How to distinguish a smart person from a stupid: signs of a smart and stupid person. How to understand that you are smart? What depends on: smart person or not?

How to distinguish a smart person from a stupid: signs of a smart and stupid person. How to understand that you are smart? What depends on: smart person or not?

In this article, we will analyze the signs of a smart and stupid person, and also designate the signs of each type of people.

As practice shows, the presence of diplomas or gold medals is not an indicator of the mind. It is not only pleasant and interesting to communicate with a smart person, you can also get some knowledge from him. But you can not divide people only on stupid or smart individuals, do not forget about the average group. How to find out about your abilities or weaknesses, as well as how to solve your interlocutor, this material will help. By the way, attentive to the tricks of the demagogue, so carefully pay attention to the details.

Signs of a smart person

Each of us is a personality and each has its own habits in behavior. But, if you analyze actions and behavior, then their connection can be established with the mind. This material will not only help to understand what kind of interlocutor you have in front of you, but also engage in introspection. And in the future, one can also engage in “training” your mental abilities.

  • We will dispel the myth and so questioned - excellent student is not always the smartest. And he may not have a red diploma or at all higher education. In the same way with working positions. A smart person identifies what he knows what he wants. It is not exchanged for generally accepted requirements or standards, but distinguishes the main and interesting for itself. And implemented in this direction.
  • But a smart person will not stop at the knowledge achieved. He will constantly supplement, learn new information. Indeed, for development and constant growth, knowledge is needed, and then you can become even better. Yes, even social networks can be useful. True, we are not talking about banal pictures or jokes now.

Important: smart person adheres to a mental diet. That is, it develops comprehensively. If he is a specialist in his field, he will definitely be interested in other areas and professions. But in moderation! He will not eagerly grab any information if he saw her on the Internet or read it in the newspaper. That is, any stream of information needs to be filtered and outweighed.

  • Also smart people very attentive to the little things. They do not follow the adopted stamps, but distinguish their requirements. Even to the color, style, to other details, just to the smallest detail. All their life -making life should be in complete harmony in order to create a whole. And most importantly, they want and achieve harmony in their feelings, thoughts, feelings.
  • All spheres of his life fall under the balance. Therefore, the workaholic is not an indicator of the mind, but rather the inability combine different parts of life. A smart person competently and without any damage combines work, a house, a family, and even his personal interests.
  • A smart person is more listens, rather than says. No, he has something to say or add. But a smart person will delve into information, ask leading questions in order to supplement his knowledge with something new and useful.
  • A smart person never shouts to everyone and everyone that he is the smartest. Even if in a room among other people he is really like that. Firstly, he will consider it a stupid and useless occupation. And secondly, he will make it possible to feel that everyone is also worth a lot. And of course, humiliating or making it clear to another person that he is stupid, smart himself drops to his level. If not lower.
Smart person develops comprehensively
Smart person develops comprehensively
  • He does not reveal his abilities. Again, a smart person will not prove anything to someone. If circumstances require this, then he will show his capabilities. But only in case and fact.
  • A smart person reads books. But they can be in electronic version, and it also watches films. It is important how he chooses them. He highlights the plot and meaning, and not popularity and “number of likes”. The situation is also with music. A smart person does not discard the classics only because of the past tense, but does not forget about new genres.
  • Clever man does not criticize or condemn. For the reason that any assessment needs an additional context. Therefore, before any conclusion, he will analyze, weigh and conduct a connection between all events and consequences.
  • A smart person understands that in our world almost everything is created by the hands of man. Therefore, he, as gratitude, wants to give something away from himself. Buying, he does not spare the money spent. It also makes insignificant, but his contribution-creates something with his own hands.

Important: a smart person is not afraid and even needs loneliness. After all, the main thoughts and ideas occur inside a person. He uses social networks for cognition, and not to fill the void in time. Moreover, he knows how to concentrate on something definite and important. Smart person in the literal sense knows how to close in himself and his thoughts.

