How to distinguish a raw egg from boiled: 5 simple and affordable methods

How to distinguish a raw egg from boiled: 5 simple and affordable methods

Ways to distinguish a raw egg from boiled.

Many of the hostesses often encounter the problem to distinguish a boiled egg from raw. In this article we will talk about methods, and how to recognize a boiled egg or raw without damage to the shell.

How to distinguish a raw egg from boiled?

Of course, the easiest way is to break the egg and find out the liquid it inside or solid. However, this method is not suitable for everyone. The fact is that eggs with a damaged shell, which are in a liquid state and stored in a bank, deteriorate much faster than those that are in the shell.

If in the near future you are not going to cook from raw eggs, we advise you not to experiment in this way.

Test with boiling water:

  • Another interesting and unusual way to determine the boiled product or raw is its immersion in warm, almost hot water. We all think that the surface of the egg is dense, hard.
  • In fact, it is porous, covered with a small number of very small holes. Since there is an air bag inside the egg, which protects the egg from hypothermia, as well as damage, this air most often goes through pores.
  • To do this, you need to load the egg in hot water and observe. From a raw egg you will see a large number of small bubbles. They often cover the shell, and approach the surface of the water.
  • If the egg is boiled, you will not see these bubbles. Because there is no air inside. He almost all came out during cooking.  
  • This must be done quickly and try not to break the raw egg. To do this, prepare paper towels in advance, on which put the test egg.
Boiled or raw
Boiled or raw

Which egg is spinning, boiled or raw?

One of the easiest ways to determine a raw egg or boiled is its promotion.


  • You need to put the item on a flat surface, continue to twist with your fingers.
  • Thus, the boiled egg will rotate very quickly. A raw product will make only two turns and stop.
  • This is due to the fact that in boiled form the egg is a monolith, respectively, nothing prevents it from rotating. At the same time, there is an air cushion inside the raw egg, as well as liquid contents.
  • The presence of contents, which dangles in a raw egg, can interfere with the rotation of the egg and slow down. It is also worth paying attention to the stop of the egg after rotation. If it spins well and quickly stops when you touch it with your hand, then in front of you is a boiled product.
  • If it stopped after touching not at one moment, but still continues to stagger from the side, while standing in one place, then most likely it is a fresh product.
  • That is, the raw egg is still inertia for some time staggering from side to side. The boiled egg is devoid of inertia due to the fact that inside contains a homogeneous mass that is solid.

Weight definition
Weight definition

How to distinguish a boiled egg from raw with light, a flashlight?

In addition, a well -known method that is based on the physical properties of solid and liquid bodies, there are other methods to recognize the differences between a boiled and raw product. One of the simplest ones is to look at the egg in the light.  


  • To do this, it is better to go to some dark room. An ideal option will be the toilet, because in this room most often there are no windows and you can turn off the light. Now turn on the flashlight and shine on the egg.
  • If it is raw, then you will see a reddish zone and a certain transparency. At the same time, at the edges you will see light brighter, and inside a dark spot. The fact is that the protein is transparent, and the yolk is precisely with the dark spot that you see in the center.
  • You can use the bright light from the sun and just look through the object on the light bulb. Similarly, you will see light along the edges and dark inside. At the same time, the boiled egg in all parts will be dark, since it has practically no transparency.

Other ways to distinguish a boiled egg from raw

Some simplest ways to determine the boiled egg in front of you or raw, it is to shake it.


  • Just click the egg between the index and thumb, shake it from side to side. You will notice that there is some kind of movement inside and perhaps hear the sound that happens when shaking the bottle of water.
  • If this is a boiled egg, then you will not hear any sounds. Many advise using a needle to make a small hole in order to determine a raw egg or boiled. But as we wrote above, the air, penetrating inside the shell, accelerates the processes of fermentation, as well as damage to the products.
  • Therefore, if you are not going to use products in the near future, do not use this method. Many believe that the boiled egg is heavier than raw. However, this method is unreliable.
  • Because sometimes it is very difficult to determine the group of eggs of eggs, as well as some individual characteristics. The fact is that some eggs contain a large air bubble, and some have very small. This significantly affects the weight of the product. Therefore, it is quite difficult to determine using weighing.

As you can see, distinguishing a raw egg from boiled is quite simple. It is necessary to know the basic laws of physics, as well as conduct several simple experiments.  

Video: How to distinguish a raw egg from boiled?

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