How to stop cursing a girl, a guy: tips, reviews. How to learn to talk without a mat?

How to stop cursing a girl, a guy: tips, reviews. How to learn to talk without a mat?

In the Russian language, there are many beautiful words that allow you to express pure expressive speech, but daily communication of many people is accompanied by obscene words. Speech without mats is one of the conditions of decent behavior, especially for women and children.

The mat helps to express the accumulated inner negative. Under the influence of emotions, we do not always control what we say. If a few words sometimes slip through in the dialogue, then you can still put up with this. But when mats are used simply for a bunch of words, communication with a similar person begins to push away.

How to stop swearing obscenities: nuances

  • A person, depending on obscene words, does not always understand how stop swearing obscenities. Sometimes the use of mats takes on the form of addiction. There are many effective ways to allow stop swearing a mat to a girl.

In the modern world, we often encounter obscenities at work, at school, in public transport. The number of women who use the mat is not inferior to the male half.

  • For adult women, this is a way to look on equalization with a strong floor. This phenomenon is often found in the process of working in a men's team. Teenage girls with the help of mats are trying to gain authority among peers.
  • Sometimes mats are shape protest and self -expression of youth. With strict education of parents, obscene words help adolescents feel the desired freedom of action.
  • Curse words They are deprived of a wonderful sex of femininity. It is better to gain respect with natural charm. An educated and educated girl will be able to repulse simple literary words. If you want to know how to offend or offend a person without using the mat, we advise you to read this article.
  • Both women and men sooner or later become parents and are An example for their children. If we do not want our children to swear, we must once and for all end with obscene vocabulary.

Why are people swearing?

All age categories are familiar with obscenities:

  • Small Children are swearing to become older and cooler.
  • Teenagers They use the mat, imitating their peers.
  • In adults The habit of swearing is formed under the influence of the environment. Mats help relieve stress or make up for a primitive vocabulary.

There is a point of view that obscene words are most used by uncertain people. Out -bloodwheat vocabulary is one of the forms of self -affirmation. A person goes against the rules, which gives him additional courage.

  • According to scientific research in people who are actively swearing, more develops testosterone. Even the most educated personalities resort to obscene vocabulary under the influence of danger, fear, risk, accumulated indignation.
  • For a separate category of people, the constant use of mats is an integral part of the image. With the help of sharp words, a person tries to emphasize his charisma. And stop cursing a man Or the girl is already very difficult.
More testosterone is produced
More testosterone is produced

How to stop swearing obscenities quickly, in a week: tips

Want to communicate with cultural and educated people? Then, first, take care of your upbringing. Many people perceive a three -story mate as a manifestation of aggression, so you need to get rid of an unwanted habit as soon as possible and stop swear. Effective techniques for getting rid of obscene vocabulary can be conditionally divided into two age categories.

How to stop cursing a girl, guy, girl, growing up:

  1. We change for the company.
  • Offer to make new rules in your communication circle. Say goodbye to obscene words at the same time as close friends.
  • Take responsibility for others, and they, in turn, will not let you relax. When several people are motivated at the same time, there are much more chances to achieve the desired result.
  1. Decent replacement.
  • If you really need to use non -standard words to build sentences and express your thoughts, then try replace obscene words with conditional expressions or literary templates. Material appeal to a person can be replaced with an animal breed, with a fruit name and any other word.
  • Give the flight of your imagination. People with humor react to dialogue, in which there are words like - "Dear, please, there is no strength to hold on, etc.".
  1. The vocabulary of others.
  • The circle of communication, in which the mat is the norm, plays a decisive role in the formation of a bad habit. For your own self -development, one must always strive for the best. Try to have new interesting interlocutors.
  • Change of company or team Opens new opportunities. Want to be better, work on yourself. No one will do it for you.
  1. Literary speech.
  • If you use mats for a bunch of words, then it is time to start reading the works of great Russian writers.
  • Healthy read poetry, memorize several interesting verses. Reading literature will increase your cultural level and replenish your knowledge.
  1. High -quality pastime on the Internet.
  • The network contains a lot of music, videos and series with obscene vocabulary. Refuse such viewing.
  • During the period of adaptation to a new style of communication, replace the virtual world with the real one.
  • Review your circle of interests on social networks. Start with a clean face.
High -quality spending time on the Internet
High -quality spending time on the Internet

How to stop swearing a mate to a man, a woman:

