How to distinguish nouns of own and common or casual nouns in the Russian language: rule, examples

How to distinguish nouns of own and common or casual nouns in the Russian language: rule, examples

Nouns are own and household names: rules and detailed analysis with examples.

In this article, we will consider the question of how simple and easy to distinguish between nouns of our own and common nouns, as well as give understandable and simple examples. Note that this is a primary school program, but as practice shows, adults often confuse these two concepts.

Nouns of own and household names: definition

If we turn to textbooks of the Russian language, we can find out that nouns - This is an independent part of Russian speech, relating to the classes of names and full -known lexemes. But nouns can be both their own and household. So how to learn to accurately distinguish between nouns of your own and household nouns? To do this, you need to know the definition of terms.

  • Own nouns of their own belong to the parts of speech, which are called single animated or inanimate objects. For example, Mark Zuckerberg. This is a personal name of a person that is associated with us with a certain person and belongs to this category. We can also bring a galaxy as an example, where the galaxy will belong to a certain model and, therefore, is ranked to this category of parts of speech.
  • Noun names are common to parts of speech, which are called groups of homogeneous animated or inanimate objects. For example, programmers. This is a huge group of programming people, while this group includes many nouns of their own nouns, such as Mark Zuckerberg.
Nouns own and household nouns: Simple table
Nouns own and household nouns: Simple table

But here lies the largest catch of these nouns. They can go from one to another, depending on the submission in the sentence. We all know that my lady is dear English married women, and they are the category of nouns of noun. But in his novel, Dumas writes my lady with a capital letter and this refers not to a group of women, but to a certain lady. And this is already a noun. At the same time, Dumas did not turn to other ladies with the definition of my lady, so as not to confuse the reader.

How to distinguish nouns of your own and household nouns?

In the question of how to distinguish nouns of their own and common house names, not only children, but also many adults are confused. We will tell you how the easiest to separate these two concepts.

The first thing we pay attention to, nouns confuse the nouns with other parts of the Russian language and because of this they try to understand common and their own forms even when it is not a noun. It is important to remember whether only nouns can be common or own, and they answer the questions "who?" and what?".

Now, having determined for sure that this is a noun, let's answer the question, this word can indicate the group? For example, a parrot. We can say that parrots are a species of birds that form a group according to certain characteristics. So, this name is a noun.

But if the proposal is formulated in such a way that the “parrot” refers to a specific parrot, for example, Keshe. But the Kesha name is not used in the sentence, and this person is marked as a parrot, then it will be a noun its own.

Nouns of their own and household
Nouns of their own and household

We give another example. All known faith, hope, love. In this context, it is obvious that they make up groups of feelings and emotions that relate to the name of the noun. But if one of the words is written with the title letter and indicate as a name, for example, Vera, then the same set of letters becomes the name of its own noun.

We hope that this small and simple article helped you understand such a confusing, seemingly, question. And in conclusion, we suggest watching a video lesson about nouns household and own.

Video: nouns of own and household nouns

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