next, cleaning is carried out using a toothbrush or ordinary fabric. It is necessary to rub this pasta into a coin until the degree of cleaning is suitable.
  • Using vinegar. As you know, acetic acid copes with a variety of deposits on metal products. This is due to the fact that the plaque is due to the appearance on the surface of salts or metal oxide. Acetic acid displaces and decomposes this salt, so the coins become brilliant. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 50 ml of vinegar in a glass of water and throw products there. From time to time it is necessary to shake the glass, after which it is cleaned with the use of a toothbrush. If you couldn’t clean the coins, you can pour this solution into a pan, put on fire and boil for 7 minutes. Perhaps in this case all the salt, all the garbage, will lag behind the surface.
  • Also, silver coins are perfectly cleaned using ammonia. To do this, it is necessary to immerse coins for several minutes in the pharmacy solution. Perhaps sometimes you have to shake a glass or put a container on the fire to speed up the process. Please note that cleaning should be performed in a well -ventilated room. Because ammonia has a pungent odor.
  • Another option is to clean with Trilon B.. This is a special solution that can be purchased in a chemical store. It perfectly removes green plaque from silver products. It is also necessary to load the products into the solution and hold for several minutes. The exposure period depends on the degree of pollution and the amount of green plaque.
  • Cleaning with toothpaste. Silver coins are well cleaned using a conventional toothpaste. It is necessary to prepare a special composition. For this, soda, vinegar, as well as toothpaste are mixed in equal quantities. The resulting porridge is applied to coins, left for several minutes. After that, clean, soft fabric is taken and coins are cleaned.
Silver coin
Silver coin

How to clean coins from copper?

Products from such metal are less persistent than silver coins, therefore, they require careful attitude. It is better to clean this kind of coins without the use of aggressive means. Because patina is formed on their surface, giving the products additional value. This layer prevents metal corrosion. If you find a plaque on the coin, the best to remove it without the use of aggressive means.

If there is corrosion on the coins, then it can be removed using chemicals. It is suitable for this Trilon B and citric acid, as well as vinegar. In these solutions, it is necessary to keep the coin for several hours until the desired result is achieved. It is worth noting that such solutions can remove the coating, that is, a protective film from the surface. Therefore, patination will have to be repeated.

Coins from copper
Coins from copper

How to clean coins at home using electrolysis and mechanical exposure?

Often cleaning coins with mechanical cleaning. Its main advantage in high efficiency. Because almost all pollution when applying certain efforts, they leave well from the surface of the coins. Mechanical cleaning involves the use of napkins, brushes, scalpels, toothpicks, as well as drills. The main drawback is that scratches can form on the surface of the coins that significantly harm the appearance and reduces the value of products. Therefore, this kind of method is better to use in the last turn, when chemicals did not give good results.

Dirty coins
Dirty coins

You can clean coins using electrolysis. This is a process in which the coin is immersed in a salt solution, and an electric current affects it. Thus, some salts are destroyed and the dirty coating is destroyed. This method is quite difficult to implement at home, so it is rarely used. Read more in the video.

Video: Cleaning Coins with electrolysis

Special coins cleaning products

One of the simplest coin cleaning options is the use of special tools. Below is a list of substances by which you can clean precious coins.


  • The SHINE COINS "Modern Russia" tool for galvanic and bimetallic coins
  • SHINE COINS "Victory" for badges, orders and medals
  • Universal B. Remedy for cleaning copper and nickel dug coins
  • Silbo gold liquid
  • Canning a lindner coin
  • Sambol coin purification solution
  • LECHTTURM coin cleaning
  • AMVEI network company cleaning the metal company. By this link Read the instructions for use.
Cleaning with special means
Cleaning with special means

Patina on coins

Please note that one cleaning may not be enough. Because with the help of aggressive means, salt deposits that prevent metal corrosion are destroyed. Accordingly, it is necessary to apply special coatings to the surface.

The patination process can be carried out in several ways:

  • One of the simplest is the use of potassium permanganate and copper sulfate. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 25 g of sulfate and 2.5 g of potassium permanganate in 500 ml of water. The resulting mixture must be heated almost to a boil, but not allowed to boil. This is up to about 80 degrees. Further, in this mixture it is necessary to put the coins and observe the condition. Coins will change their color. Keep them in the solution until you get the right shade.
  • Using sulfur ointment. This method is also used quite often, is one of the simplest. It is necessary to wear rubber gloves, and cotton on top of them. Take sulfur ointment, apply on your finger and gently rub the ointment under the pressure of water. That is, it is necessary to open the crane and rub the paste under the pressure of water. Or dial water in a container, immerse a coin greased with ointment, and continue rubbing. You need to rub until the coat is shine and it will not become like aged. Next, it is necessary to wash the remains of the ointment, wipe it with a napkin, dry.
  • Baking in potatoes. It is necessary to take potatoes, wash it, make an incision in the middle and immerse a coin there. Next, the potatoes are baked with a coin until cooked. After that, the coin is extracted and polished. Thus, under the influence of temperature and potato juice, the coin is covered with a thin film.
Coin patination
Coin patination

It is not very difficult to clean the coins, the main thing is to choose the right product and not scratch the surface.

Video: clean coins at home

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