How to weave trees from beads? Schemes of weaving trees from beads for beginners and pro

How to weave trees from beads? Schemes of weaving trees from beads for beginners and pro

Beading trees: basics, step-by-step master classes.

Women began to decorate themselves and their house in time immemorial. Of course, in those days, women were limited by resources, but over time, the art of decorating a house with their own hands increased more and more.

Later, with the advent of glass, a new type of needlework appeared - beadwork. With the help of threads and multi -colored beads, the craftswomen made all kinds of jewelry (earrings, pendants, bracelets, hair decorations), and did not forget about their house, because the main task of women in the house.

Biser tree
Biser tree

Today, one of the most popular areas of beadwork is the trees from beads. They are completely different sizes, from mini-fraud on keychains, to two-meter beauties. Beginning craftswomen are wondering: are only sakura, or can other trees weave?

Indeed, the Sakura today are the most popular, but is connected with great love to the east of our craftswomen. In fact, you can weave from beads any tree and shrub, birches, mountain ash and flowering garden trees look especially beautiful.


How to weave beautiful beads? Master classes and schemes of weaving trees from beads

Beading trees relatively light direction in this type of needlework. Even a novice young needlewoman can master such a technique. Everyone knows that children like to craft with their own hands, but if the technique of execution is laborious and complex, the girls quickly lose interest.

Weaving trees from beads is popular both on children's creative circles and adult craftswomen. This is a fascinating and beautiful needlework, with which you can create an amazing decoration for home, office and even a gift.

Meeting autumn
Meeting autumn

How to make a bead birch? Master Class

Birch is ready
Birch is ready

The Russian birch does not leave both the Slavs themselves indifferent and fans of Russian nature around the world. We have prepared a step-by-step master of brazier weaving. For work, you will need green beads of three to four shades.

The more contrasting the colors, the more saturated and brighter the foliage will turn out. It will also require wire with dimensions of 0.3, 1 and 3 mm, threads for winding, PVA glue, alabaster, acrylic paints and two brushes (wide and thin).

Birch Step 1
Birch Step 1

We take the thinnest wire, cut off a segment of about 40 cm. We string 7 beads, retreat from the edge of 5-7 cm and twist the loop. The colors of beads are strung in a chaotic order. On just one thread, wind up 9 loops, the distance between the loops is about 1 cm. Fold in half, one loop remains in the center, we twist the rest together in one twig.

Birch Step 2
Birch Step 2

Such twigs must be weaved 15 pieces, and using the same technology, but already for 11 loops 57 pcs. Those that go to the top will be smaller, the rest will be evenly distributed on wood.

Birch Step 3
Birch Step 3

We proceed to the next step. From the twigs, on which we form 5 large branches, 3 thin in each each. Repeat with the rest of the branches too. To the twigs, which are longer chopped with threads of 1 mm wire. We put off and return to the top. We connect two trunks with short, in one of the 3 branches, in the second with 2. To each, we hug a 3 mm wire and wrap with threads.

Birch Step 4
Birch Step 4

The next step is to form a crown of a tree. One top will consist of 3 twigs and 12 long branches are hung to it. The second of the 2 branches, and 7 long twigs are hidden to it.

Birch Step 5
Birch Step 5

We connect the barrel so that the thicker peak is 1 - 2 cm higher. We wrap it with construction tape. Below we leave small ends of the wire and extend them in different directions as roots for stability.

Birch Step 6
Birch Step 6

Choose a shape for the base. We cover with a package, fill the alabaster diluted and lower the birch. We fix it so that during the drying she does not bow to one of the sides. We are waiting for about 10-12 hours until completely dry.

Birch Step 7
Birch Step 7

We hide the beads in the foil so as not to stream with paint. Piva pva stem and base with glue. We are waiting for several hours and go to painting. We cover with white paint the barrel in two layers. We are waiting until completely dry and go to the decor of the bark. Black paint we draw strips as on a real birch. Again, we are waiting for drying and decorate the base to our liking. We remove the foil and straighten the twigs.

Birch Step 8
Birch Step 8

Master class on weaving cash tree from beads, video

The monetary tree protects the owners from financial failures and attracts new cash flows into the house or office. In order for the tree to work more efficiently in it to invest a piece of its energy by completing it on its own.

