How to clean the air conditioner in the apartment yourself - where to start? How to clean air conditioning: rules, tips

How to clean the air conditioner in the apartment yourself - where to start? How to clean air conditioning: rules, tips

The air conditioner is a very useful device for home, but sometimes it needs to be cleaned. In our article you will learn how to do it yourself.

The air conditioner today is not an unusual means of home equipment. Many modern apartments have already acquired and do not regret it - convenient setting, simple use and creating the optimal climate. Shouldn't you pay attention to him? But the split system requires constant care and it must be cleaned. How to do it correctly and what features are there - our article will tell.

Many people prefer to clean the air conditioner on their own, but there are specialists who can also be contacted. In the first case, the instruction is required. But first things first.

How to find out that the air conditioner, the split system is contaminated: signs

Air conditioner
Air conditioner

When the dirt inside the air conditioner accumulates, the quality of his work becomes worse. Dirty air will negatively affect health and a general environment - mold, dust mites, bacteria and so on will begin to form. This all can cause skin disease, allergies or asthma.

So that this is not the case, you need to regularly clean the air conditioner. Enough 1-3 times a week-depending on the degree of air pollution and the frequency of use of the device. There are several signs that allow you to find out for sure whether it is time to clean your device.

  • If an unpleasant odor appears after starting the system, then this suggests that it is exactly time to clean it. This is the most obvious sign. Maybe dirt appeared on the grill or drainage clogged.
  • If energy consumption has become too large, and the power has decreased, then open the system cover and check its condition from the inside. You will immediately see if there is dirt there.
  • A hum and crackling can say about the pollution of the turbine or filter. If the case is clogged, then he can knock. This means that the fan cannot scroll well and hurts something.
  • When condensate flows from the device, it means that it is also required to clean from dirt and dust.
  • A gurgling and squelch sound indicates the poor work of the drainage or a refrigerant leak.

If you saw at least one sign due to which the operation of the system worsened, then contact professionals or do it yourself. How to do it read on.

How to clean the air conditioner, split system yourself, with your own hands: instruction

Cleaning air conditioning
Cleaning air conditioning

The very first thing that can be cleaned yourself is filters, a fan, drainage and heat exchanger. To work, you will need several tools - instructions from the air conditioner, a toothbrush, a soft rag, warm water, soap and a vacuum cleaner.

By the way, it is better to put on gloves and a respirator so as not to touch dirty details and not breathe dust accumulated.

As a rule, cleaning is carried out in several stages and here it all depends on which part you decide to clean. To understand how to get to each of them, let's talk about each separately.

Keep in mind that before washing the device is turned off from the network. It will not be superfluous to cover the floor with newspapers or film so as not to stain it.

Stage 1. Filters cleaning

Filters cleaning
Filters cleaning
  • It is better to start with them. To access them, raise the lid and bring it to the stop. You will immediately see filters - these are curved nets, which to extract you need to raise a little and pull on yourself and down. Already here you can see how contaminated the device is inside.
  • Rinse the filters with cool water. If the dirt does not wash, then dip the filter in warm water for half an hour. To make the effect stronger, add a few drops of liquid soap or crush simple to completely dissolve.
  • After that, rinse everything well again and wait for the drying of the details. It is advisable to wipe them with a soft cloth. You can dry the filters on the windowsill if the sun is behind the window. It is not recommended to dry the filters with a hairdryer so as not to damage them.
  • Before installing the parts back, sprinkle the internal elements of the air conditioner and wipe with a rag everything that is in accessibility.

We talked about mesh filters. If you use pocket, then cleaning will be inappropriate. You just need to change them after the expiration of the expiration date. It is worth noting that it is not worth washing filters more than six times, because they will quickly lose their properties and worsen the throughput.

Stage 2. Radiator cleaning

Air conditioning radiator
Air conditioning radiator
  • The radiator is responsible for changing the temperature and is a large plate collected from a pile of small ones. They are at a short distance from each other and, if the dust in the intervals sits not so deeply, then it can be removed with a brush that has long villi.
  • A powerful vacuum cleaner also copes with the task. After the procedure, you need to wipe the site with a damp cloth to completely remove dust.
  • If the dirt is already deep, then it was already mixed with condensate and turned out to be a film that it would not be possible to remove with your hands. To remove such dirt, you can use a steam cleaner, but the best option is to contact a professional.
  • The radiator is located under the lower lid of the split system. Open it and take out the plates. After completing the cleaning, install it back.

