How to clean the melchior spoons, dishes, melchior with special means and folk methods using garlic husk, tooth powder, eggshell? Prevention of the appearance of pollution on melchior spoons: tips

How to clean the melchior spoons, dishes, melchior with special means and folk methods using garlic husk, tooth powder, eggshell? Prevention of the appearance of pollution on melchior spoons: tips

Methods of cleaning melchior spoons and forks.

Melchior products are very beautiful, delight every housewife in the kitchen with their brilliance, as well as appearance. Over time, such products are covered with plaque, blacken or become brown. In this article we will tell you how to clean the melchior.

How to clean the melchior spoons?

Melchior is an alloy with the addition of silver. Accordingly, under the influence of air, moisture is oxidized, because of this it is covered with plaque. Most often, yellow, brown, gray or green plaque occurs. They can be dealt with both using household chemicals and using folk methods.

For cleaning, household chemicals are used. In no case are abrasive substances, as well as chlorine agents. Because chlorine oxidizes the melchior. You can not use whiteness, domestos and Mr. muscle with chlorine for cleaning. Also try to use substances without abrasives. Cleaning powders are not suitable, because on the surface of the product they can leave thin scratches that significantly spoil the appearance of the product.

You can use products with acids and alkalis. Means are suitable, such as Beng, Milan or Substances based on alkali, which are used to clean the wastewater pipes. You can also use dishwashing products in the form of a gel. They also clean the plaque well if you use the hard sides of the sponge, rub it with darkened places.

It is easy to clean the melchiora with a soft cleaning agent L.O.C. AMVEI company. Just apply the paste of this product to the surface and remove pollution with cleaning movements. You can see detailed instructions for this tool, after passing this link.

Cleaning spoons
Cleaning spoons

How to clean the melchior spoons with folk methods?

You can cope with the raid with folk methods, with the help of means that are in the arsenal for every housewife.

Peeling melchior will help:

  • Vinegar. It can be used both independently and in a mixture with other ingredients. It is necessary to prepare 10%, the solution is immersed in it with loafer and forks, leave for several minutes. If such a cleaning has not given results, pour everything into a metal pan, put on fire and boil in vinegar solution.
  • You can use it food soda. It is necessary to mix soda with salt in equal amounts. The resulting pasta dissolves in a liter of water, spoons and forks are immersed in it. After 30 minutes of the products in this solution, it is necessary to rub them with the hard side of the sponge, and rinse with warm water.
  • You can clean the melchior with the help foil. It is necessary to lay a layer of aluminum foil on the bottom of the metal pan, pour a little water, pour baking soda and salt. The mixture must be left for several hours. The fact is that aluminum is a more active metal. It attracts all the oxides that are contained on melchion spoon and forks.
  • You can clean the melchior, use hydrogen peroxide. Moisten a cotton swab in a 3% solution and wipe the forks with spons thoroughly. If such a cleaning has not given results, you can dissolve the hydrogen peroxide bottle in a liter of water, immerse the products. It is necessary to put the mixture on the fire and boil for a third of the hour.
My melchior
My melchior

How to clean the melchior with a husk of garlic, tooth powder, eggshell?

You can get rid of plaque on melchia products non -standard, unusual methods that seem somewhat strange, but very effective.

Review of methods:

  • If you cooked salad eggs, do not rush to pour the liquid, throw the shell. It is necessary to extract the shell, grind it before receiving small crumbs. Pour the liquid to the pan, add a shell there, a tablespoon of salt, immerse melchior spoons, forks. It is worth boiling the mass for 10 minutes. The fact is that in the process of boiling the shell will rise and rub the oxide, and the salt soften it. Thus, you will receive clean products and a dark precipitate of oxide at the bottom.
  • You can clean the melchior with the help of a garlic husk. To do this, take two handfuls of garlic, pour boiling water and boil for 3 minutes. Dear in this water with husk products made of melchior, boil for 3-5 minutes. Next, it is worth polishing with soft fabric.
  • Our grandmothers cleaned such products with chalk, as well as tooth powder. Cleaning is quite simple. It is necessary to mix in equal amounts of chalk and tooth powder, add a little water until the gruel is obtained. Grate the product obtained by gruel. Take a dense fabric and rub the dining rooms with paste. Rinse in cold water. The fact is that tooth powder and chalk are soft abrasives, which easily remove plaque from melchior.
  • You can refresh the appearance of melchior products using a potato decoction. If you cooked mashed potatoes, you have a few liquids left, you need to immerse in it for several minutes a melchior product. In order for the process to pass faster and more efficiently, you can put it on fire and boil it.

How to clean the melchior with a sprite, koca-kola, thiosulfate

  • You can clean the melchior from black with thiosulfate and hyposulfite. Thiosulfate is purchased in a pharmacy, and hyposulfite is used in photography. It is necessary to prepare a solution from these reagents, rub them with melchior products using a soft cloth.
  • Oddly enough, you can cope with the raid on such products using sprites and Coca Cola. The fact is that these liquids contain orthophosphoric acid, which dissolves the precipitate. It is necessary to fill in cutlery from the melchior with a sprite or Coca Cola, at your discretion. Hold in this solution for several hours, rinse with warm water. Next, you need to polish the spoons with a soft cloth. The product is very effective, easily dissolves plaque.
Cleaning melchiora and silver
Cleaning melchiora and silver

Prevention of the appearance of pollution on melchior

If the house has many products from Melchior, carry out prevention. The fact is that about once a week it is necessary to prevent kitchen utensils. To do this, 10 ml of ammonia solution dissolves in a liter of water, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Products are soaked for half an hour. After that, the usual cleaning is carried out. Thus, using a weak solution, it is possible to remove darkening, as well as the initial stage of sediment, and prevent the formation of dark spots on cutlery.

Why do spots appear on Melchior? The fact is that most often the appearance of spots is associated with excessive humidity, as well as improper care. In no case should you put them in a jar or put them in a box after washing cutlery. It is necessary to put them on the fabric, completely dry them or wipe them with a dry cloth. It is precisely because of an overabundance of moisture that spots appear on the melchior.

Preventive processing
Preventive processing

Try to properly care for your cutlery, from time to time to clean it using ammonia. Such a simple procedure will protect the products from the appearance of plaque and dark spots on them.

Video: How to clean melchior?

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