How to distinguish between seedlings of bitter pepper from sweets by external signs: in the shape of sheets and their color, the thickness of the stem, the taste of leaves and seeds, flowering time, and the complexity of care

How to distinguish between seedlings of bitter pepper from sweets by external signs: in the shape of sheets and their color, the thickness of the stem, the taste of leaves and seeds, flowering time, and the complexity of care

If you grow peppers, but not completely confidently, it is bitter or sweet, study the methods of definition from the article.

One of the favorite plants that plant gardeners is acute red pepper. Summer residents often harvest planting material on their own. Seedlings of sweet and bitter pepper are usually signed, put signs. Because they need to be planted separately.

But, if for some reason, you did not have signatures or you just forgot to make them, then some tips described in the article will help to distinguish between plant varieties.

How to distinguish seedlings of bitter pepper from sweets by external signs?

Why is it important to distinguish bitter pepper from sweets in time? Chili pepper contains a special substance called capsaicin. It is it that gives burning. If you plant sweet pepper next to the spicy, then the harvest can be re -polluted. You will get sweet pepper with sharp bitterness. Even if you collect the seeds of sweet pepper and germinate them for the next year, then the taste of pepper will remain the same, sweet-fast.

A few tips that will help distinguish between sweet pepper from acute:

  1. The very first option is in the shape of leaves and their color. In bitter varieties of pepper, leaves have a long elongated shape, the width can be different. The color is rich and dark green. In sweet culture, the leaves are wide and short-term, the color is pale green. The density of the leaves is softer and thin. If there were favorable conditions, and the seedlings have grown dense and strong in both versions, then the visual definition may not be suitable.

    On the leaves
    On the leaves
  2. The thickness of the stem. To use this method, it is important that the plants are of the same age. Otherwise, it will be difficult to determine the form through the outcome of one plant by another. The leg of the bitter pepper is much thinner and longer, because of this, the stalk can bend under weight; For sweets - stronger and shorter. If the seedlings were purchased and two varieties grew with massive legs, then most likely this is one of the types of half -chain pepper.

    Gorky has a thinner stem
    Gorky has a thinner stem
  3. The taste of leaves and seeds. Experienced gardeners consider to taste the leaflet to the most effective. Break off and put a piece in your mouth. If you feel a certain acuteness of juice, then this is a bitter look. The taste of sweet pepper leaves will resemble grass. When the seeds have a seed, take it, rinse and determine what plant it is left. The corresponding taste will be in seeds of spicy pepper.

    Leaflets will tell
    Leaflets will tell
  4. In senior seedlings, you can recognize the variety in time of flowering. Gorky pepper forms buds much earlier than sweet. Follow the budding period, and set them aside. Even several bushes of acute pepper will be able to infect a whole bed planted with a sweet look.
  5. By the external features of flowers, you can also recognize plants, but here it already depends on the specific type and growing conditions. Some gardeners grow bitter and sweet pepper in one section, covering the first film during flowering.

    Gorky blooms earlier
    Gorky blooms earlier
  6. The complexity of care. Sweet pepper is considered more whimsical to the external environment, you need to choose certain conditions for obtaining a rich harvest. This includes heat support, humidity and sunlight. Without observing such conditions, you will not receive ovaries. Gorky pepper in any conditions fruit, early releases buds, does not like direct sunlight. It is better to plant closer to the house so that the shadow covers the sprouts.

IMPORTANT:Plant sweet and burning pepper as far away from each other as possible to prevent a change in taste.

If you could not determine the type of plant before planting in the soil, do not worry. When the plants will grow a little, and it will be possible to distinguish varieties, be sure to transplant them to flowering.

Now using these methods, one or all together, you can easily distinguish planting material in appearance. When buying on the market, it is recommended to use the same methods to choose the variety you need.

Video: We find differences in seedlings of bitter and sweet pepper

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