  • Its expanded horizons allows to communicate with everyone on their "language". That is, with writers through books, and with artists through paintings. He will not put another person’s smart phrases in an awkward position, therefore he will communicate on equal terms.
  • A smart person is always bring the work begun to the end. He does not have such thoughts, and suddenly the result will not bring any benefit. Therefore, a smart person always analyzes everything in detail before starting actions.
  • He is also not afraid to make a mistake. This is self -development and driving force forward, so without errors in any way. But he will not repeat them again. A smart person will always make the right conclusion out of an experienced lesson.
  • There is no good luck! In this world, everything depends only on ourselves. If you worked hard, you will achieve the result. Yes, if other components of life that can affect the course of events. But this is definitely not fate. So, you need to take up the action with renewed vigor or conduct a detailed analysis.
  • Smart man never, nothing and nobody does not prove! He recognizes his mistakes. It is not so important for him to be “right”, so he does not lie. The smart will conclude and receive a share of self -development.
  • He also knows how adapt to different situations. He knows how to lead with certain people and under certain conditions. It can be soft as clay, but at the same time, has a steel rod.
  • And a smart person always remains optimist. He does not fall into depression or apathy due to failures. And, on the contrary, he is trying to extract a lesson. Please note that smart people on the face almost always have a smile.

You can determine a smart person even by appearance

A few points that are immediately striking or how to help themselves:

  • According to statistics, more smart, authoritative and successful people have a neat appearance. No, they do not run headlong after a new designer thing. They choose their style, but a smart person always looks clean and neat.
  • Uniform and deep breathing helps to saturate the brain with oxygen. This not only helps for mental activity, but also gives calm and balance.

Important: obscene words not only affect our fate not in the best way, but also clog the brain. And in the eyes of the interlocutor, a cursing person loses significance and authority. Remember, a smart person uses a “clean” speech.

  • Mosque will also say about your mind. According to statistics, the body language plays an important role in communication between people. And if a person is stooping, then this indicates either his uncertainty or his shyness. Suti is also a sign of laziness.

Signs of a stupid person

How to recognize a stupid person? The following material will help. Although you can do the method “from the opposite” state of things. That is, what is being done in the first paragraph, it automatically does not perform or violates a stupid person.

  • There is no purpose of the conversation. A stupid person, instead of working, is ready to “scratch” for hours. So what, that the conversation is meaningless and “chewed” three times, not in silence to sit. This is a motto in the life of a stupid person.
  • He is also panic afraid to stay alone. For the same reason that there is no one to talk to, and even thoughts come to mind.
  • Solo and selfish - Here are two characterizing the words about a stupid person. He will speak incessantly and only about himself. If something happened in life and just needs to be replied, then this is not an indicator of stupidity. We are talking about a systematic position. He does not receive any experience, because he does not hear anyone except himself.
  • He never not interested in the problems of others. And why, if he has his own full. That is, all daffodils fall under the category of fools.
A fool is usually an egoist
A fool is usually an egoist
  • A lot of words and few actions. The one who talks about his exploits hangs posters and shouts into the whole throat, is also considered a fool. A stupid person loves attention to yourself And trying to attract it as much as possible.
    • But the methods are unimportant and can be completely different. Someone laughs without stopping (no, you need to laugh, but choose the place and situation correctly), and the second comrade often starts fights. In other words, the louder the person behaves, the stupid he is.
  • A stupid person is always argues and proves his case. He perceives criticism as a reproach or nit -picking, but he cannot take the lesson from what was said. What is there, he simply will not understand him.
    • He crites and discusses All around. A stupid person always deal with who lives and what he does. Moreover, he gossips and discusses behind him.
    • In addition, a fool is always distributes advice others. He is the smartest and knows everything better, so he needs to listen to his opinion.
    • It is not considered progress or time, but is true only to its attitudes and principles. That is, it does not change, does not bend and violently proves the case.
  • Dividing people into categories or considering the situation only in black and white. You do not know the life situations and conditions of another, and also did not receive his experience. You need to focus on your life as much as possible.
  • There is no measure - excessive courage or cowardice. If a person does not undertake to work only because he is afraid of failure - this is stupidity. If he throws he started halfway, he also speaks of stupidity. And if it is excessively thrown by actions, without thinking about the consequences, then this is also stupidity. That is, he got down to business, without analyzing the consequences, and lost everything.
  • Gambling and excessive scattering with money is stupidity. It becomes "scroof" does not need, but the price of money should be known.

