How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater, jumper, old jacket: ideas, tips, photos. How to remake an old sweater, several old sweaters in a stylish sweater, cardigan, dress, sundress, vest, overalls for the child?

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater, jumper, old jacket: ideas, tips, photos. How to remake an old sweater, several old sweaters in a stylish sweater, cardigan, dress, sundress, vest, overalls for the child?

How to remake an old sweater in fashionable clothes: ideas with a photo

In this article, we will tell you about dozens of ways to update our clothes, and make a bright, individual fashionable thing out of an ordinary discreet thing!

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater?

From the moment of lying on the couch, to actively boiling work on alteration of clothing in the fashionable one, each has their own path. Someone wants to help our planet and gives boring things a second chance, someone wants to save their budget, and someone in the soul of the inventor will not be able to fall asleep if something does not invent during the day.

Regardless of your initial plans - we offer dozens of options for alterations of clothing in a fashionable one and start with a classic sweater. And if you have a question how to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater - read our article and be inspired!

Simple remake of a sweater in a fashionable
Simple remake of a sweater in a fashionable

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater? So, in our work we have a boring gray female sweater, which was in fashion several years ago, but became boring and unmarried this season.

We take a bright thread, be sure to apply to the sweater and check the combination of colors, if you like everything, we begin to wind the pompom on the fork (in detail in the video instructions). It remains to evenly sew and cut the ends of the threads from the back.

You can convert a simple sweater with pink pomponchiki in one evening!
You can convert a simple sweater with pink pomponchiki in one evening!

As you can see, everything is as simple as possible and in one evening you can redo the sweater in the fashion trend!

Video: Alteration of an old female sweater in a fashionable with pompom

Another option is how to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater - a patch of buttons, beads, sewing rhinestones, and even a sticker of rhinestones (which is even simpler and faster). Consider the fashionable option - a sweater strewn with pearls.

To work, we need a boring female sweater, while it can even have small holes! We sew them, and sew a large bead on top, thereby closing the hole. How do you like the idea?

Alteration of a laconic sweater into a fashionable with a scattering of pearls
Alteration of a laconic sweater into a fashionable with a scattering of pearls

Also go to the nearest fabric store and buy pearls 3-4 sizes of snow-white color (or you can experiment and choose a powder or purple shade, but then it should be combined with the color of the sweater).

Interesting decor with buttons of different sizes and textures
Interesting decor with buttons of different sizes and textures

Lay out the beads on the sweater, photograph the layout, so that later it is easier to select the size of the beads, and start sewing.

Important: Sew it pointwise, of course, this is longer, but the loose knitted canvas will not be tightened with lips of the threads when wearing.

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater: a boring budget jumper in a fashionable bow

Do you want the idea how to update, decorate, redo it in a fashionable old female sweater in just half an hour? We offer to refresh a boring budget jumper and make a leading thing from it in your fashionable bow.

For work, you will need:

  • Jumper;
  • Adhesive rhinestones;
  • Cotton fabric;
  • An iron with a pair function.

So, the essence of the work is very simple - we lay out the rhinestones in the desired pattern or give the effect of a careless abstraction. We pass the steam, while we do not touch the rhinestones and jumper. So we steam until the glue softens (2-5 seconds), we apply the fabric and pass again. We fix it with an iron and let it cool without moving.

An example of how to decorate a jumper with rhinestones in 30 minutes
An example of how to decorate a jumper with rhinestones in 30 minutes

Ready! How do you like the idea? In order to make a converting clothes in fashionable, there is enough inspiration and a little work.

How to update, decorate, convert it to a fashionable old female sweater: from an old jacket to a new

If the sweater is connected from high -quality threads, it is not possible to demolish it. He will rush and rush, except that it can become small. But in this case, you can correct the situation - we will tell you how to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater! We offer to remake an old but high -quality sweater in a tunic or dress.

To do this, cut the sweater into flat vertical strips without reaching the neck. Insert wedges from light chiffon or other textured fabric. Process the edges with an overlock, as knitwear has the ability to “pour”.

The idea of \u200b\u200bremaking from an old jacket
The idea of \u200b\u200bremaking from an old jacket

It remains quite a bit - to try on a new outfit and, if desired, supplement the decor.

Another option for remaking clothes to fashionable - from a stretched sweater to a cozy and fashionable bolero. To do this, cut the bottom so that the bolero forms and treat the edge with an overlock or decorate with lace and you will get a romantic image.

Sweater bolero
Sweater bolero

And for those whose jumper was ordered - we offer the original idea. Most often, the bottom of the sweater and the elbow zone are cash in. And we cut them off! Leaving the neck with a coquer and bottom of the sleeve.

