How to overcome the fear of the performance: do everyone experience it, how to cope with the excitement before the public, is it possible to drink a little alcohol or sedative pills? How to get rid of fear of performance, methods: psychological techniques, breathing exercises, warm -up for hands and facial nerves

How to overcome the fear of the performance: do everyone experience it, how to cope with the excitement before the public, is it possible to drink a little alcohol or sedative pills? How to get rid of fear of performance, methods: psychological techniques, breathing exercises, warm -up for hands and facial nerves

In this article we will tell you how to overcome the fear of the performance. Here you will find practical exercises and psychological techniques.

Fear of performance: who experiences it?

Most people at least once in their lives experienced excitement, panic or fear of a performance. And some experience fear of the performance constantly.

The performance implies not only concert activities. This includes the performance with a report in the educational institution, speech at the meeting, holding a presentation, toast at a solemn event, telling poems by heart at school.

When a person experiences fear of a performance, the body gives a response:

  • Hands, knees, voice begin to tremble;
  • The heart begins to beat rapidly;
  • Heat flows to the cheeks, because of this, red spots may appear on the face;
  • The pulse also becomes more frequent;
  • The voice is village, and a person cannot tie two words.

Excitement can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the personal qualities of a person, on the audience that you have to speak to, on the importance of the event.

Many believe that timid people are experiencing fear of the performance. However, it is not. Even those who professionally own oratory can experience excitement to a greater or lesser extent.

Important: fear of the performance is one of the most common phobias in the world.

Therefore, you should not think that you are one such person who does not know where to put your eyes during the performance. In this article, we will try to help you gain self -confidence and overcome excitement.

Fear of performance

How to overcome excitement, fear of a public performance: psychological techniques

In fact, you can overcome your fear of the performance. This skill can be developed in itself, like many others. To do this, you have to work with two aspects:

  • Learn to eliminate the physiological reaction of the body;
  • Work out your psychological attitudes.

The physiological reaction of the body is expressed in the rapacy of the pulse, heartbeat, etc. With it you can fight with special exercises immediately before going on the stage.

But to work out your psychological attitudes is much more difficult. Let's start with them.

The main methods to reduce fear of performances:

  1. Improving your own self -esteem. It would seem a banal rule. But in this case, it works with a bang. Often we are too exalting the significance of other people in our eyes. Assessment of the public, listeners, spectators of your speech becomes so important that you become too vulnerable. You think that the listeners with whom you read your report are much smarter, more competent, more professional for you, and thereby program yourself for failure. At this time, it is worth concentrating on yourself and on the process of performance, and not on its result.
  2. Do not set yourself a goal - to be perfect. Many are so afraid to make a mistake, it is ridiculous to look in front of the crowd that they prefer not to perform at all. In this case, it is worth asking yourself the question: "What will happen if you are mistaken?" In fact, nothing deadly will happen, but it is characteristic of everyone. Only one who does nothing is not mistaken.
  3. Appearance. Before the performance, you must be sure of your impeccable appearance. If something in your image is wrong, it will only distract your attention from the main thing-making speech, report, presentation, performances. Therefore, approach the choice of hairstyles, clothes, shoes, makeup with all seriousness. In this case, the appearance is not a trifle.
  4. Practice. Repetition is the mother of teaching. You remember this saying, right? In the case of a feeling of fear of the performance, it is necessary to constantly practice. Do not let your fear master you. Even if you performed unsuccessfully, this is not a reason not to go on stage and stop playing publicly. After several times, the fear will gradually decrease. All public people once performed for the first time, and, probably, they were also scared. But then over time they got used to the public, the scene and fear disappeared. For them, a public performance was the usual situation.
  5. Eye contact is importantUndoubtedly. But he knocks many from the sense. For example, you may face your eyes with a dissatisfied listener who is negatively configured, looks at the watch and yawns. In this case, you can easily go astray. Do not look at such a listener, but better find the one that will look with interest. An experienced speaker is looking for a response to the eyes of grateful listeners. If it’s hard for you to speak and look into someone, try to look not directly into your eyes, but a little higher-over your head. In this case, the impression will be created that you are looking at the viewer, but at the same time no one will violate your calm.
  6. Training. This item was not in vain placed in the last place. After all, it is the preparation that should be given the greatest amount of time. The text of speech, report, role, poem, no matter what you will talk about, but you must learn your words. So that even when you are woke up at night, you could tell these lines. Then it will be much easier and easier to perform. Be sure to rehearse at home. Speech can be recorded on the recorder, you can also speak in front of the mirror. If at home there is someone to listen to you - perfectly, rehearse in front of your household.
Rules for a successful performance before the public

Important: you also need to learn how to work out your mistakes. Even if you were mistaken during the performance, pretend that it is necessary.

Do not run away from the stage and stop the performance. Just learn to smile and continue further with a relaxed look.