IMPORTANT: But the money is in the first place. No value or person plays a role like them. But harmony with himself and the outside world - for him not only does not matter, but such a thought does not occur to him.

  • Blocks himself and his mind from new knowledge. He does not even try to receive this information, but spends time on empty games or entertainment.
  • Blocking on the negative aspects of what is happening, envies others. A stupid person always achs and complains about life.
Even in the presence of several higher formations, you can be a fool
Even in the presence of several higher formations, you can be a fool
  • Almost constantly lies, Deceiving even yourself. Often a stupid person hides for generally accepted standards. Yes, in general, they are guided by them. That is, his favorite phrases: “Everyone says so” or “Everyone does that.” He is afraid to tell the truth to others and look into her eyes on her eyes.

Important: does not appreciate the freedom and human rights. A striking example is a presented toy to the child. Parents often scold the baby that he broke or spoiled her. Remember - the presented thing is no longer your property. For her, the child is already in the answer and he can also dispose of it (and only he, regardless of age).

  • A fool can have a gold medal and two red diplomas, but the presence of a mind does not guarantee. He will even have a highly paid job, which will be dissatisfied with. Stupid man guided by the "herd" reflex, and not their requirements and desires.

How to distinguish a smart person from stupid?

Detailed information was provided above, how a stupid person differs from a smart representative. To make it easier to learn and understand the analogy, the main difference criteria will be provided below.

  • A view of life and the availability of problems:
    • The fool is constantly. All the time he complains about her husband (wife), children, work and in general all life is bad. The fool himself creates them. But he does not know how to engage in introspection and respond to criticism.
    • A smart person does not lose heart and does not see the negative influence of fate, but endures the lesson. He analyzes himself in this situation in the first place. It compares connections with actions and results, and will certainly solve problems.
  • Attitude to power:
    • The fool needs to be guided and ruled. Yes, he will complain about his boss. And most importantly - he has no respect. It happens that fools also occupy leading positions. They not only do not respect their subordinates, but also try to suppress them in order to seem more significant in their own eyes.
    • Smart is rarely inclined to strong representatives, but at the same time, he has respect for them. And if he is an experienced person, then he will certainly intercept part of the knowledge.
Criteria for the difference of smart and stupid
Criteria for the difference of smart and stupid
  • Fear of loneliness:
    • The fools are afraid to be alone with themselves, he needs constant communication. Moreover, it is rarely possible to hear from him about how lonely he is, and that everyone threw him.
    • A smart person gets along well with the company of people, and with his thoughts in harmony. Moreover, it is useful for him to take a break from conversations and reflect or absorb additional knowledge.
  • Truth or lie:
    • Stupid people do not know how to properly present the truth. And often it happens that you need to justify yourself with a lie. Therefore, a fool is lying often, if not constantly.
    • A smart person and recognizes his mistakes, and tells the truth in a delicate form.
  • Self -confidence and their abilities:
    • A fool with foam in the mouth will prove his case. But this is not all, he is too proud to ask for help or recognize mistakes.
    • A smart person understands that respect needs to be earned. That is, for this you need to do something yourself. And do not scream about your victories, but prove them with actions.

Non -standard signals that distinguish a smart person from a stupid personality:

