How to wash your hands from nuts quickly, ammonia, lemon juice, peroxide? How to wash your hands from a green walnut?

How to wash your hands from nuts quickly, ammonia, lemon juice, peroxide? How to wash your hands from a green walnut?

Ways to wash your hands from nuts.

Autumn is the time of various fruits and berries. It was at this time that many nuts appear, chestnuts. In this article we will tell you how to wash your hands from nuts.

How to wash your hands from nuts?

Everyone was once small and know that cleaning nuts from the green shell is very problematic, and makes you resort to tricks. Naturally, after such manipulations, the hands become green and then brown.

How to wash your hands from nuts:

  • This is due to the fact that the composition of the nutty shell contains a large amount of iodine. It is he who gives brown hands. It is very difficult to wash such a color from the skin. But if you try, then it will be possible to do it quickly enough.
  • The most effective option is the use of household chemicals, which contains acids and alkalis. It is worth noting immediately that this method is quite aggressive, and is often accompanied by itching, the formation of cracks on the hands.
  • Therefore, if you want to clean your hands without consequences, we advise you to resort to sparing methods using home remedies that do not contain acids and alkalis.

How to wash walnut from the skin?

Below is a list of effective means for cleaning hands from nuts.

How to wash walnut from the skin:

  • White. The composition contains chlorine, which bleats hands, removing traces of iodine. This method is good because it is possible to wash your hands very quickly from iodine. But at the same time, the skin often dries and cracks.
  • Oxygen bleach. The composition contains special enzymes and surface-active substances that penetrate deep into the pores of the skin, pushing out the remains of iodine from there.
  • Aggressive chemicals based on acids and alkalis. It can be a means for cleaning the slab or toilet. The composition often contains alkali or chlorine. These methods are very effective and extremely quickly remove the color from the fingers, but at the same time often contribute to cracking of the skin.

Note: In no case can these methods be used if the skin is delicate, there are burrs and small wounds dry on it. Also, the method is not applicable if you have recently made a manicure, so the cuticle in the nail area is very thin. Due to the use of aggressive means, you will receive burrs, fringe, as well as wounds in the field of recently cut cuticle.

How to wash your hands after nuts with homes, lemon juice, vinegar?

You can use less aggressive home methods, which are also based on the interaction of acid and iodine. Iodine is an active element that interacts with acids, with the formation of appropriate salts.

How to wash your hands after nuts with home remedies:

  • Lemon juice. This method is considered quite effective, but careful. It should be borne in mind that at a time it will not work to completely remove the color from hand. This is due to the fact that the acid acid is quite weak, and organic. It does not fully interact with iodine and therefore removes the paint from hand partially and slowly. Perhaps you will have to repeat the manipulation several times.
  • Vinegar. To do this, you need to rub hands with vinegar several times in a row. You can prepare a kind of solution. To do this, half a glass of vinegar dissolves in a liter of water, it is necessary to hold the hands in the solution and then rub the sponge with the hard side of the sponge.

How to wash your hands after cleaning nuts with soda?

If you do not have such funds, you need to use the cunning advice of summer residents. To clean the hands from signs of the nut, you can use unauthorized, green grapes. It is necessary to crush several berries of green grapes in the hands and hold the resulting mass on the hands for 15 minutes. The acid contained in the berries will remove darkening, make the skin lighter. You can use scrubbing. Both purchased scrubs and homemade are suitable.

How to wash your hands after cleaning nuts:

  • Baking soda. It is necessary to moisten your hands in the water, pour a little soda and leave for 5 minutes. After that, rub your hands thoroughly with the use of a sponge.
  • The fact is that salt grains are abrasive, so the surface of the skin is cleansed due to the exfoliation of its upper layers.
  • Coffee grounds. It can be used after you drank a cup of morning coffee. It is necessary to apply a little coffee grounds and rub thoroughly.
  • You can also use sand. Ordinary river sand as an abrasive perfectly removes the upper layers of the skin. All these methods using abrasives are effective only if the traces on the hands are fresh, and not outdated. If they are deeply eaten into the skin, then the scrubbing substances will remove the upper layers, but they will not reach deep. Accordingly, it will only be possible to slightly lighten the color, but not to remove it completely.

