How to distinguish a dove from a dove: by body structure, color, voice, character, differences in the habits of pigeons during the wedding period - determining the floor of pigeons with folk methods

How to distinguish a dove from a dove: by body structure, color, voice, character, differences in the habits of pigeons during the wedding period - determining the floor of pigeons with folk methods

To understand a girl or boy a dove in front of you, just study this material.

Each of us has an idea what a dove looks like. But saying something more except external data is quite difficult. A person who is interested in pigeons at a professional level can not only determine the breed of the bird, but also see the differences between the male and the female. If you need to know how to distinguish the female a dove from a male, then use the proposed methods.

The main differences in the structure of the body of pigeons

For the breeder, this information is very valuable, since by indicating the desired floor, you can directly affect the reproductive capabilities of the pigeon family.

There are several ways to determine the floor of pigeons. Each person prefers to use their own methods. The main features that breeders are based on the difference of girls and boys are their habits, body structure, made sounds, etc.

In order to determine the floor of a dove with the greatest probability, it is best to study the signs of the structure of the pelvis of this bird. The hip part has characteristic differences in the structure.

  • In the pigeons below the chest, two bones are located closer to the tail. Their placement determines the gender.
  • At the dove of the boy, these bones are almost nearby. An exception is possible only with rickets. Lack of calcium makes the male pelvis wide enough.
  • The dove between the bones has a gap to a centimeter. The female who was already rushing has a narrow pelvis. This feature must also be taken into account.

To identify signs of the structure of the pelvis, the bird must be taken in the hand and reassured. With neat movements, lay the zone of the abdomen, approaching the tail. You clearly feel two pelvic bones.

Dove or dove?
Dove or dove?

If you compare the appearance of pigeons from the side, then you can see characteristic differences in the head and beak in boys and girls. The boy’s neck has a much wider neck and the frontal part of more impressive sizes. The beak has a bent shape. The pigeons have girls more delicate and elegant. The beak is visually narrower, with neat waxes. At the same time, the eyes are more spectacular and convex.

Some breeders pay attention to the reaction of the bird when touching its beak. The male in this case is very concerned. The female reacts to touch much calmer. Such a sign is not quite reliable, as it may indicate primarily the characteristics of character, and only then gender.

Features in the habits of pigeons during the wedding period: The difference between a dove and a dove

Quite often, we see how the pigeons flirt with each other. The behavior of birds during the wedding period allows you to easily identify a girl and a boy.

  • The main courtship is assigned to the male. Its persistent behavior is accompanied by spread wings and tail, flushed feathers. The dove actively pursues the female, trying to jump on it.
  • If the female is kindly configured, then it meets the pigeons. She nods and bows in front of the pigeon, accompanying her actions with cooing. Dissages plumage along the lower back.
  • Walking the male to the meeting, the dove bends, protruding the back of the body. In this behavior you can find the difference between a dove and a dove.

The marriage period in pigeons falls on the spring months, so this method is not always convenient to use.

The color of the dove and the doves: what's the difference?

Among pigeons there are more than a few hundred species. Despite such an abundance, the plumage of females and males has visual differences. Regardless of the breed, the color of the feathers of the dove in most cases is much darker than that of a dove. The color scheme of feathers is inherited by the offspring.

The difference in color
The difference in color
  • For a dove, the color performs a protective function in nature, as it has to hatch eggs.
  • Males are endowed with a more beautiful color scheme in the wings and multi -colored brilliance in the neck. Such features help attract the attention of doves.

How to determine the floor of a dove by voice?  

Coating of pigeons has characteristic differences.

  • The sounds of males Sound more self -confident and loud. The voice is their integral attribute to attract the attention of the dove.
  • Females Publish more muffled guttural sounds. If you listen carefully, then you can notice a special burrs.

Determining the floor of pigeons, relying only on voice data is risky enough. This feature should be checked in combination with other methods.

The nature of the pigeons: the difference between a dove and a dove

In addition to the differences in appearance, nature endowed with pigeons and dove with opposite characters.

  • More warlike behavior is inherent in males. They often take a fight for a female representative. Drawing a dove, they occupy some territory and hostilely meet any competition. Some males, realizing their weakness before the rival, evasively inferior, avoiding squabbles.
  • It should be noted that females are not always favorably responding to courtship. If the dove already has a couple, then the male is awaiting a decisive refusal. Females are very devoted to their family.
  • You can analyze the behavior of pigeons by placing them in a closed space. This method is quite popular in places of sale of pigeons and at bird exhibitions.
The nature
The nature

The relationship of the two females looks like a complete lack of interest, or the same matting of the same type. An unpredictable reaction can always be expected from birds, so reinforce your assumptions with several arguments.

Determining the floor of pigeons with the folk method

Despite the doubtfulness of one of the folk methods, all the breeders are familiar with it. A simple technical experiment deserves attention.

  • From a piece of copper and thread, it is necessary to build a pendulum. A coin can act as a suspension. The length of the thread or fishing line should be no more than half a meter.
  • A bird that needs to be determined the floor is placed in one hand. In the other hand, you need to take the pendulum and place it above the pigeon back. Each floor corresponds to a special movement of the pendulum.
  • The rotation of the suspension in a circle characterizes the dove, swinging around the body corresponds to the pigeon.
Folk method
Folk method

Breeders also analyze the behavior of birds in contact with a person. When choosing a bird, try to stroke it on the chest, while clasping with one hand by two wings. Paws are more characteristic of the male floor.

When determining the floor, the age and breed is of no small importance. In rare species of pigeons, girls and boys have very similar characteristics. Each of the methods for determining the floor has its drawbacks, so the conclusions must be drawn on the basis of several features.

Video: How to distinguish a dove from a dove?

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