How to quickly lower blood sugar: methods, means

How to quickly lower blood sugar: methods, means

Ways to quickly reduce blood sugar.

Sugar levels are controlled not only by diabetics, but also by absolutely healthy people who are at risk. In this article we will talk about products, folk remedies and drugs that can quickly reduce blood sugar. 

Products that lower blood sugar are fast

Typically, diabetics are interested in rapid ways of reducing blood sugar, because a sharp jump in glucose can lead to a crisis, even a coma or death. That is why they in every possible way try to control their nutrition, and also know many ways to help get rid of excess sugar. In general, there are a lot of methods, but it is best to carry out preventive actions than to engage in treatment.

Products that lower blood sugar are quickly:

  • Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the use of products that contribute to sugar. These include fatty foods, fried, smoked, salted food, as well as animal fats, simple carbohydrates, sugar, and flour products from ordinary wheat, white flour.
  • That is, almost all these products should be excluded from their diet, since they contribute to the surge and increasing sugar levels. Instead, it is recommended to enter into food fixed wheat products, low -fat meat, it is desirable that it is not red.
  • An ideal option will be turkey or chicken, And not fat. It is worth consuming sea \u200b\u200bfish, as well as some fruits and vegetables. Recommended forest or garden berries.
  • Also useful Green apples with a high acid content, Grapefruits, oranges. Of the vegetables, it is allowed to eat green fruits in unlimited quantities. They refer to them zucchini, celery, all kinds of greens. 
Healthy foods
Healthy foods

How to lower blood sugar quickly folk remedies?

You can reduce blood sugar using folk methods. A variety of decoctions of herbs helps well, and not only. We present a list of traditional medicine recipes to lower blood sugar.

Reduce blood sugar quickly folk:

  • A decoction of oats. To do this, half a glass of crushed oats must be poured into 600 ml of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. As a result, you will get mucus, which resembles a lot of jelly. Strain and store the mass in a cold place. It is necessary to take 100 milliliters three times a day. The decoction reduces blood sugar, helps to maintain it at a constant level. 
  • A decoction of bay leaf. To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to pour 6 leaf leaves with half a liter of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. The product is filtered, if necessary, they are fed with honey and lemon juice. It is necessary to take 50 ml twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It copes well with a decrease in sugar level a mixture of cinnamon, as well as kefir. To prepare this drug, it is necessary to take a low -fat kefir, the percentage of fat content of which is not more than 1%. To do this, it is necessary to fill the chopped cinnamon on the tip of the knife in a glass of kefir. All this is mixed and used every day before bedtime. It is necessary to take the drug once a day.
High sugar
High sugar

Herbs that lower blood sugar quickly

Decoctions of some healing herbs help reduce blood sugar.

Herbs that lower blood sugar quickly:

  • Well established itself Rosehip decoction. Despite the high sugar content, rosehip helps reduce glucose levels and improves the condition with diabetes. To do this, pour a tablespoon of chopped fruits and boil 400 ml of boiling water and boil for 2 minutes. The decoction is filtered, take about 150 ml. 
  • You can reduce blood sugar with some drinks. It is necessary to completely exclude strong tea, coffee from your diet, and instead introduce tsikoria, as well as the frame. These drinks reduce glucose levels, help normalize the condition of diabetics. Therefore, replace all strong drinks. There will be much more benefit. 
  • To reduce sugar levels are recommended dandelion roots, as well as burdock. To do this, pour a tablespoon of crushed dry roots and boil 400 ml of boiling water and boil for 3 minutes. The decoction is accepted about 80 ml twice a day, in the morning and evening. There are a huge number of traditional medicine prescriptions to reduce sugar. It is necessary to choose them depending on contraindications, as well as related ailments.
  • The decoction of hawthorn is recommended, since he also positively affects the state of health of diabetics. 

Blood sugar tablets quickly: List

There are many drugs with which you can reduce blood sugar. Usually they are prescribed for type 2 diabetes. According to the world healthcare organization, type 2 diabetes mellitus is an epidemic among non -infectious diseases. They are sick with a huge number of people of both young and elderly. Therefore, sometimes a diet, a change in physical activity is prescribed.

Usually people who lead a healthy lifestyle, type 2 diabetes do not interfere, its symptoms disappear. However, there are cases, in particular among elderly patients, when a diet, as well as an increase in physical activity, does not give any results, and diabetes progresses. In this case, drug treatment is indicated by drugs that reduce sugar levels. Among them, several most effective drugs that are often prescribed. 

Measurement of glucose levels
Measurement of glucose levels

Blood sugar tablets quickly:

  • Metformin. This is a drug that reduces the production of glucose by the liver, while the susceptibility to insulin increases, the medicine enhances the redox reactions, thereby accelerates the metabolism. The main advantage of the drug is that it practically does not cause side effects, and has established itself well even in old people.
  • Substancemetformin On the shelves of modern pharmacies can be found under the following names:  GlucophageSiofor. These tablets reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, thereby reducing glucose products, and increasing the body's sensitivity to insulin. However, this drug is not always appropriate in the treatment of patients with chronic liver, as well as renal failure.

Such diseasesinherent For elderly people who have a risk of complications. Therefore, they are recommended for drugs, the principle of which is based on other chemical reactions. 

  • Glyptines. These are drugs that relate to the drugs of the new generation. They were developed in the 21st century after they studied the effect of hormones after eating. The drug is one of the newest, modern. The only drawback is its price. The drug is quite expensive, and few of the elderly in our country can afford it. However, in developed European countries, the medicine is taken by elderly and young patients. The main advantage in a small number of contraindications, which is relevant for elderly patients. These drugs on the shelves of pharmacies are found under the following names: Januvia, Galvus. 
  • Sulfonelmochevina. It is rarely prescribed in elderly patients. The main drugs based on sulfonyl-mochevina: maninyl, glidiab, diabeton, amil.

There are many drugs and folk methods of reducing sugar. The choice of a suitable drug should be carried out by the attending physician.

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Comments K. article

  1. It is better to prevent his jumps at all, if you have diabetes, then this is very important. Therefore, I always follow the fact that I eat and carefully study the composition of the products, since I know what and how my body reacts to. I also definitely drink vitamins of Olijim to maintain the sugar rate (very good vitamin complex)

  2. I agree, with sugar you need to be constantly on the check. All drugs are useless if you do not sit on a diet and do not lose weight. Only a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition helps.

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