How to distinguish an alliance from a union word: signs, features

How to distinguish an alliance from a union word: signs, features

The union and the union word seem to be similar, but differ from each other. Let's talk about what these differences are.

When we communicate, we will not have enough words of words for a qualitative expression of our thoughts, and therefore we use complex sentences. To create ties, alliances or union words are used that help to figure out how one part of the sentence is associated with the other. In addition, they can indicate a place, time, connection, conditions, and so on. Just the transmission of all these values \u200b\u200band the combination of the main parts are entrusted to the official parts of speech - union and union words. But what is it and how to distinguish them? Let's figure it out.

What is an alliance?


The union is a service part of speech and it can constantly be found in the proposals:

  • It allows you to combine different expressions that answer a single question
    Creates one of simple statements one
  • It forms complex sentences by connecting simple. They must be dependent on each other, and their unity is indicated by the union
  • Unions are found of different types. So, writings are used for homogeneous words and connect several simple sentences. They denote consecutive actions, facts, and so on. In addition to the connection, they are opposing and dividing. In complex sentences, any of the parts can be used separately.
  • Moreover, each of the parts under consideration can be used as a means of communication, but at the same time in complex sentences, all parts depend on each other and they cannot be used separately. Through unions, the nature of the connection can be determined.
  • Such unions can express, place and time, causes, goals, conditions and so on.
  • It is also important to note that the unions are not members of the proposal, they only connect all its parts. They cannot be replaced by significant words. If the union consists of one word, then it is simple, and if there are several of them, then composite.

What are allied words?

Allied words
Allied words

Under the allied words, as a rule, adverbs or relative pronouns are hidden. They also allow you to create different types of connections in sentences. Unlike unions, they can be members of the sentence, because they do not depend on other words. In addition, they are replaced by significant words.

What is the difference between the Union and the Union Word: Signs

Union and allied words are similar only because both can combine parts of complex sentences. In addition, the same words can be both parts of speech. It is not difficult to distinguish them:

The difference between unions and union words
The difference between unions and union words

Unions are never sentences of a sentence, and a union word may have its signs. To determine it is enough to ask a question. If this can be done, then there is clearly not an alliance in front of you.

  • Intonationally unions during reading are not painted in any way, that is, attention does not focus on them.
  • The union cannot be used with particles, while allied words allow you to do this.
  • You can recognize the union or union word in front of you by removing them from the sentence. If the meaning is lost, then you removed the union.
  • The union can be replaced with another, but similar in meaning.

It is important to learn how to distinguish between these two parts of speech to convey all the expressiveness of the statement. After all, the pronunciation should be correct in intonation. Logical stress allows you to distinguish speech units that are a semantic center.

Video: Russian 9. Union and allied words. Union and allied words in complex sentences

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