How and how to clean the carpet from spots, urine and dirt at home: methods, a list of detergents, tips. Carpet cleaning with soda, tea brewing, ammonia, special washing foam for vacuum cleaners: recipes, description of methods

How and how to clean the carpet from spots, urine and dirt at home: methods, a list of detergents, tips. Carpet cleaning with soda, tea brewing, ammonia, special washing foam for vacuum cleaners: recipes, description of methods

Ways to clean the carpet. Funds for breeding spots from the carpet.

Carpet is a fairly common material that is used as a coating on the floors in children's rooms, as well as in residential premises. Before you purchase such a coating on the floor, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the methods and features of its cleaning.

How to clean the carpet from spots: Ways

The fact is that the carpet does not cause much trouble with proper care and is a fairly simple material. It is advisable to purchase a vacuum cleaner with a wet cleaning function. It is with the help of this device that it is easiest to clear the structure of any carpet. First of all, at the very initial stage of cleaning, it is necessary to remove dust, dirt, as well as large pollution. For this, dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is usually used. That is, you just need to vacuum the carpet. Further, in order to remove the dust that hut inside the carpet, or some other contaminants, it is necessary to use dry cleaning.

Often used moist, which is carried out using detergents. For this, the composition with the detergent is poured into the container of the vacuum cleaner tank, sprayed onto the carpet, and is left for half an hour. Next, a vacuum cleaner is cleaned. Thus, the car will suck all the dirt along with the liquid that remained on the fibers. It should be borne in mind that if you clean the carpet with a looped structure, you need to choose a nozzle without a brush.

If the carpet with a haircut pile, use the nozzle. It is advisable to use rotating brushes in the event that you have children in your house or one of the inhabitants of the family, which often clog between the carpet villi. You will need such a brush if there is a pet. Such a nozzle perfectly collects pile, garbage, which is difficult to cope with the usual vacuum cleaner and standard telescopic brushes.

Clean the carpet
Clean the carpet

Methods of cleaning carpet:

  • Dry
  • Wet
  • Foam

All these methods have their own certain purpose and cannot always be interchangeable. Because one of the most effective options is wet cleaning using special detergents. This is a kind of analogue of washing on the street with the help of powder. But the carpet is quite difficult to dismantle, so cleaning is performed at home using a special detergent vacuum cleaner. If you do not have a washing vacuum cleaner, you can use dry cleaning.

Now in stores you can purchase a special powder -shaped remedy for cleaning the carpet. It is created in such a way that particles of powder attract garbage and dirt. It is in some way absorbing. After the cleaning powder stayed on the carpet for some time, it simply removes with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Thus, surface-active substances attract dust and dirt, pull them from the carpet to the surface.

Carpet cleaning
Carpet cleaning

How to clean the carpet from spots with special detergent for vacuum cleaners: description of the method, list of detergents

The foam is something medium, between dry and wet cleaning. A great way to clean the carpet if the house has small children or pets who are not yet used to going to the street to the toilet. It is this method that will also get rid of unpleasant odors. For this, a special substance is used, which is whipped into foam. To do this, you can use cleaning manually or using a vacuum cleaner. An ideal option would be to clean with a vacuum cleaner with a wet washing. It is necessary to pour a detergent with foam into the tank, spray to the surface of the carpet, wait a few minutes and collect this foam with ordinary suction nozzle.

If you do not have a washing vacuum cleaner, you can handle your hands. To do this, dilute a little detergent in a small bowl, that is, a special foam, whipping it with a sponge, and apply it to the surface of the carpet. Go through the brush, and then just clean the carpet with a damp cloth. Dry it by opening the window or turning on the heater. The problem is complicated if spots appear on the surface of the carpet. They are not so easy to get out, especially if the carpet is light and it has a long pile. Because garbage is filled into such fibers.

Clean the carpet
Clean the carpet

Below is a review of special tools that are used to clean the carpet during foam cleaning.


