How to move to live with a guy, man: recommendations

How to move to live with a guy, man: recommendations

The postulate that every girl dreams of getting married did not lose her relevance today. But, unfortunately, modern princes are in no hurry to lead their chosen ones down the aisle.

It happens that you have met a guy for a long time and clearly understand what exactly with him would like to create a family, and he does not make you a proposal - what to do? If your beloved has your own housing, then you can try to move to him and try to live together - perhaps he will actually be not at all the hero of your novel.

How to move to live with a guy, a man, if he has his own housing?

  • Of course, moving and cohabitation is also a fairly serious step in rapprochement, some responsibility for another person, which men, as you know, are very not loved and even in some way afraid. Let's help them overcome this eternal fear, adhering to the recommendations below.
  • Having made a historical decision that the light is not sweet to you without your chosen one, who, moreover, there lives absolutely one In your own apartment, you naturally begin to think about how you get over to this very apartment.
  • Well, if the guy is already hinted That it is nice to meet every dawn in the same bed, and if he is stubbornly silent and continues to accompany you home in the evenings? How move to the guy, so as not to frighten him, and not to inflict the significant damage to his girlish pride and honor?
  • The answer is simple: move gradually. That is, slowly begin to “forget” some little things in his apartment, come up with the reasons for not to leave “at night”, gradually gaining momentum.

Remember: Men are very afraid of the appearance of a toothbrush in their home! This phenomenon has not yet been fully investigated by scientists, but is not subject to doubt. That is, start with more harmless things - your favorite toilet soap, your cup (which you can first choose together), indoor slippers (your legs are very freezing, and its shoes are five sizes more). A good option is to settle his own indoor flower, for which it will be necessary to later care for.

  • If you managed to drag your bedding into the lonely lingerie, a night and notorious toothbrush into the apartment of a lonely man, you can sleep calmly - he is in your hands! The main thing is that he himself will come to terms with this thought and unexpectedly not break out.
  • After such a phased move, you will begin a new life in which you will have to solve completely different problems: rubbing each other, seek compromises, and establish joint life.

How to move to live with a guy, a man, if he is divorced?

  • Divorce is a huge psychological blow for representatives of both sexes, so people who have received this sad experience, as a rule, do not seek to create a new family. Therefore, before making matrimonial plans regarding a divorced man, weigh the pros and cons of it - is there a candle game?
  • If you are sure that he is a hero of your dreams, then you will have slowly sweat, gaining his trust. And it is best to start with the creation of household comfort, no matter how prosaically it sounds. Yes, yes, the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach-this ancient formula continues to work today. Try to cook a delicious full dinner for your chosen one, and you will undoubtedly see this.
Moving to diluted is possible
Moving to diluted is possible
  • In addition to food, the man also needs cleanliness and ironed shirts, after all, for you this is a mere trifle, right? And for him - a serious test, and even not every male representative can overcome it.
  • So forward - the advice of mom and the Internet to help you! Take care of your guy With all my heart, constantly and not too intrusive and, believe me, he will certainly appreciate it. After all, to come to a clean house, where it smells delicious, where they are waiting and worried about it - much better than in an empty dwelling. Try to inspire this thought to your man, and he will not be able to resist!

How to move to live with a guy, a man, if his mother does not like you?

  • Why only mom, and not at all to parents, you ask. The fact is that usually fathers either approve of the choice of their sons, or do not bother with such issues at all. Another thing is mom - Future mother -in -law.
  • This is a separate caste of women who suddenly understand that their favorite child (voluntarily!) Preferred another - and in advance they relate to this other is not quite kind. In any case, be prepared for the fact that any of your actions will be considered under a microscope and even the slightest flare can configure it against you.
  • What to do if is your chosen one mother categorically opposed to your move? It’s good if he had already had a separate housing before meeting with you - in this case, sooner or later mother -in -law will have to come to terms with the presence of a daughter -in -law, and you can meet her at first more often. In this case to move to live with a guy, a man will be easier.
The groom's mom can dislike you
The groom's mom can dislike you
  • And if yours the guy lives with his mother under one roof, then get ready for serious trials - in quick wits, any mother -in -law will give you a hundred points ahead. You must tune in to positively in advance, forgive her her whims and try to convince her that, firstly, you really love her son for a beautiful soul, and not for apartment meters. And secondly, you very respect the mother-in-law itself as a person and are ready to blindly follow all her advice.
  • You will actually do this or not - in fact it is not so important, you just need to convince your mother -in -law of this and tolerate a little, and everything will improve with time.