There are three options for further events:

  • some of the viewers will not understand what happened;
  • part will react with understanding;
  • the memories of your mistake will leave after you brilliantly complete your performance.

Just set yourself up to positive.

Video: Fear of performance. How not to worry?

How to overcome excitement, fear of a public performance: warm -up, breathing exercises to reduce excitement on stage, hand rules

Now it’s worth it to figure out how to calm the fear of the performance immediately before going to the public.

Try to complete the following exercises, being behind the scenes:

  1. Go back and forth. Mash your brushes, move your fingers. This will help remove the paralyzing tension of the limbs.
  2. Pass the jaw back and forth. This exercise will help to relax the facial nerves.
  3. Tighten your body, and then relax. Repeat this exercise several times.

Physical activity will help relieve voltage, your reaction will improve, and you can eloquently perform.

Separately, you should talk about breathing. When a person is worried, his breathing becomes intermittent. And breathing directly affects the psychological state. Therefore, before performing, you need to return your breathing to normal.

Respiratory exercises with fear of performance:

  1. Imagine that inside your abdomen is a tennis ball. When inhalation, the ball smoothly rises to the throat, when exiting - drops down. When we breathe calmly, the tennis ball moves smoothly and slowly up and down. But when we are excited, the ball begins to tremble, move quickly. We need to ensure that the ball rises and falls smoothly. Breathe slowly and imagine how the ball moves inside you. This method was invented professor from New Zealand Herri Herminonson. He was engaged in the preparation of athletes in extreme conditions, and his ward Hilary conquered Everest one of the first.
  2. If your breath caught your breath, try to breathe deeply and, on exhalation, say any words with the letter “y”.
  3. Breathe through the nose. Take a breath for one or two, then exhale three or four-five. Pause in three seconds. Then increase the score with breaths and exhalations.
  4. Try it square breathing technique. Such breathing is carried out through the nose. Inhale, pause. Exhale, pause again. All pauses and breaths should be the same in time.
  5. Inhale one-or two through your nose, and exhale by three or four-five-six-seven through your mouth. Make a few approaches. This exercise will help you speak better and not get down during the performance.
Breathing exercises before performance

Many do not know what to do with your hands During the performance. During the utterance of speech, it is unacceptable:

  • Put your hands in your pockets
  • Gesticked too much
  • Cross one's chest
  • Close the hands

When speaking, put your hands on the rostrum or on the table. If there are no stands, hands can be in a natural slightly bent position. You can take a pen or folder in one hand. But try not to wave it.

Important: if you feel that anxiety is growing, walk around the stage, with a microphone, a handle in your hand, a folder with papers. Do not interrupt your performance.

How to reassure yourself during a performance

How to overcome the fear of a public performance: is it possible to drink soothing pills or alcohol?

Many, experiencing fear of the performance of the public, wonder if it is possible to drink sedative pills before the performance.

Important: if you have not drank any sedatives before, it’s better not to do this. The fact is that you do not know what reaction will be after you take the drug. Perhaps you will begin to lay down in a dream or the reaction will be too slow. In this case, instead of a positive effect, you will get the opposite. Therefore, it is better to calm yourself without the use of sedative, sedatives.

Some advise drinking a little alcohol before the performance. Especially if you are the host, leading at a cheerful holiday. We do not advise doing this. The reaction under the influence of alcohol can become unpredictable. You can behave too actively, without noticing it yourself. Some of your words and actions may seem inappropriate.

For the first time, this method can help, but if you are confident in your body. However, if you have to perform often, this method should not be present in your arsenal to relieve fear of the performance. Otherwise, there is a risk that drinking a little alcohol before the performance will become a habit. And then you will have to fight more unpleasant consequences than the fear of the performance.

Can you pour drink alcohol or sedatives before the performance?

How to overcome excitement, fear of a performance on stage, public: results

Let's summarize what you still need to do to overcome the fear of the performance:

  • Increase your self -esteem.
  • Provide an impeccable appearance.
  • Do not get hung up on the significance of the audience.
  • Search for a response in the eyes of grateful listeners, spectators.
  • Train, develop oratory in a practical way, perform again and again.
  • Carefully prepare for the performance, learn speech.
  • Before the performance, sleep well.
  • Do not get hung up on the result of the performance, instead - enjoy the process.
  • Before the performance, knead the facial nerves, body, vocal cords.
  • To master breathing gymnastics that will help to successfully perform.
  • Learn to behave on stage, properly have hands, eyes, smile.
  • Do not drink alcohol, soothing pills before the performance. It is also important before the performance not to drink a lot of liquids, there are not of poor -quality products so that no incidents on stage or behind the stands do not occur.

Important: after you performed, be sure to analyze your performance. Highlight and work out your flaws.

We hope we were able to help you. If you managed to overcome your fear of the performance, write your methods in the comments.

Video: How to overcome the fear of a public performance?

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