How to distinguish our women abroad?

How to distinguish our women abroad?

The main differences of our women and foreigners.

There are a lot of signs by which Russian women are recognized abroad. Indeed, even many women who live abroad for a long time differ significantly from foreigners. In this article we will tell how the Russian woman differs from foreigners

What is the difference between Russian tourists from foreigners?

She always goes like a ball, even if it's just a suburban walk. That is why, even in not the most comfortable places, that is, some ruins, tourist zones, a Russian woman can wear very uncomfortable shoes. These are platforms, heels. Most often, even just for a walk is dressed at a party. Accordingly, this is a beautiful dress, styling with a huge amount of hair varnish, as well as gold jewelry.

This is exactly what Russian women identify among other tourists who look very modest, and restrained, and dress for a walk accordingly, so that nothing strains and does not interfere with walking in the park zone. Our women are not afraid of anything, even if the legs at the end of the evening are erased in the blood from uncomfortable shoes.

Girl in Chicago
Girl in Chicago

Our women devote a lot of time to their own appearance, and eliminate cosmetic defects. Accordingly, they apply a lot of foundation and blush, powder, as well as thick layers of a huge amount of cosmetics. Russian women among all the others sometimes look ridiculous, especially for relaxation on the beach or by the pool. When all cosmetics rolls, washed, crumbled.

In America
In America

Distinctive features of Russian women


  • Many Russian women who are going to relax in foreign resorts often pursue the goal of finding a wealthy man. Accordingly, they will not skimp and eliminate a variety of defects or make themselves beautiful with silicone lips, chest, eyelash, hair, and nails. All this looks very unnatural, doll.
  • This significantly distinguishes Russian women, because most of the foreigners pay more attention not to fake beauty at all, but to care for their own skin and body. That is, they eat healthy food, spend a lot of money on skin care, visiting a cosmetologist, heal their hair and necessarily treat their teeth.
  • One of the signs of a Russian woman is yellow, crooked teeth, with all external shine and chic, attempts to look expensive. In fact, it looks very funny and provincial from the point of view of foreign residents.
  • They really understand that going to a dentist is not cheap, putting their teeth in order is also expensive. In addition, foreigners rarely make themselves a “toilet smile” with the imposition of expensive veneers. They try to take care of their own teeth, bleach them, level them, but not resort to the services of an orthodontist and prosthetics.
  • Another sign of a Russian woman is a dismissive attitude towards maintenance personnel. Indeed, this happens everywhere, especially in mid -class hotels or hotels all inclusive. Russian women consider them second -class people. Foreigners, on the other hand, are quite calm and respectful to the service personnel, do not try to humiliate or educate anyone, tell how they need to work.
Bright girl
Bright girl

How to distinguish our women abroad?

  • The Russian woman always attracts a lot of attention. Therefore, when it meets with the inhabitants of Russia, it very loudly and emotionally discusses this country and how it lives here. Moreover, he most often talks about how bad here is, but good at home. But at the same time, no one is going to return to Russia. Having come to work or for a permanent place of residence, they rarely seek to return back, despite the fact that the country does not seem very good to them and it lives badly.
  • Very often, Russian women behave very noisily, openly. This applies to restaurants where they are trying to find wealthy men. The most interesting thing is that the Russian woman is not used to paying for herself. Therefore, it is waiting for someone to treat her. Although in fact, it is customary to share expenses for dinner in half in the countries of Europe, which seems very wild for our women.
  • Quite often, a Russian woman abroad can be seen with a man who is a couple of decades older, with a huge belly. It may not look sports. This is a kind of way to find a good life, due to a wealthy man. And no matter how he looks and how old he is. Moreover, most often such women behave quite vulgarly, dress very openly and defiantly.
Beautiful girl
Beautiful girl

Many Russian women believe that it is European, it is a gray mouse, wear jeans and T-shirts. But actually it is not. Foreigners are much easier to belong to appearance and try to emphasize their true beauty, and not create something new using the services of a cosmetologist or plastic surgeons. Foreigners prefer comfort, convenience than a tight, constraining movement of clothes and shoes. Many Russian women who live in a foreign country for a long time understand this, and becomes almost indistinguishable from foreigners. Only the Russians who arrived can be seen from afar.

Video: Russian tourists

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