Stage 3. Fan cleaning

Air conditioner fan
Air conditioner fan
  • A very important element in the split system is a fan. It allows the air to penetrate the room. If it is very contaminated, then the air conditioner may break, because plaque, dirt and dust, will block his work.
  • To prevent this from happening, dissolve a little soap in the water and spray her blades. When the dirt gets wet, then turn on the fan to the lowest power. Get ready for the fact that dirt will fly to the sides. After that, stop it and clean the remains with a manually brush or brush with a solution of soap.
  • When you are ready to turn on the fan for cleaning, it is better to pre -glue everything around the film so that the dirt does not fall on clean wallpaper and ceiling.
  • Be extremely neat during cleaning so that the blades are not damaged. Otherwise, they will have to be changed.

Stage 4. Cleaning drainage

Drainage of the air conditioner
Drainage of the air conditioner
  • If the drainage canals are clogged with dirt, then the water will not go out into the street, but into the room. This will quickly lead to the appearance of fungus and mold. First they will appear on the pallet, and then on the radiator. Accordingly, the air conditioner will give far from useful air.
  • Manually the drainage yourself can only be cleaned superficially. For this, a brush and soap solution are suitable. When the drainage is processed, check that the pallet is clean and wash if necessary.
  • If you want to completely clean it, then only specialists can do this, so contact them. On this, independent cleaning will be completed.
  • If you do not want to waste time cleaning, then it is better to choose a model that will do it yourself. It will periodically activate the “idle mode” and will dry the internal details.
  • Some air conditioners have an ionization system. When the dust is ionized, it is easier for it to penetrate the vacuumber. But such models have to be cleaned with their hands, because they will not be able to clean filters, and ionization is an ambiguous and mysterious process.

Stage 5. Cleaning the external unit

External air conditioner block
External air conditioner block

The most difficult thing is to clean the external air conditioner block. It is usually outside the room and it is extremely difficult to get to it, if only because you live on top. Good news is that it is enough to clean it 1-2 times a year.

To clean it:

  • Disconnect the air conditioning
  • Remove its lid and evaluate the pollution
  • Remove everything that can be with your hands
  • Use a washing vacuum cleaner and go through it all accessible places
  • Do not touch the block circuit, because only professionals can be repaired
  • Clean the remaining dirt with a brush with not the longest villi
  • Wipe completely the surface with a damp cloth

To clean the external unit, it is better to use a steam cleaner or a mini-muscle, which gives an excellent effect. You must understand that the air conditioner cannot be turned on until the details are completely dry.

How to clean air conditioning, split system: tips

Air conditioning cleaning tips
Air conditioning cleaning tips
  • Despite the fact that even after several months, the air conditioning can work perfectly, it still needs care to extend its life and not spend money on repairs.
  • First of all, remember that if you live on the lower floors, until about the fourth, then cleaning should be carried out every three months, because the pollution will be stronger than upstairs.
  • Regardless of the floor of the residence, the block inside must be cleaned several times a month, because dust still accumulates on the walls. Agree, it is better to spend a few minutes and remove dirt than to give money for repairs later.
  • Make sure that there is no ice and icicles on the outer block, because it can provoke a breakdown, and for those who are below, it is dangerous.
  • If you additionally use the supply ventilation with filters, then the air conditioner is usually polluted less. But still do not forget about care, although this can be done less often. This will allow you to always receive clean air indoors.

How to operate air conditioning: tips

How to use air conditioning?
How to use air conditioning?

In addition to cleaning, you also need to follow the rules for working with the device:

  • Make sure that during the operation of the split system there is no draft in the room, otherwise it will work in an enhanced mode, and this will reduce its life.
  • The same applies to the highest blowing rate and minimum temperature. These modes also require enhanced work, which also negatively affects the operation of the device.
  • Overhaul and cleaning should be done at least once a year. If you use it constantly, then twice. This will extend the life of the air conditioner and reduce the risk of breakdown.
  • It is better to install the device in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.
  • Before the device itself should be free space for air.
  • If you have not used the air conditioner for a long time, then first let him work in ventilation mode. This will remove unnecessary odors and the condensate will accelerate.
    Try to install maximum protection for the external unit from the environment.
  • For example, you can install a visor or a special anti -vandal lattice.
  • There should not be any objects on the surface of the blocks, do not touch the insides with wet hands, and it is also worth exposing animals and birds from the body.

How to clean the air conditioner: cleaning tools

Air conditioners cleaning funds
Air conditioners cleaning funds

To date, different means are used to clean air conditioners and all of them are divided into three groups:

  • Cleaners for the inner block
  • Cleaners for the external unit
  • Chemicals for cleaning individual parts inside the air conditioner

Each species is designed so that the surface is disinfected and a fungus or mold does not form on it. More funds are prevented by corrosion and do not allow salts to be deposited. You can buy such funds in the form of a spray or a special solution. Be sure to choose safe products and work with them in gloves.

Now that you know how to properly conduct independent cleaning and when you should contact a specialist, your technique will serve you for a long time.

Video: How to choose air conditioning? We are saved from the summer heat!

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