How to distinguish real motor oil from a fake?

How to distinguish real motor oil from a fake?

Ways to distinguish real oil from a fake.

Motor oil is one of the most common consumables that are used by motorists. It is precisely because of such popularity and large volume of use that motor oil is often faked. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish real oil from a fake.

How to distinguish a fake from the original of the engine oil?

Initially, before conducting some experiments at home for authenticity, we recommend that you look at the packaging, canister, as well as the label. A lot of things can be said about oil, if you look at the canister.

Instructions How to distinguish a fake from the original of the engine oil:

  • Famous companies use plastic for these purposes, and most often it is silver, with a homogeneous tint. If this is a fake, then traces of soldering and adhesives of the two halves of the canistra, that is, the seam, at the same time, the tint, as well as the shine of the canister can be heterogeneous in different places, are most often visible.
  • Sometimes translucent material is found, or not the same thickness of the canister in different areas.A lot is worth paying attention to the lid. Original oils are closed with cinema with antennae, which are simply soldered to the ring. Therefore, you just can't remove the lid.
  • Try turning over the canister. If this is an original oil, then there will be no fluid. Very often in fakes this ring is not fixed to the lid, so the oil can dig, leak. Pay attention to the canister and its dryness.
There is no date
There is no date

How to distinguish motor oil from fake on packaging?

If there are traces of oil, this is probably a fake. Famous manufacturers print the name of the company on the cover and ring, and this is done in such a way that half of the inscription remains on the lid, and half on the belt.

Instructions How to distinguish motor oil from a fake by packaging:

  1. Accordingly, when promoting, removing the lid, re -soldering to these places is quite problematic. Of course, a lot of attention should be paid to the label. Famous manufacturers are experimenting with color, there may be even a gradient or a gradual transition of color. This does not happen in fakes, and the packaging is the simplest so as not to fool your head. 
  2. Do not flatter yourself, and do not try to purchase a huge amount of oil if you see it at a discount. Almost never, well-known manufacturers of motor oil have discounts of 20-30%. Most likely, this is a fake. The maximum that even large chemistry manufacturers can offer for cars are 5-7 %discounts. Therefore, too low the price should alert you. In no case do not purchase such oilin reserve 
  3. Pay attention to the date of manufacture. They usually indicate not only a month, but also the exact time. Take a closer look at the inscriptions, they should not be the same. This applies to the date, as well as numbers, series and parties.
  4. If all the numbers, series, games are the same, most likely you have a fake. Well, of course, you need to pay attention to how the machine behaves after filling the new product. If in the cold season it skids, the engine starts very poorly, then most likely you bought a fake. Motor oil, which is most often faked, is made of ordinary synthetic or mineral oil, additives in it is a minimum amount or not at all.
Fake packaging
Fake packaging

Where to buy engine oil is not a fake?

The main characteristic of such oil is an increase in viscosity at low temperatures, and an increase in fluidity with an increase in heating. Accordingly, in the hot season, the oil will flow, so its densities, viscosity will not be enough to lubricate all surfaces and parts in the engine. If the situation is in winter, then the car simply won’t start, due to the fact that the oil will freeze or become very thick and viscous, which will prevent the normal operation of all the systems and units of the car. 

Where to buy engine oil is not a fake:

  • Buy goods in large stores, official chains of the distributor. Feel free to ask the seller for a certificate, as well as documents confirming that they are working with a specific manufacturer of engine oil.
  • All this is officially documented with the conclusion of the relevant contract. You can ask on the website of the manufacturer of motor oil, with which store chains they cooperate. If a small store in which you want to purchase goods is not on the list, most likely, they sell a fake and counterfeit. Now a lot of workshops have really been discovered that make the so -called paired motor oil, which does not correspond to the characteristics and standards. Thanks to the use of such oil, all the parts of the machine are quickly out of order, which leads to a breakdown. 
  • A lot of things can be said on the hologram, as well as the sticker that are on the lid. Famous manufacturers always seal the lid with a label, which prevents the ability to open the canister and replace it with counterfeit.
Car goods
Car goods

How to distinguish motor oil mobiles from a fake on packaging?

Manufacturers who develop chemistry for cars very often allow you to check the oil for authenticity. This can be done using special applications. On banks with the goods there is a QR code that can be checked using the corresponding program in a mobile application. You can find out the number of the series, as well as the exact date and time of production of such oil. This allows you to find out with one hundred percent probability that you have purchased not a fake, but a real remedy. 

This product is very high quality, and the company makes huge amounts of autocratics. Distinguish the fake simply by packaging. 

