How to translate the clock in minutes, seconds?

How to translate the clock in minutes, seconds?

If you do not know how to translate minutes and seconds during hours and vice versa, read the article. Everything is described in detail and shown by examples.

An hour is a temporary indicator, a unit of measurement, a period of time that is equal 60 min And 3600 secund. Many people, and in particular, children, find it difficult to answer the question: how to properly translate one temporary indicator into another. How to calculate what this or that period of time is equal, this article will help you find out. Read further.

How to translate the clock in minutes, seconds? 8 hours 30 minutes: how many seconds is it?

In the minute 60 seconds, in an hour - 3600 seconds.
In minute 60 seconds, in an hour - 3600 seconds.

If you have difficulties with the transfer of one temporary indicator to another, then perhaps you multiply by the wrong number. Just remember that in an hour - 60 minand to present a watch in the form of minutes, you need to multiply this unit of time by 60. Eg:

  • 10 hour. \u003d 10*60 \u003d 600 min.
  • 6.36 hour. \u003d 6.36*60 \u003d 381.6 min.
  • 4.2 hour. \u003d 4.2*60 \u003d 252 min.

In one min. Exactly 60 secundso in order to translate minutes per second, you need to multiply this indicator by 60. To translate hours per second, it is necessary to multiply the indicator 2 times by 60. Eg:

  • 2 hour. \u003d 2*60*60 \u003d 7200 Secund
  • 3.4 hours. \u003d 3.4*60*60 \u003d 12240 Secund
  • 5 hour. \u003d 5*60*60 \u003d 18000 secund

It often happens that it is necessary to translate the time and so that the result is not in percentage ratio 381.6 min, and in temporary - 381 min and 36 secund. To do this, you need to leave the whole value unchanged, and the value after the decimal 6.

But how to translate the clock with minutes per second? For example: 8 hours 30 minutes - How many seconds are this? The answer will be like this:

  • First you need to translate this value to min.: 8 hours. 30 min. \u003d 8*60 \u003d 480 min.+30 min. \u003d 510 min.
  • Now it is necessary to multiply the resulting value by 60 - It will turn out the value in seconds: 510*60 \u003d 30600 Secund.
  • Answer: 8 hours. 30 min. \u003d 30600 Secund.

Many people incorrectly translate the meaning into minutes, multiplying 8.3*60 - this is wrong. Therefore, a mistake and the wrong answer are obtained. You first need to translate the clock in minutes, and then just add min., Which are indicated after aim.

How about minutes, seconds to translate in the clock?

We translate minutes during hours
We translate minutes during hours

In one hour 60 min. 60 secund is 3600 secund. To make a translation of less temporary value to more, you need to make the following:

  • The number of seconds is divided into 3600. The answer will be known how many hours.
  • For example, 54000 secund It is necessary to translate in the clock.
  • 54000: 3600 \u003d 15 hours

If the value in seconds is given another, for example: 54480 secund. In this case, the calculations will be as follows:

  • 54480-54000 \u003d 480: 60 \u003d 8 min.
  • Answer: 54480 Secund is 15 hours. and 8 min.

If the value in Secund is even more fractional, then the translation is performed as follows:

  • 54000: 3600 \u003d 15 hours.
  • 54485 \u003d 54480-54000 \u003d 480: 60 \u003d 8 min.
  • The rest of 5 is a second.
  • Answer: 15 hours. 8 min. 5 Secund.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in translating the values \u200b\u200bof time. The main thing is to understand what the minute and second is equal to, and then just find these values \u200b\u200bor translate into hours.

Video: We study the time with the arrows. Watch. Part 1

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