  1. Surrounded by respected people.
  • Each person has authority among older people. For example, when we communicate with our parents, out of respect, we do not allow ourselves to use obscene words. Every time you want to swear, imagine that children, mothers, teachers, your leaders listen to you.
  • Learn pause between thoughts and words. Controlled emotions make it possible to make less errors.
  1. A minimum of experiences.
  • Find the ways minimize stressful situations. After a busy working day, you can lower steam in the gym or in the dance circle.
  • Before succumbing to irritation, try to eat a verse from the song or count to 10.
  1. Penalty sanctions.
  • Use a person from a close environment for control of your speech. Install the rule according to which you need to compensate for each obscene word.
  • The penalty should strain you and beat your pocket, otherwise you will not begin to think about your behavior.
  1. Physical discomfort.
  • A popular way is tie of cash gum on the wrist.
  • Firstly, colored gum will be a visual reminder of your struggle with yourself.
  • Secondly, in order to learn how to talk without a mat, begin to delay the elastic band with every swearing word.
  • Painful click will be a punishment for your oversights.
Cash gum
Cash gum
  1. Learn to avoid negative thinking.
  • Most often, obscene words come to mind in negative situations. Teach yourself to look for compromises in the case when something goes not according to plan. For example, being late for work, disconnect the panic. Everyone who is connected with transport sometimes late.
  • Got to the store for lunch break -Perceive this as an opportunity to save money and purchase something more necessary.
  • Do not be upset if you can't quickly achieve the desired results. To feel the first result, it must pass for several weeks. It is also necessary for a useful habit.

How to stop swearing obscenities: examples of words replacing obscene

In Russian there is a reduced vocabulary in which words are called euphemisms. Instead of mats, you can use softer words and phrases that convey the emotional background of a person, the simplest words - “Lord! Well, what is it! Ouch!"

Consider several phrases that will be useful to any intelligent person:

  • When they put their nose into other people's affairs - "" What sadness to you, sir?»
  • When the dialogue lines up on mutual insults - " Goluba, do not bother yourself in search of desecrations».
  • Appeal to a person with a request-random on increased colors-"" Yes you will not be a burden».
  • When you want to be behind you, instead of the usual message with obscenities, it’s enough to say - “ do not distract me, I'm busy».
  • At the time of the emotional surge, it’s enough to say - “ emotions overwhelm me».
  • In an unforeseen situation, the expression is useful - “ UPS, a small collapse came out».
  • When you do not want to continue the dialogue, instead of a mat, ask a question - "So you still want to know?"
  • When something goes not according to plan- "It seems we overlooked something."
  • Indignation of other people's behavior can be expressed in a phrase - "Your behavior does not correspond to my expectations."
  • The list can be continued endlessly. With visual examples, it becomes obvious that it is quite realistic to stop swearing obscenities.

How to stop swearing a mat, a guy: reviews

  • Alice, 38 years old.In the period of complex family circumstances, she acquired the habit of swearing obscenities. In order not to become a bad example for her children, I began to try various methods to get rid of obscene vocabulary. I'll tell you about the most effective ways that helped control their speech. As soon as the mat breaks down from the tongue, I begin to read the alphabet, such as Eklmn, Abvgdeyka, etc. For each utter match, I burned a bill of 500 rubles. As soon as it began to hit, so he got sick of swearing.
  • Maxim, 25 years old.I was able to quit swear with self -hypnosis. I heard from a friend that the more we have been swearing, the weaker our connection with the Angel Keeper. But it is this sacred connection that helps us make the right decisions. And obscene vocabulary crosses out the light in our soul. He began to observe the people who are swearing from the side. He was shocked that he had not noticed before how obscene vocabulary spoils people. As soon as a woman begins to swear, her entire attractiveness comes down to “no”. A person who respects himself and others will never allow to pronounce curses in society. For myself, I decided that I do not want to sink to the level of market women or the forecourt.
Select the replacement
Select the replacement
  • Tatyana, 28 years old.To unlearn cursing, it was involved in her work team. In the office with a large number of managers, they started a piggy bank for fines. Everyone who swells must replenish the piggy bank with a fixed amount. In addition to monetary damage, the whole team observes this process, which causes unpleasant emotions in a stumbled person. For myself, I concluded that I am swearing when I get out of myself. Therefore, in order to get rid of obscene words, you need to work on yourself.

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