  • You probably heard that the order in the apartment or house does not indicate the presence of "cleanliness" in the head. And that is true. According to statistics, smart people the mess is in the house It happens much more often than the fools. But the fact is that in life there are more important things in life - remember about the balance of all spheres of life.
  • And also laziness - This is bad, but sometimes even useful. This is necessary to let the body relax and gain strength before an important event. Sometimes, creative inspiration gives similar.
  • You honest in front of youFirst of all, this is a sign of a smart person. In order to come up with a lie, you need to spend time, think over everything to the smallest detail. And as a result, everything will be revealed anyway.
  • Clever man feels when he is deceived. He very subtly captures the motives and desires of other people, and knows how to soberly analyze the situation, which is not carried out for empty tricks.
Clever man
Clever man
  • Once again about the balance - smart will combine work with the house. And he will not dissolve in his soulmate, because he has his own interests and hobbies. That is, he implemented and develops Not only in relationships or at work. The stupid representative grabs everything and does not have time anywhere.
  • A stupid person "gets stuck" in the past. He dugs and thinks what to do even then 10 years ago. Smart representative lives a real life. He issued a lesson and experience from the past, but does not focus on it.
  • Clever man i made errors and in the present mistakes make. He is not afraid of them, because this is a forward movement.
  • Stupid people are sometimes overly emotional, they can suffer for a long time or have fun in the wrong place. A smart person knows where and when to give free rein to feelings. They are guided by the following: feel, let go and live on. That is, losses or victories will not “savor” for a long time.
  • And once again, stupid always argues and proves that he is the smartest. A smart person does not prove anything to anyone.

What depends on: smart person or not?

The mind is an opportunity for each of us to think, memorization, generalization, evaluation and decision -making. The mind is determined by memory, sensations, emotions and understanding. And also do not forget about life experience.

  • A smart person has a good memory, but the whole meaning of the word is not based on this. A person must also be able to use the remembered material in time. Do not forget that life is not cramming before the exam. Train memory, but do not memorize the material. And be sure to conclude.
  • A smart person has his own point of view, and he is not afraid to voice it. Yes, we can all have any conclusions. But a smart person sees "beyond his nose." To develop yourself, you need to look at the situation from different sides and not hide on standard templates.
  • It has been proved that most people use only 10%mental capabilities. Yes, everything is so sad. Many go to work, come home from her, engage in household chores and “stick” into a computer or phone, turning off their heads.
To be smart, you need to constantly work on yourself and expand
To be smart, you need to constantly work on yourself and expand
  • If a person does not think, does not work with his head, then he gets used to such a state. And, of course, over time begins to stupor. Work on yourself, engage in brain activity and find your hobby. This is necessary for self -development.
  • Women are mainly guided by emotions and feelings. No, you cannot call them immediately stupid. But a smart person holds emotions under control. That is, he controls his subconscious and holds it in the "hedgehog mittens."
  • The mind is not just the ability to think.It is also necessary to include quick wits and even cunning, as well as connect life experience and skills in solving problems.

Important: it has been established that hormonal background in the body affects mind. More precisely, the presence of testosterone is a male hormone. Again, women are not stupid than men, just this hormone also reduces the sensitivity that is inherent in mothers and women.

  • Remember, the presence of a mind does not guarantee you wealth, happiness or love. Just a smart person will set himself tasks and with a smile will achieve them, and not complain that he does not have this.
  • To become smart, you need to work on yourself and do it constantly. Do not score your head with empty information! Learn to solve life problems, engage in introspection and train the brain. After all, the mind is similar to the muscles - without training, it loses its shape and even atrophs.

Video: How to find out are you a smart person?

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Comments K. article

  1. Very superficial

  2. And here is not ... And here I am*I ... .. this is at the expense of the mat ... you do not talk smart here here ... And on another site, smart people are always talking on a mat ....
    So who to believe? ... Doubts is a sign of mind? ... You would at least agree there either by each other ..

  3. ››! But a smart person holds emotions under control. That is, he controls his subconscious and holds it in the "hedgehog mittens."

    This is the same as saying "do not revise, men do not cry." Keep all emotions in yourself - I am destroying your health and shortening your life. Yes, you need to know the measure, but “keep in the hedgehog mittens” - this is only if you are tired of living, I want to die, a good way to stop my heart.

  4. All is well, only I would like to point out one detail: you have written: "The smart representative lives a real life. He issued a lesson and experience from the past, but does not focus on it. " So, more often brilliant, I can’t say about just smart ones, people live in the future, that is, their ideas, plans and dreams

  5. author, you certainly tried to get to the phrase: “Smarts do not criticize,” but this is not smart

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