How to distinguish men's jeans from female: signs, photos, videos. Unisex jeans: models that are suitable for both floors

How to distinguish men's jeans from female: signs, photos, videos. Unisex jeans: models that are suitable for both floors

To choose the right model of denim trousers, you need to know not only the size, but also be able to distinguish men's jeans from female. How to do this, read in the article.

Jeans are a universal wardrobe item. They are put on for walking around the city, at the cottage, to work, in the cinema, and they are worn in the winter, in the summer and in the offseason. Jeans are worn by representatives of working professions instead of workwear and intellectual workers, combining with jackets and a classic coat. Such trousers were equally loved by both men and women.

  • Before buying this clothing, it is important to be able to distinguish men's jeans from female.
  • It is not always possible to distinguish by an external basis: a minimum or lack of decor, incomprehensible cut, model and style. All this makes it difficult to choose and does not always indicate belonging to male or female trousers.
  • This article describes the distinctive features of men's and female jeans that will help make the right choice.

How to distinguish men's jeans from female: signs, photos, videos

To find out exactly who owns a couple of jeans is not so difficult. The main thing is to know the distinctive signs of such trousers for men and women. Here are the main ones:

Jeans fastener on buttons
Jeans fastener on buttons


The location of the buttons:

  • Our ancestors also created clothes, which differed in beautiful ladies and courageous gentlemen.
  • The difference was the location of the fastener. On men's trousers and jackets, it was located on the left, and on the women's items of the wardrobe - on the right.
  • This is due to the fact that the men dressed on their own, and their servant dressed wealthy ladies.
  • In order for the maids with a standing face to their “madam”, it was convenient to fasten the buttons, they sewed on the right.
  • However, women began to wear women after the time when they themselves began to dress.

Interesting: It is worth noting that in modern models of women's jeans you can find a clasp, both right and left. Whereas conservative views are preserved with men's jeans, and their fastener will always be on the left.

A button on the fastener
A button on the fastener

Zamolniya fastener:

If everything is clear with buttons, and if they are located on the left, this means that you have a male model. But what to do if the clamp on jeans is made in the form of a zipper? How to distinguish in this case?

  • Pay attention to the location of the button, which is located on the belt. It helps to fix the zipper so that it does not unfasten, and on the male model, the button will traditionally be on the left.
  • However, this definition can be erroneous, since many manufacturers do not bother, and sew the button on the left even on female models.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to other signs.

Nozzle loop
Nozzle loop

The number of hinges

Such loops are on the belt and are designed to maintain the belt. If we compare the number of shoving on men's and female jeans, then on the ladies trousers, they will be 2-3 less. This is due to the fact that women usually have a thinner waist and they do not put on a belt to maintain such pants. Men, because of their figure, can not do without a belt.

Women's and men's jeans are different in cut
Women's and men's jeans are different in cut

The difference is cut

If you compare the male and female model of jeans, you can see that they are different. Women's trousers are more tight -fitting. Their model is visible on the silhouette of the hips and a thin waist, while men's jeans are tailored in a straight cut.

Note: Fold the jeans in half along, and you will see that the female model has more curved lines.

The size of women's jeans is always small compared to male
The size of women's jeans is always small compared to male

The size

The dimensional series of jeans in men and women is different. The dimensions of the models for ladies start with 24 inches and end with 32 inches. Men's jeans - from 28 to 44 size.

If you do not know how to choose the right Denim-Bryuk size, read article on our website on this link. Such information will help you choose the right size and buy pants that will sit perfectly on the figure.

Properly selected gins should tightly fit the waist and hips, not gathering in folds and not postponing movements. But men usually choose spacious Denim models. This is permissible, the main thing is that it is convenient to walk and sit in jeans.

Women's and men's jeans different in style
Women's and men's jeans different in style


Jeans can be simple in style or designer - with interesting and fashionable decor elements and unusual design. They can serve to create an image and be a basic thing in the wardrobe, or can be a separate “highlight” of your style - beautiful, fashionable and original.

  • Before Men were more conservative in choosing their clothes, and it was possible to say with confidence that simple trousers without decor are men's, and supplemented by embroidery, cuts, stripes and so on - these are female models.
  • Currently There are no such distinguishing features, since men and women can wear jeans decorated with decorative elements.

The only thing may differ this decor:

  • On men's jeans, spikes, rivets, chains, and eyelets are used.
  • On female - lace, embroidery, beads, patterns of colored fabrics.

In recent years, male and female jeans have become very similar in style. They are equally worn, torn or even sewn from bright fabric. Modern men are not afraid to experiment with decor and color.

Unisex jeans: models that are suitable for both floors


Among the existing different jeans models, you can highlight those that look equally good both on guys and girls. Such models include jeans-unisex. Currently, these models, as well as jeans-beifrens and other similar samples, are currently in fashion. A girl can even take off her boyfriend jeans and put them on herself. This will be fashionable and stylish boyfriends. However, they will look in an original and unique girl.

Here are a few more jeans models that are equally good for men and women:

  • Direct cut - classic
  • Tight -fitting silhouette - tightening
  • With pants of clashes
  • Torn models
  • Overalls
  • Original models

The most popular unisex models are a classic, a straight cut. They fell in love with both floors for simplicity and universal performance. This helps to make such jeans a basic thing in a wardrobe. They can even come up with their design, complementing the decor, torn holes, inserts and so on. The thing will turn out to be stylish and original.

Watching jeans They will emphasize the advantages of the figure, making it more harmonious and beautiful. Now it is impossible to even imagine not only a girl, but also a guy without jeans of a tight -fitting cut, with a gateway and open ankles.

Flared jeans They were in fashion many years ago and are now returning to the streets of our cities. In the modern world, they are appreciated and worn not only by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, but also by young guys.

Torn jeans models - Daring, stylish and fashionable. Holes and scuffs can be, both modest and small, and can turn the model from denim into continuous shabby threads connected in some places with the help of seams.

Denim overalls Previously, only men of working professions wore. Now such a model is preferred by both girls and guys. The only difference is that men wear overalls of free cut, and the girls are more tight -fitting and with decor.

Original models Jeans love both girls and guys. To make your trousers unusual, you just need to stock up on interesting fittings or just ordinary things that are always at hand. The picture above shows what stylish jeans turned out that are decorated with ordinary iron bolts.

Video: Women's jeans. How to choose fashionable jeans on the figure?

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