How to move to live with a guy, a man who does not like your parents?

  • Any normal parents are worried about the fate of their daughter and often believe that Her chosen one is not good enough. To convince them of the opposite and move to live with a guy, a man will have to try your young man, and this, as they say, is good.
Your parents may not like the guy either
Your parents may not like the guy either
  • Let him bring your mother to a supermarket for shopping and unquestioningly carry heavy bags behind her, meekly dig beds in the country or repaire the fence. And most importantly - praises her cooking!
  • Find the approach to the father Usually much easier, because the interests of men actually very often coincide. Joint fishing or football match trips - And the point is in the hat!
  • In addition, a man must demonstrate his best qualities to the bride’s parents: love for her and, accordingly, respect for her parents, the ability to earn enough money and willingness to spend them on creating family comfort. Nobody can stand before.

How to move to live with a guy, a man and start a life together?

  • If you correctly prepared your beloved to the idea that without you, his life is empty and simply impossible, then be prepared to finally move to live with a guy, a man. However, this is far from the end of history, because it is also necessary to move and begin joint existence in order to subsequently avoid many problems and disappointments.
  • So, do not take everything to his house at once: after all, he is used to his interior, furniture and the way of life in general. Therefore, if you do not like the high-tech style, in which his apartment is decorated, do not rush to throw out glasses of glass and metal in the trash, replacing them with soft ottomans and with your own hand-tied napkins.
Living together
Living together
  • remember, that a man appreciates his habits very much (like freedom) and parting with them will be extremely painful.

Start small: offer to buy a soft bedside rug (you remember: your legs are freezing!), Modestly take your things a couple of shelves in its closet. Do not forbid your boyfriend to bring friends of friends to jointly view football matches, happily get up at five in the morning to go fishing with him (hunting, emphasize the mushrooms for mushrooms).

  • You must well remember that the man, of course, is the head, and the woman - the neck - where she will turn, the man will look there. Just start the turns smoothly - as in the gym, where active training begins with a warm -up warm -up.
  • If you behave correctly, Soon your friend will sincerely love the Provencal style instead of high-tech, baked fish instead of a fat, harmful steak and leisurely walks in the park instead of descent along a mountain river on kayaks. And it will be surprised from the heart, how could he even exist before meeting you?

How to move to live with a guy, man: reviews

Reviews of girls who moved to live with a guy:

  • Karina, 28 years old:My future husband and I met by modern standards for a long time - almost six months. Of course, sometimes they stayed with each other to spend the night, but somehow they did not speak about living together. And then a neighbor suddenly flooded my apartment from above - so much so that the repair stretched for several months. I was at first at a loss where I move for the duration of the repair? And Kostya, without hesitation, said: of course, to me! I stayed with him, and we are still renting my apartment.
  • Lisa, 19 years old:I recently met with a man who is 10 years older. He sometimes invited me to him, but always sent home in the middle of the night. Well, I decided to slowly leave my things in his apartment - then I will “forget”, then tights. And recently, he rolled me with a terrible scandal about the panties under the pillow. It turned out that this goat was married, and when his wife went on a business trip, he was brought. She found my things-almost reached the divorce. It turned out to be such unsuccessful my “gradual” move. Although, on the other hand, it is good that everything turned out.
  • Marina, 43 years:Nikita and I met in the sanatorium. We talked and it turned out that we came from one village. I thought that our romance would remain resort, and upon arrival at home, he immediately offered me to move to him. Say, not children already, why rush between the houses. I didn’t even believe my ears, it turns out that there were still decent men in this world! A few months later, we signed and now we have legally live with one family.

Video: We live with a guy

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