How to distinguish motor oil mobile oil from fakes, instructions: 

  • There should be a watering can on the lid 
  • There is an arrow under the sticker, and under it the next sticker 
  • There is an inscription with the exact date and manufacturing time at the seamstress at the bottom of the container 
  • The plastic is completely opaque and persistent to friction. Scratches do not appear on it 
  • Under the lid there is a skirt of the same color 
Car goods
Car goods

Mobil motor oil, how to distinguish a fake by a QR code?

In 2018, the mobile company developed a new degree of protection, as well as a way to distinguish a fake from the original using new technologies. Almost every user and the owner of the car, has a mobile phone on which the QR codes analyzer are downloaded. This is a special application that can be downloaded in Play Market. It helps to determine all the information about the product using a special code, which is located in the form of squares and convex points. Mobile companies also took care of their customers, and developed protection for their products. You can determine the original or fake using two methods. You need to put the camera on the QR code, and get the answer.

If all the numbers coincided, you will receive complete information about the products and confirming its quality. There is another way that you can check the product by switching to the mobile website. Ru original. You need to enter 12 digits that are under the QR code under the label. Next, you need to compare the location of the colored strokes that are obtained on the page and metal points applied to the canister itself.

If the image coincides, you have a completely original product. Please note that the check should be carried out when connecting to the Internet. If there is no Internet, unfortunately, you cannot check the product for authenticity. At the moment, not all companies can boast of such a multi -stage protection. But manufacturers strive to improve, therefore, invent all new ways to distinguish real products from fakes. 

Original and fake
Original and fake

Toyota's motor oil is fake - how to distinguish? 

Japanese cars are sensitive to changing the quality of oil and can quickly respond to the use of fake breakdown. It can be difficult to distinguish the original from a fake, but possible. 

Toyota's motor oil is fake how to distinguish: 

  1. The cover is not smooth, but rough with instructions how to open 
  2. The presence of an accurate manufacturing address on the packaging. There should be an inscription:Made in EU and Near Italy. If the country is indicated by the manufacturer France- this is Fake. There is no Toyota in this country 
  3. Smooth plastic without defects and malls of seams 
  4. Carry out a freezing test. After 2hours In the freezer, the original product practically does not change viscosity. The fake becomes thick and viscous 
Toyota oil
Toyota oil

Fakes of motor oil Shell, how to distinguish 

Shell motor oil is usually packed into canists of different colors, depending on the type and purpose of the product. However, almost everyone has signs by which they can be distinguished from fakes. 

How to distinguish a fake of shell engine oil:

  • Cover and ring. Between the cover of the ring there should be jumpers of the thickness of the human hair. When opening the canister, the ring without fail remains on the neck, and the lid is removed. If you managed to remove the ring along with the lid, you are in front of you. 
  • The second sign of identification of the originality of oil is a logo with the image of a piston. It is made of brilliant holographic paper, which is very difficult to fake. Therefore, in fakes you will almost never see this logo with a piston. 
  • The third way to distinguish the original from counterfeit is the presence of a double sticker on the back of the canister. It can be easily removed and read what is written under it. There is no such thing in fakes. Usually people who fake oil do not bother with similar subtleties. That is why there is a single sticker that is not removed, and tightly glued to the container. 
Shell oil
Shell oil

How to recognize a fake of motor oil liquor moths Liqui Moly

Unfortunately, Liqui Moly I did not provide any holograms, as well as protection by which you can distinguish a fake. However, it is still possible to do this. 

How to recognize a fake of motor oil fork Mol:

  • Pay attention to the lid, it is always black, as the manufacturer does not make products with other colors of the covers. 
  • The lid is a special watering can, with which you can pour products into the car. If this watering can not, you have a fake. Unscrupulous people who are engaged in the production of the product in artisanal conditions most often buy empty canists, and pour cheap types of oils in them.
  • However, in this case, traces of opening and using canisters will be visible. Often they are engaged in overlapping stickers in order to make the goods more expensive, giving out a cheap option for an expensive one. However, in this case, the junction of the old and new sticker, as well as the scuffs on the canister, will be seen. Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture, it is usually knocked out in the lower part, and it is difficult to fake. 
Liquor moths
Liquor moths

With one hundred percent guarantee to say that you are in front of you, a chemical laboratory will be able to. However, in some cases, the cost of the analysis itself is several times higher than the products, so not every buyer will be able to afford this. However, you can safely demand a quality certificate from the seller, as well as a contract for delivery with the manufacturer of machine oil.

In large networks that directly cooperate with the manufacturer, a competitive price, sometimes there are discounts, but not very high up to 7%. In addition, there are a number of necessary documents, and the range of goods is constantly updated. Therefore, do not hesitate to demand documentation in stores, as well as papers that confirm the quality of products, the availability of contracts between the seller and the manufacturer. 

Video: Distinguish motor oil from fake


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