How to whiten white things at home with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, citric acid, white? How to whit up with fingering white things?

How to whiten white things at home with hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, citric acid, white? How to whit up with fingering white things?

If the white thing has turned yellow or earthen, it can be whitened with citric acid, laundry soap and other folk remedies.

All housewives are faced with the problem of fading and yellowed white things. But I really want the white shirt of her husband or son, his own blouse or blouse’s daughter shone with white, they were, as the advertisement says, whiter than white!

How store funds work

Manufacturers of washing powders or special whitening products for washing invent more and more new ways to achieve whiteness of fabrics that are washed. I must say that these funds are quite effective, and many modern women enjoy them with pleasure. The result is good and impressive - snow -white shirts and other items of clothes and linen can delight the eye.

Store funds are bleaching things, but due to aggressive chemistry.
Store funds are bleaching things, but due to aggressive chemistry.

Important: The thing is that manufacturers add special reflective particles to washing powders, thanks to which the effect of bright whiteness is achieved

  • After all, all housewives are well aware that now there are special powders for white linen and colored fabric powders, designed to preserve their color
  • So, to those who want to have white white, but color color and not polynilly, advice: choose the appropriate washing tool when buying and do not mix white clothes or laundry with colored. Wash them separately
  • And those people who do not recognize modern chemical additives in washing powders and want to use the good old, as they believe, not chemicals, our tips
White things need to be washed immediately.
White things need to be washed immediately.

Important: so that a white thing does not be lined and looks like a new one, you need to wash it in time without wrapping it up later. Dirt, dust, sweat, etc. “eat” into the material, so that then it is difficult to qualitatively derived and achieve the original whiteness of fabric

How to whiten a fading white thing at home?

You can whiten the thing with the help of improvised funds at home using:

  1. The usual laundry soap. If a spot appeared on the white thing, which must be removed, you need to grate it with household soap and leave it in the water for a while. If you need to return the whiteness of the whole thing, then the soap must first need to grate, pour it into the water and dissolve completely in it. Put the linen there and leave it for soaking for several hours. Then wash and rinse
  2. White. The whiteness must be diluted in cold water in the proportion indicated on the label and hold in it a white thing that is also indicated on the label
  3. Ammonia. The truth is, this is an extreme way of bleaching. Also, this method is quite based on the effects of a chemical, moreover, very caustic and with a strong smell. For those who wish to experiment, we inform the proportions: a vanity bottle for 10 liters of water. Soak and rinse well after that
  4. Food soda and hydrogen peroxide. Dilute soda in hot water and add a perhydrol (teaspoon) to it. Put a thing that requires whitening in a solution and hold it for a while. After a thing, thoroughly rinse
Soda is one of the products for homemade bleaching.
Soda food is one of the products for housing.

You can also hold a thing in such a solution, and then put in a washing machine, setting the temperature regime 60 - 70 degrees and extend in such a temperature without powder.

Important: after any exposure to any bleaching agent, such as industrial production, or home method, thing (thing), you need to carefully reinforce several times

White things painted when washing, how to bleach?

First of all, you need to remember the rule and always adhere to it: white things and colored things under any circumstances do not wash at the same time, in one water.

White things always wash separately.
White things always wash separately.

This is especially true for new, not yet washed color things. They need to be washed separately from things of a different color. For example, a pink thing cannot be washed with blue or yellow, even if you are confident in stained tissue.

If the white things have painted when washing, try:

  • boil a white thing in a solution of laundry soap
  • boil a thing in powder or in a solution of laundry soap, adding a few drops of lemon juice there or dissolving a little citric acid
  • add table salt, citric acid to the chips of laundry soap

RECIPE:Home bleamer

It is necessary: \u200b\u200b1 tablespoon of soap, half a glass of salt, 1 tablespoon of citric acid, 1 tablespoon of potato or corn starch

  • mix the components
  • apply a mixture to a fading divorce or spot
  • leave for a few hours
  • then rinse thoroughly.
To make the thing snow -white, you can add citric acid to washing powder.
To make the thing snow -white, you can add citric acid to washing powder.

How to whitewash a white thing with a pattern?

If you need to whiten the thing on which the drawing is applied, it is better to use a special store.

It is also recommended a method with household soap, salt and citric acid with starch (see the recipe above)

Video: How to return whiteness with folk remedies with folk remedies?

How and how to whiten yellowed white things?

Unfortunately, white things turn yellow over time. This is due to:

  • frequent washes in not in spring clean water, but in water, in which various impurities are mixed
  • natural discharge of man
  • residues of protein deposits that are eaten into the fabric and give it such an untidy look

To achieve relative whiteness of yellowed white things, you will need to conduct several cycles of the following procedure:

  • wet a white thing in cool water and put it for several hours (we remove the remaining protein, which is excreted in cool water)
  • pour hot water on the fabric, grate the thing with household soap until foam is formed. Leave like that for another hour another
  • rub several times
It is better to whiten the yellowed thing with household soap.
It is better to whiten the yellowed thing with household soap.

How to whiten the ears of the white things?

  1. An old boiling
    Put a large container with water on the stove, add washing powder or laundry soap to the water, put white things that need to be put in order and left to boil minute 30
  2. Soaking
    Soak things before washing in a solution of water with ammonia or turpentine. Leave for a couple of hours for soaking. After a thing, rinse and wash in a typewriter, adding powder for white things
  3. Soaking in hydrogen peroxide and further rinsing and washing, as in the previous case
It is recommended to be scattered by the most important things.

How to whiten white things with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is a wonderful homemade bleach.
Hydrogen peroxide is a wonderful homemade bleach.

RECIPE: Perhydrol for bleaching things

On a five -liter basin with water, we cook 2 tablespoons of perhydrox and soak a white thing in it. Leave for 2 to 3 hours. We pierce. Additionally, we break through the thing with machine washing in white mode.

How to bleach white things with white?

Only things made of natural fabrics (cotton, linen) are suitable for whitening in the whiteness. The whiteness, as a means containing chlorine, is not suitable for synthetic and semi -synthetic tissues. Also, the chlorine -containing whiteness is thinning the fabric, so it is not recommended to constantly use it.

White is recommended only to natural fabrics.
White is recommended only to natural fabrics.

For whitening white things, it is better to add whiteness to cool or slightly warm water.

How to bleach white things with potassium permanganate?

It turns out that a weak solution of potassium permanganate in conjunction with washing powder can perfectly bleach a yellowed or serious thing.
In hot water, you need to pour the washing powder and add a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate to it. It is advisable to use a capacity for washing with a lid. After you put white things in it, cover the container with a lid and leave to soak until the moment the water cools down. Then put things several times.

VIDEO: The ancient way of washing white linen and removing any spots

How to bleach white things with citric acid?

Citric acid not only contributes to the process of bleaching things, it also softens them.

  1. You can bleach things with citric acid with preliminary soaking in water with powder and 2 tablespoons of citric acid
  2. After 2 hours, things need to be rinse and then wash in the machine in normal mode
  3. You can also use one of the methods described above

How to bleach children's white things?

The whitening of children's things must be approached especially carefully. Although now there are special hypoallergenic children's washing powders, you can still use all home remedies that are safe for the child. These include:

  • salt
  • potassium permanganate
  • baking soda
  • children's soap
  • laundry soap
  • lemon acid
  • hydrogen peroxide

Things are pre -soaked in one of the named funds and left for a while.

Children's things can be bleached with grater and children's soap dissolved in water.
Children's things can be bleached with grater and children's soap dissolved in water.

Things are then rinsed several times. This is followed by traditional washing and reusable rinsing again.

Video: How to bleach children's things (soap, soda, water)?

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