How to relocate ants from a test tube to formicaria? Ants do not move to formicaria from a test tube: reasons, what to do, reviews

How to relocate ants from a test tube to formicaria? Ants do not move to formicaria from a test tube: reasons, what to do, reviews

Instructions for the relocation of ants to the formicaria.

The most familiar pets for us are cats, dogs, hamsters, fish. Recently, exotic animals, such as raccoons, dated, and even amphibians have become popular. Some people contain spiders and snakes. Not so long ago, strange pets appeared on the market - ants. In this article we will tell you how to move ants toformicaria 

How to relocate ants from a test tube to formicaria?

Ant farm is a great way to relax, calm your nerves, and have pets. Of course, this is not a very standard version of pets, but they delight the owners no less. It is very pleasant to watch how they work, build colonies. At the initial stage, the acquired insects live in a small test tube, in the amount of 20-25 individuals. In order for the ants to have the opportunity to quickly develop and multiply, necessary to move them to a cozy house, which isformicaria. This small device, divided into several moves, contains cozy compartments in which ants will be located. You can’t just pour ants informicaria. It is necessary that the insects move there independently.

How to relocate ants from a test tube to formicaria:

  • For these purposes, it is necessary to remove the lidformicaria, put the test tube into the arena and wait until all the ants leave the temporary refuge. Just do not forget to close the moves in the long compartments with cotton wool before that.
  • They can be opened only when more than 35 individuals appear in the family. You cannot open compartments before. After all insects move to a new home, it is necessary to take it to the test tube, and coverformicaria 
  • It happens that an ant family is growing, the number of individuals increases, so there is not enough space in the old dwelling. In this case, it is recommended to purchase a larger housing. Some ants are attached to the old house, and do not want to move to a new one. The main task of the owner is to ensure the most comfortable conditions on the new farm, and worsen living in an old house. 

How to move ants to a larger farm?

Formicaria It connects to the new house using a rubber tube. Before relocation, newformicaria It must be washed with a large amount of water. Experts do not recommend using detergents, as they can be toxic for ants. It is necessary in the moisturizing chamber of the newformicaria Add water and cover it with a dark cloth. Insideformicaria It must be warm, high humidity, and darkening. 

How to move ants to a larger farm:

  • Make the living conditions in the old house less comfortable. Open the darkening and direct to the oldformicaria light. This will cause discomfort in insects, so they will be forced to leave old housing.
  • Do not close the incandescent lamp closer to the old ant farm, this will contribute to the heating of the glass, and increase the temperature inside.
  • Which will adversely affect the health of insects. A significant part may die after such manipulations. As soon as all ants move to new housing, remove the phone and close the output. 
Uterus with larvae
Uterus with larvae

Ants do not want to move: reasons

In natural conditions, such ants lead a sedentary lifestyle. They are underground, digging themselves. During the growth of the family, they break through additional moves, increasing the area of \u200b\u200bhousing.In conditionsformicaria, this is impossible to do, so they prefer to spend the maximum time in the old house. For these ants, relocation is a real stress.Therefore, it is necessary to fulfill all the conditions indicated above - to make accommodation in the old house less comfortable than in the new one. Ants will be forced to move to a more spacious, wet and warm housing into which sunlight does not penetrate. 

Ants do not want to move, reasons:

  • Unpleasant odor, fragrances
  • Inappropriate conditions of microclimate
  • High or low temperature
  • Low humidity
  • Bright light
In vitro
In vitro

When to relocate ants to the new formicaria?

There are several reasons that indicate that goosebumps became crowded in the old house.

When to relocate ants to the new formicaria:

  • The queen gives less brood, eats larvae 
  • The number of ant corpses is constantly growing 
  • All compartments and sections of the farm are busy 
  • Insects do not have time to collect all the garbage, and humidity informicaria Gradually falls 

In conditions of nature, such problems do not arise due to the presence of unlimited space. Ants themselves choose when they need to dig new moves, and increase the area of \u200b\u200bhousing. However, in the conditions of homeformicaria, this cannot be done due to a limited and closed space. If these signs are detected, measures must be taken. Using the tubes, connect the old farm with the new one. 


Ants do not move to formicaria from a test tube - what to do?

As practice shows, not all insects want to move. Perhaps this is due to the presence of extraneous odors. It is recommended to cleanformicaria Without soap, as well as to assemble it with clean hands. Application on the hands of cream, aromatic agents, is not allowed.

Ants do not move to formicaria from a test tube, what to do:

  • Before the work, it is necessary to wash your hands with household soap. Next, it is worth connecting the old and new houses, and wait. During the week, with a favorable outcome, insects find the entrance to the new house, and gradually master it.
  • It is necessary to cover the house with a dense cloth that does not pass the light, and hang a lamp over the old housing. Ants, which are in the old house, cannot withstand bright light, move to a new house. 
  • You can resort to several tricks that will make the ants move to a new house.Stop cleaning all the garbage that the ants brought to the arena of the old house. 
  • Stop reporting new food to the old house. Remove the garbage and put food only in a new house. 

Do not use shock methods to transfer ants to a new place. In no case should you pick up the queen, and transfer it to a new place. The fact is that the uterus may experience shock, as a result of which it will die, or cease to give new offspring. The most important thing is that the queen moves to a new house. After that, the rest of the family, that is, the queen's subordinates, go into a new house. Of course, several goose cards can remain, in the old housing. 