Cash tree from beads
Cash tree from beads

To perform the work, you will need beads of gold, coins in the oriental style, thin wire and nippers. A tree can stand on its own roots, or you can place a previous birch in shape as a previous birch.

Video: Gold Cash tree from beads. Autumn Golden Tree. Autumn tree

Christmas tree from beads, step-by-step master class

Fir -tree from beads
Fir -tree from beads

By the new move, coniferous beauties leave their clearings and penetrate into every house, into every office, and even into each store. Those who do not decorate their homes are called the winter holidays by the scums of the Scroojs.

In recent years, the defenders of nature have finally conveyed to humanity that cutting coniferous trees is turning into an annual catastrophe, and it is best to replace natural spruce with artificial analogues. We suggest gathering on a winter evening and weave a winter beauty from beads!

Video: step by step master class Blue spruce

Bizer maple, master class, photo

Caplay from beads
Caplay from beads

Maple is a beautiful, luxurious tree for a long time, unfairly forgotten by masters of beadwork. Today at exhibitions it is rare, but these luxurious trees are still found. The implementation technique is more complicated than in previous master classes, but after watching step-by-step master classes, you can also master this technique.

Video: Minection sheet from beads

Video: Bisker maple. How to assemble a bead tree

Master class of weaving weaver willow from beads


The webhead is the favorite of needlewomen. For many centuries, it is embroidered in paintings and tapestries, on dishes and souvenirs. She also fell in love with fans of beadwork and is popular no less than Sakura.

Weeping willow
Weeping willow

In order to weave, you will need green beads (as in the case with birch you can take several shades), wire, thread, alabaster and decoupage materials.

Video: master class of weaving weaver willow from beads

Master class of poisoning mountain ash in the snow from beads

Winter mountain ash, how much beauty and tenderness in this landscape. I want to settle the winter beauty at home? This is not difficult! Only one evening spent in the weaving of beads and a bright mountain ash settle in your house.

Mountain ash in the snow from beads
Mountain ash in the snow from beads

For work, beads of white and dark red color, a copper or dark brown wire, and as usual alabaster and material for the decoupage of the base of the winter mountain ash.

Video: Master class of weaving mountain ash in the snow

Lilac from beads, master class, video

But with the advent of spring, the air is filled with a delicate aroma of lilac. But the branches of lilacs are famous not only for a delicate aroma, but also with elegant bunches of flowers. The beadless embodiment of lilacs is as excellent as the branches created by nature. And the eye can delight all year round!

Lilac from beads
Lilac from beads

To create a bouquet of lilacs, you will need beads of a shade from a white-pink, to a saturated lilac, green wire, or any other, but an additional thread is required.

Video: bead lilac

An unusual and beautiful glycine tree from beads, a master class

Beads glycine
Beads glycine

And in conclusion, delicate and touching glycia from beads. Another tree that is perfect in a girl’s bedroom will decorate the classic interior and add sophistication in the office.

For wood, beads of 3 colors will be required (pale pink, purple and green), wire, thread for winding and alabaster for the base. Glycinia trees are usually small and sophisticated, so it will take very little time to work. And the result will be amazing!

Video: Beads Glycinia

Features of weaving from beads of trees: tips and reviews

Galina: The younger granddaughter is both pleasant and troublesome. After all, it needs to be occupied with something and of course I am against the TV. On one of the cloudy days, I decided to show my 5-year-old needlewoman beadwork. The reaction was so interesting - the first hour sorted out beads as treasures. Well, then we started the simplest - weaving a twig. And she liked it! Now she loves to visit her grandmother and weave new and new toys, trees and keychairs. I advise all grandmothers!

Maryana: Not so long ago it was drawn to beadwork, and as it turned out, there is nothing complicated in it. Only a couple of evenings and the first tree was woven. I recommend that beginners buy sets at first, as the number of beads and the wire meter is clearly distributed there. And only then, with experience, you can collect mini sets for unique products yourself.

Beads glycine
Beads glycine

Video: Beautiful beads

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Comments K. article

  1. Xachu navuhitsa plisti deriva iz bisira

  2. please tell me what size of the biser is the weaving of wood very much like the weave recently I use the Internet

  3. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    How to weave from beads. Like almost any type of needlework, weaving from beads helps to create unique little masterpieces with their own hands, showing their imagination and relaxing from the main work or household chores

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