How to wash the blackness of nuts with hydrogen peroxide, sea salt?

You can try to lighten your hands using non -aggressive means. Among them, potatoes can be allocated. It contains starch, which reacts with iodine, with the formation of salts, which brighten the spots on the hands. It is necessary to clean 2 tubers from the peel, chop them on a coarse grater and put them on the hands. It is necessary to wear plastic bags or gloves on top. With such an application on the hands you need to walk for 15 minutes. If necessary, the manipulation is repeated.

How to wash the blackness from nuts:

  • You can also use sea salt. For this, special baths are prepared in which they hold their hands. To do this, one tablespoon is dissolved in a glass of hot water. After that, it is necessary to withstand the hands in the solution for 10 minutes. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly wipe the skin with the hard side of the washcloth.
  • You can also use other means that are more aggressive. Among them, hydrogen peroxide can be distinguished. This substance, which shows both acid and alkaline properties, therefore actively copes with any pollution.
  • It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in a solution with a concentration of 3%. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Further, with the help of the disk it is worth wiping all the places that were contacted with nuts. This solution is most effective if the spots are slightly noticeable, and you just came from a walk where you were engaged in cleaning nuts. If distinct brown spots are visible in hand, then this method is ineffective.

How to wash the nut from your hands quickly?

To clean your hands, you can use ammonia. It is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in it and very carefully, rubbing movements, remove stains. It is best to carry out the process in a well -ventilated room, on the balcony or on the street, since the unpleasant smell of ammonia can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness.

How to wash the nut from hand quickly:

  • Many note that these methods are not very effective, and still you have to walk with painted fingers for several days. This is due to the fact that the Uglon is absorbed into the upper layers of the skin, and is not washed out of them.
  • Therefore, it will be possible to finally get rid of spots only if you remove the upper layer of the epidermis. This can only be done when using scrubbing. The most effective of them are river sand.
  • It must be rubbed between the palms, pumice is suitable. It must be rubbed separately. Many housewives, with good experience, note that in order to put themselves in order, you need to start a general cleaning or a lot of washing. Under the influence of a large amount of washing powder, and with constant friction, the upper layers of the skin are removed. Accordingly, almost all darkening will come down after general cleaning or washing.

How to clean your hands from a walnut: tips

Please note that immediately after assembling the crop, hands do not get dirty. A characteristic feature of Yuglon, which is contained in a nutty shell, is a high iodine content, it manifests itself on the hands during the day.

How to clean your hands from a walnut:

  • If immediately after cleaning the shell you did not notice the spots, it is necessary to carry out processing in order to prevent the manifestation of the dye on the hands. The highest concentration of Yuglon is contained in immature fruits, with a green peel.
  • If the nuts are ripened, the peel dries, and it itself falls off, there are practically no spots on the hands. This is due to the fact that the concentration in mature fruits is very small. That is why immature nuts are collected in therapeutic, from which they then cut the shell and prepare tinctures.
  • This substance is very useful, often used in folk medicine to treat joints and skin diseases.

How to protect your hands while cleaning nuts?

There are several rules that should be followed during the cleaning of nuts in order to prevent spots and pollution.

How to protect your hands during nuts cleaning:

  • If you accidentally got on the harvest of nuts, and there were no gloves at hand, you can use simple techniques. Lubricate your hands with very fat cream or sunflower oil.
  • Any fat that is absorbed into the skin prevents the deep penetration of Yuglon into the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it will be much faster to remove pollution after using fatty cream or oil.
  • You can use the interesting method by moistening your hands in the water, lower it into starch. Thus, a peculiar, protective, starchy layer is obtained.

It is necessary to put on gloves and clean mature fruits. Wait for the period when the nuts themselves begin to fall from the trees and the shells break off. Otherwise, removing the skin from green nuts can provoke the appearance of dark spots.

Video: To wash your hands from nuts?

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