They are allowed to be transferred to a new house with a cotton wool. This method is the safest resettlement option. It is by no means impossible to sprinkle ants in any case. This is a serious shock for insects that can cause death. 


When to relocate ants to formicaria from test tubes?

As indicated above, it is recommended to relocate from the test tubes of the family, which contain more than 25-30 individuals. Experts claim that the more ant family, the easier it tolerates relocation, and moving.

When to relocate ants to the formicaries from test tubes:

  • You can wait for the number of family members to increase to 50. Do not open all the compartments of the new house at once. Close them with sterile wool. Do the same with the old house, constantly closing the compartments from which the ants left.
  • This will prevent their return. Be sure to introduce goodies into the new house that ants love very much. This is sugar syrup, and a small amount of fruit.
  • All these actions will stimulate relocation from the old house to a new one. Be sure before the manipulation, disinfect the arena, completely allformicariabut without the use of antiseptics with flavors. 

How to relocate ants from infected formcaria?

The main problem when moving a large family from infected with ticks or mold informicaria - Lack of time. It is necessary to transfer an ant family to a new house as soon as possible.

How to relocate ants from infected formcaria:

  • It is in this case that it is necessary to try to relocate the uterus first with the help of a cotton stick of all the other inhabitants. This is a very painstaking, long work that will take one day.
  • Ants with great pleasure move to an empty stomach. That is why relocation is best done before the next feeding. Only a new portion of food must not be laid in the old house, but in a new one. Hungry ants will certainly move to a new farm. 
  • Contentformicaria associated with a large number of problems and worries. It is necessary to resettle the colony if the previous house is infected, part of the insects fell ill. Healthy insects are moved to a test tube using a rubber tube.
  • To disinfect insects, a cotton swab moistened with the drug next to the entranceAntibak 250. When the uterus and 25-35 ants move to the test tube, transfer is carried out. There is no point in transferring more ants, even such a small colony will grow over time. 

Why do ants die in the farm after relocation?

There are several causes of the death of ants after relocation.

Why are ants die in the farm after relocation:

  • Violation of the temperature regime. In no case should not be transferredformicaria to a new place. Ants are very sensitive to a change in microclimate, so they can die even from minor temperature fluctuations. 
  • Do not put itformicaria On the windowsill, or to the places where there is a serious draft. This will contribute to the cooling or heating of the formcaria when the sun penetrates the window. 
  • Changing the diet. There are a number of products that cannot be given to certain types of ants. Before you start a colony, you must familiarize yourself with the diet and carefully follow the instructions. Additional products cannot be introduced, they can cause death.
  • Increased humidity or its decrease. Vata in the moisture compartment should be saturated with water. If condensation appears on the walls, it must be removed all the time. The constant presence of condensate is not allowed, as this contributes to the growth of mold. If cotton wool is dry, it must be periodically wetted with water. It should be wet, but not wet, so that condensate on the glass does not form.    

The uterus of ants died after relocation - what to do?

There are two options for the development of events.

The uterus of ants died after the resettlement, what to do:

  • Partially disband the colony in other houses. In each new oneformicaria Make several old residents. They will adapt to new conditions. You can’t just connect a large colony into a house where there is a uterus with its subjects.
  • A war will begin between the inhabitants of two different colonies and some of the ants will die. There is a risk that during the skirmishes the uterus will die in the newformicaria. Do not use such radical methods.

How to relocate ants to formicaria: reviews

Below can be found with the reviews of the ownersformicaries 

How to relocate ants to formicaria, reviews:

Oksana. I acquired an ant farm for my son, who is 8 years old. He watches famous bloggers who actively promote the content of such non -standard pets. I could not resist, and acquired. To be honest, almost all the worries on my shoulders. After all, an eight -year -old child is not able to take care of insects on his own. She relocated, as indicated in the instructions, laid out a test tube in the arena. The ants left the old house without any problems, and moved to a new one, because in the test tube it was very crowded. They moved just a few hours later, but the colony was small, about 35 goosebumps. 

Valentine. I am 19 years old, I decided to purchase pets who do not need daily feeding. Few people know, but ants need to be laid out for food only once or twice a week. This is enough for the development of an ant family. Not so long ago I relocated a family from a smallformicaria in big. Initially, I acquired a good option that allows you to attach another farm. The ants moved for a long time, I had to resort to cunning, to use bright light so that insects move to a new house. They feel good, did not notice that someone fromworkers He died at seven. 

Alexander. Acquired informicaria Two years ago, when it was not as popular as it is now. This is a rather unusual experience, the farm exists now. Replacedformicaria On a large one, since the family grows very quickly. Recently, I see what newformicaria Not enough, as the number of dead inhabitants increased, and almost all compartments are busy. I plan to purchase one more, or connect a small one to resettle the family. The ants moved very quickly, because there were very few places on the old farm. 

A test tube
A test tube

Many interesting articles about ants can be found on our website:

Ants: species, features of the external and internal structure of the body, reproduction. How many legs, eyes do you have?

Dream Interpretation - Ants: What are ants in a dream in a house, apartment, on your body, legs, in my head, hair, many, in large numbers?

Signs about ants in the house, forest.

Books of ants on a person: how to treat, how to smear, how to get rid of itching?

When acquiringformicariaChoose models of houses that will increase housing by connecting new compartments. This will gradually increase the farm, it will grow. 

Video: How to relocate ants to formicaria?

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