How to distinguish the rhizome from the root: brief comparison, signs

How to distinguish the rhizome from the root: brief comparison, signs

The root and rhizome are different concepts that are often confused. In our article we will talk about their differences.

The root and rhizome are similar terms, but at the same time they differ from each other. We decided to figure out what the root and rhizome are, as well as how they are different.

What is the root and rhizome - concepts?

The root is the owner of unique functions and features, and it is also a vegetative organ in the plant.

The rhizome is the escape of the plant, which is modified due to various factors.


The root is the main element of the plant:

  • It grows in the Earth and has a positive geotropism
  • Can germinate very deeply and the distance is not limited
  • Foliage and kidneys can germinate on the root
  • There is no chloroplast on the root and, accordingly, photosynthesis is not available to it

The root is the most important part of the plant. It has many tasks and each of them is responsible for growth:

  • He takes water from the ground and spreads it throughout the flower. It is extremely important for growth and life
  • Fixes the plant in the soil and helps it grow
  • Can accumulate useful substances for power
  • The root helps to multiply the plant, it can enter into a connection with microorganisms in the ground
  • Sometimes roots are useful for medical purposes. For example, ginger root

As for the rhizome, it grows shallow in the ground and can even go outside.

  • The rhizome has only one function - it collects beneficial substances. Under favorable conditions, it can be used for vegetation and reproduction.
  • The rhizome has leaves, the kidneys grow on it, but at the same time it can die in the early stages of growth. In addition, it has subordinate roots. Among other things, the rhizome can spread water throughout the stem.
  • If we talk about the trees, then their rhizome can have both the main root and those that are shown from the ground. Rhizomes can differ in shape and other indicators.
  • In perennial plants, the rhizome is characterized by an extensive system and it is characterized by an increase, and the subordinate roots are above the ground. So that this is not, the plant needs hilling.

How do the root and rhizome differ?

  • The root is the main link in the plant, and its other parts can only have a rhizome
  • The root has no additional elements, and kidneys and flowers can grow on the rhizome
  • The root cannot have chloroplast, and in the rhizome it may well be

The root can be useful in medicine and this is an important organ of life for the plant. The rhizome cannot boast of such properties.

Video: What is the rhizome?

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