  • Green & Clean Professional Waste
  • Glutoclean carpet and upholstery and upholstery to clean and care
  • Bagi cleaning remedy pileproof vacuum cleaner for carpets
  • Hand -shaped shampoo for manually cleaning carpets Wells Natural
  • Manual cleaning of carpets Vanish Gold
  • Foam stain for the carpets Emsal Tuba
  • Bagi cleaning remedy pile
Vanish for cleaning
Vanish for cleaning

How to clean the carpet from spots with soda?

This method is good because the substance can be used both in humid and dry form. Dry soda is used if the pollution is not very strong.


  • Dry cleaning method. It is necessary to scatter soda on the surface of the pollution, rub sodium bicarbonate into the carpet fiber. When soda darkens, about an hour or two, is assembled by a vacuum cleaner. No need to wet anything.
  • During wet cleaning, it is necessary to prepare the solution. To do this, half a glass of soda falls asleep into 500 ml of warm water. Further, all this is poured into a spray gun, sprayed onto the carpet. After 30 minutes, the usual cleaning is carried out with a vacuum cleaner. The fact is that this method allows you to remove dust and dirt, as well as unpleasant odors. What is especially important if you have small children and pets in your house.
Cleaning soda
Cleaning soda

Carpet of carpet from spots: Secrets

We delete stains:

  • If the carpet has pollution from food or liquids, such as tea, coffee or juice, they can be removed with alcohol with vinegar. For this, two parts of alcohol are mixed with one part of vinegar. The liquid is applied to the tissue and rubbed into the surface of the carpet. It is washed off with a large amount of water. To eliminate the smell, you can use soap.
  • Drops of blood are removed by a solution of alkali. To do this, you need to purchase special products with alkali. They are suitable such as Mila or Shirts Beng. The product is applied to blood spots, and after 15 minutes it is washed with a large amount of water. Remember, in no case can you use hot water, because at a temperature above 40 degrees, blood protein turns off. Removing such pollution is much more difficult.
  • If spots from paint appear on the carpet, you can use a solution that is prepared from 1 part of alcohol and 1 part of the turpentine. It is necessary to pour a little product on the paint, wait for when it becomes liquid, and remove with dry tissue. If the pollution is strong, then you can try to get rid of water solution with ammonia. To do this, 10 ml of ammonia dissolve in a glass of water and pollution is watered. Next, washing with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Fat is removed by the usual dishwashing tool. Fairy is suitable. It is necessary to moisten the sponge in the water, apply a little money to wash dishes. The foam needs to be applied to the carpet, and wait a few minutes. After that it is washed off with a damp cloth.
  • Gum can be removed with a piece of ice or a regular cold battery. To do this, you need to put the cold battery on a chewing gum, wait a few minutes. When exposed to low temperatures, the chewing gum will become solid, so it can be easily removed without smearing and divorces.
Spots on the carpet
Spots on the carpet

How to clean the carpet from urine?

The main task is not to be washed, but to remove an unpleasant odor. Most often, such problems happen in those who contain domestic animals in the house or young children are accustomed to the pot. Therefore, incidents with urination on the carpet are frequent.

Ways to eliminate urine:

  • It is necessary not to wash, but to lay out urine into the components of the part in order to get rid of the unpleasant odor. To do this, you need to do a few simple manipulations.
  • With the help of hygienic gaskets, it is necessary to soak all the urine. Oddly enough, hygienic gaskets absorb moisture very well and holds it inside due to the formation of gel composition. Next, it is necessary to mix in proportions three to one water with vinegar, prepare a strong solution.
  • It must be applied to the spot using a sprayer and wait until it dries. After that, a thin layer of soda and salt is poured. Three percent hydrogen peroxide with water is mixed, in a ratio of 1: 1 and is poured into a spray. A few dishes are added there.
  • With the help of a sprayer, soda is treated with a solution. As a result of the reaction of soda and vinegar, as well as hydrogen peroxide, white foam will form. In no case should you remove it at once. It is necessary to wait 2 hours.
  • It is necessary to wait until the mixture dries a little and remove everything with a vacuum cleaner. In no case should you wet the fabric again and try to remove soda with vinegar with a rag. After that, you can carry out ordinary wet carpet cleaning.
Cleaning from urine
Cleaning from urine

How to clean the carpet from dirt?

