How to leave, pour, save flowers at home during the vacation? How to do watering flowers going on vacation? Flowers for flowers during vacation with your own hands

How to leave, pour, save flowers at home during the vacation? How to do watering flowers going on vacation? Flowers for flowers during vacation with your own hands

Ways to water flowers during vacation.

Many women are engaged in plant breeding, do not represent without indoor colors of their lives. Indeed, indoor plants help to make air in the room more moist, and also saturate it with oxygen. In addition, some homemade flowers improve mood, release a huge amount of volatile in the air that treat asthma, respiratory tract diseases. In this article we will tell you what to do to save the life of flowers when you go on vacation.

How to leave flowers at home during the vacation?

There are many ways that allow moisturizing the soil without involving neighbors.

General rules:

  • If you do not have the opportunity to ask your friends or friends to water flowers, you can solve the problem yourself. One of the simplest options is to pour the plants abundantly before leaving, make the room dark, close the curtains, and remove flowers from the windowsill to the floor. To make it dark as possible.
  • After that, it is advisable to build peculiar mini-theists that will retain moisture inside. Please note that before leaving it is advisable to completely cut off the buds of flowering plants, as well as several leaves. This will help to survive plants.
  • Of course, at the same time their appearance will significantly deteriorate, but after arrival you can quickly restore plants when using mineral fertilizers. Such procedures will help survive plants. After remove a few leaves, and also remove the buds, pour a little water on the bottom of the container and immerse pots with flowers in them.
  • It is necessary to deepen by about 1/3. It will also be useful to cover some plants with plastic bottles. At the same time, it is advisable to make several holes in the lower part so that the air enters the flower and soil, and it does not bloom. Such a mini-the fuel holds moisture and extend the life of your plant.
Watering a flask
Watering a flask

How to water flowers with prolonged absence: preservation of moisture -loving plants

In addition, you can build another option for moisturizing the soil.


  • To do this, you need to take a large container, fill it with expanded clay and moisturize it. Dear pots with flowers into water with expanded clay. Through the holes from below, the roots of plants will pull water, thereby moisturizing the soil. You can build a drip irrigation system.
  • One of the simplest options is to fill the pelvis with expanded clay, put flower flowerpots in it. Fill the rest of the space with newspapers torn to pieces. Next, it is necessary to turn on the tap so that the water drains the droplet.
  • Drops will moisturize the newspaper, and the plant, in turn, will pull moisture from them.

Please note that the method with immersing flowerpots into water is suitable only for those plants that love moisture. Such as ferns and all varieties of moss. For other plants, this method is not suitable, because their root system will rot in a plenty of water in the pot.

Watering flowers on vacation
Watering flowers on vacation

Flowers for flowers during a vacation with your own hands from a plastic bottle

You can greatly simplify your task and purchase a drip irrigation system. But it costs a lot of money. If you are not ready to fork out for the purchase, you can make something similar yourself.


  • To do this, you need to take a plastic bottle, type water into it, tighten the lid
  • Using a thin awl, make a hole. Please note that water should not flow out of the hole, but gradually drip from it
  • Dear this lid 3 cm into the soil and leave. Plants will pull as much water as their root system is necessary

How to water flowers with prolonged absence: drainage method

You can also cope with moisture using the so -called drainage irrigation.


  • To do this, you need to take a fabric that perfectly absorbs water. Place a bucket of water on the stool, moisten the strips of this fabric, place the ends so that one of them is immersed in a bucket, and the second touches the soil.
  • You can generally deepen this strip several centimeters into the ground. Thus, plants will draw as much water as they need. Please note that such a design cannot be put under direct sunlight, because strips of water can dry. Then watering will not be carried out, and the plants simply dry.
  • Instead of fabric, you can use ordinary bandages. Please note that for large pots with flowers it is better to use more than one wick, but several. About a 20 liter pot will need 4 wicks so that the plants do not dry out in the hot season.
  • You can place segments of the fabric in a plastic pipe, this will protect them from drying out. Another way to reduce moisture evaporation is to use moss or sawdust. You need to take mulch, moisturize it and lay the soil on top in the pot. For the same purpose, you can use moss. These substances hold moisture inside the pot and prevent evaporation.
Drainage watering
Drainage watering

How to save flowers during vacation: alternative methods

Another excellent way and the most fashionable is the use of a hydrogel. This is a fairly fashionable way, balls can be purchased at any flower store. The hydrogel is soaked for several hours in water. After it swells, after about eight hours, it is laid out on top of the pot. Thus, the hydrogel will gradually give water to the soil, moisturizing it. This method is suitable if you need to go on vacation for about a week. Please note that the hydrogel balls during drying can distinguish harmful substances toxic, toxic for the body.

You can use some knowledge in electronics. This method is suitable if you are a little versed in electricity. You can make the watering yourself. To do this, you need a large pan, a hole is drilled at the bottom. A tube is welded on it, to which a magnetic valve is connected. Several tubes depart from it, each to its pot and a time sensor is placed. After a certain time, the magnetic lock will work and give water for several minutes. Such watering is absolutely enough to moisturize the plants and be absent for up to 3 months.

Watering flowers
Watering flowers

For people who do not spare money, and who are often absent, move and stay on business trips, so -called smart pots are ideal. This is a kind of system that resembles a pot in a pot. Thus, there is water inside smart pots. Above it a container with expanded clay and soil. The flower simply pulls water as the soil dries. Such pots are expensive, so not everyone can afford. Accordingly, many people who do not have the opportunity to purchase such a system choose more affordable options that can be made with their own hands.

Watering flowers
Watering flowers

How to water indoor flowers during vacation: drip watering with your own hands

Automatic watering with a dropper is one of the unusual and interesting options. It is suitable if you have several old containers from a variety of solutions for droppers, such as saline. In their absence, you can use the usual plastic bottle.


  • Take a tripod, hang several bottles on it. Now take a regular dropper system, one needle, stick in a plastic bottle. The second part of the tube, removing the needle, place it directly in the pot.
  • Before doing this, you should configure the regulation of fluid. The drip system is very convenient, because you can accelerate or slow down the flow of water into the pot. This is ideal if you leave for up to two weeks.
  • Thus, nothing needs to be soldered, craft and purchased in the electronics store. Because the drip system does everything on its own.
Drum for plants
Drum for plants

How to do watering flowers going on vacation with capillary mats?

You can also cope with a lack of water using capillary mats.


  • Such a system is sold in gardeners stores, is a mat, which is covered with a protective film on top. In this case, it is necessary to build a special system. Pour water into the lower pallet, install a pallet with the holes on which the capillary mat is laid out on top.
  • Vases with plants are placed directly on it. The capillary mat is constantly nourished by water, taking it from the pallet, which is below.
  • Plants, in turn, absorb as much water as they need. The mat is cheap enough, so many can equip such a system. They use such watering systems in greenhouses to grow seedlings and colors.
Watering with capillary mats
Watering with capillary mats

In fact, funds for watering flowers in your absence are a huge number. Now in stores for gardeners you can find special conical flasks that work on the principle of a plastic bottle. They have a drip shape in which water is gained. A thin nose is inserted into the soil and water gradually enters the ground from this tube. Plants independently stretch as much water as they need.

Video: Watering flowers on vacation

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