During the off -season on shoes, we bring home a lot of street dirt, which can also get to the carpet. In no case should you rush and rush with the removal of dirt. It is necessary to wait until it dries. No need to try to pour water and smear, thereby making the spot even more. Thus, you will only aggravate the situation.

After the dirt dries, it is necessary to take a vacuum cleaner and clean the carpet using ordinary dry cleaning. You can speed up the process with salt and soda. For this, bulk substances are mixed in a proportion of one to one and poured onto the top of the spots. These funds absorb moisture, while dirt does not spread throughout the apartment. After that, the usual dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is carried out.

Dirt on the carpet
Dirt on the carpet

How to clean the carpet with tea tea leaves?

This option is suitable only if you were going to clean the dark carpet. Significant spots can remain on light coating, which are difficult to display.


  • It is necessary to brew, after you drink tea, scatter on the dirty area of \u200b\u200bthe carpet. Next, you need to wait until the tea leaves dry
  • After that, the remains are collected using a vacuum cleaner or a broom
  • Before scattering tea leaves, it is squeezed out so that it is not very wet
Dirty carpet
Dirty carpet

How to clean the carpet with ammonia?

This tool is used if there is juice or red wine on the carpet.


  • It is necessary to remove dust using a conventional vacuum cleaner with dry cleaning and prepare a cleaning solution
  • 5 ml of ammonia is inserted into a liter of water, the brush is wetted in this solution and the carpet is wiped
  • Left for 5 minutes. Next, everything must be wiped with a dry, clean rag
  • Please note that it is desirable that the alcohol does not fall on the base of the carpet. Ammonia can damage the structure of the product itself
  • During cleaning, be sure to open all the windows. If there is exhaust ventilation, turn it on
  • Because ammonia smells bad enough and can cause poisoning
Cleaning by ammonia
Cleaning by ammonia

How to clean the woolen carpet?

All products made of natural fibers, especially wool, requires careful and neat care. The fact is that in the process of cleaning with hot water or aggressive substances, wool can be lost or cash in. Therefore, it is necessary to clean as carefully as possible, and the means that are specially designed for cleaning the wool.


  • You can clean the carpet carpet with kerosene and washing powder
  • To do this, it is necessary to dilute washing powder in water, as for soaking during washing
  • Add a little kerosene. Its concentration should be a teaspoon per liter of a mixture with powder
  • After that, the sponge is wetted in the solution and the pollution is thoroughly wiped

Please note that after such cleaning, an unpleasant odor can be observed for several days. You can carry out an additional wash of the carpet with a vacuum cleaner with a soft shampoo.

Cleaning woolen carpet
Cleaning woolen carpet

Carpet cleaning at home: tips


  • Remember that the carpet is still delicate material, and it cannot be torn from the floor, take it out into the street and wash with ordinary powder. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully treat such a coating. Please note that all spots are removed from edges to the center.
  • In no case should you smear the spot from the side to the side. Try to exclude all the manipulations that boil down to friction. Thus, fabric and carpet will soon lose their beautiful appearance and structure.
  • Be sure to carry out regular, dry cleaning with an ordinary vacuum cleaner. Even if a little tea or coffee spills on a clean coating, the spot is much easier to remove. If the liquid flies into the dirty carpet, in which case you will also get a solution of dirt along with coffee or tea. This kind of spots are removed quite difficult.
  • If you spilled something on the fabric, in no case do not try. Take a napkin and get a break in the liquid. Only then proceed to cleaning. No need to immediately pour a large amount of water on the carpet and try to rub. This will only aggravate the situation and make the spot even more.
Clean the carpet
Clean the carpet

Carpet of carpet requires time, as well as patience. If you have small children or dogs at home, give up such a coating or buy a carpet with a dense, nylon pile that is easily cleaned.

Video: How to clean the carpet?

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