Alteration from the old sweater to a fashion tunic
Alteration from the old sweater to a fashion tunic

Sew a light chiffon or a grid and a veil! The new fashionable bow is ready.

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater: from an old sweater to a fashionable children's skirt

Tired of the old sweater? No need to throw it away if your daughter is growing up. We offer the idea how to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater: it is enough to cut under the armhole, mark and stitch after a knitted gum and in just half an hour you have a ready -made stylish skirt for the baby.

Please note that a sweater with arana can be redone as a case to a skirt, but a thin and even sweater can be converted to a claw skirt, etc.

Alteration of clothes to fashionable - from a sweater to a skirt
Redding clothes to fashionable - from a sweater to a skirt

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater: remodeling a sweater in a dress

Narrow sweater? The question arose how to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater? So, it's time to take up the scissors and arrange the redistribution of clothes in the fashionable. To do this, we open up the side seams and insert cotton contrast wedges to get a clash. From the same fabric, you need to cut a collar, and sew it to the neck as in the photo.

Redding from a short sleeve in a dress
Redding from a short sleeve in a dress

It remains to measure and cut off a flat section of the fabric onto the skirt (3 circles of the resulting bodice), pick up and sew to the fuse. A fashionable dress is ready, you can go for a walk in the park!

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater: from an old sweater to a fashionable children's overalls

The birth of a baby in the house is real happiness. And expenses. But if the mommy is a needlewoman, then the costs decrease ten times! The first thing we pay attention to is expensive knitted things. They are worn a couple of months, and next year they are no longer suitable. And they are so that not everyone can afford to provide their baby with a complete wardrobe of fashionable things. In this section, we will answer the question of how to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater in children's things.

Alteration from the clothes of parents to the baby overalls
Alteration from the clothes of parents to the baby overalls

We offer the alteration of clothing in fashionable and budget! Namely, we are looking for the sweater of mom and dads, who are soft and in good condition, but do not rush for some reason. We put on top of the knitted body, circle, cut, sew and process the edges with an overlock. If desired, we decorate and can be worn!

How to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater: a new coat from old sweaters

Knitted coat from old jacket
Knitted coat from old jacket

You have many old sweaters and have you already thought of throwing them away? Do not know how to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater? We offer a selection of ideas on how to make a female coat from several sweaters.

To do this, make the patterns of your size as shown in the photo.

Patter of a coat of old sweaters
Patter of a coat of old sweaters

After that, be sure to process all the parts around the perimeter with overlock, since knitwear tends to pour and bloom. Next, sew all the details, wash and after drying go through a steam iron to give the product the desired shape.

If you have many old sweaters of different colors, you may like one of the ideas below.

Knitted coat of rainbow from old sweaters
Knitted coat of rainbow from old sweaters
Stylish knitted coat with fur trim
Stylish knitted coat with fur trim

How to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater: from an old sweater to a fashion cardigan

You have a lot of clothes, or a question arose how to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater? We offer to remake a wide sweater into a fashion cardigan with short sleeves.

To do this, in the front in the middle we make a vertical incision to form two shelves and cut a collar. We also cut the sleeves so that they are 7-12 cm, depending on your preferences. We process the edge with an overlock or oblique inhibitory at will and the new onion is ready for cool summer evenings!

Updating the old sweater in a fashion cardigan
Updating the old sweater in a fashion cardigan

How to update, decorate, redo it into a fashionable old female sweater: from an old jacket to a vest

Need a stylish vest, but no finance for the purchase? We checked the wardrobe and found a couple of thin jumper and the question arose how to update, decorate, convert it to a fashionable old female sweater? In just 15-20 minutes you will redo the old jumper into a new vest.

How to cut the sleeves for a jacket from a jacket
How to cut the sleeves for a jacket from a jacket

To do this, it is necessary to cut off the shelf and neck in front, as well as make a round neckline as shown in the photo in which the sleeves will remain inside the cut circle. It remains to process the edges and the stylish fashion vest is ready!

Ready work: a vest from an old sweater
Ready work: a vest from an old sweater

How to update, decorate, convert it to a fashionable old women's sweater: bags and home accessories

The question still arises how to update, decorate, convert to a fashionable old female sweater? And in this section, the remake of clothing in fashion accessories and, of course, the trend of recent years is a knitted bag.

Let's start with a bag. To do this, we will need a dimper of a loose texture with Arana, which is not a pity to cut, lining fabric and fastener.

Fashionable knitted bag from an old sweater
Fashionable knitted bag from an old sweater

We cut off the bottom of the sweater as shown in the photo and immediately process the edges so that they do not fall. We sew the lining (since knitwear stretches, you can use the same pattern if the fabric does not stretch 0.5 cm less around the perimeter). We sew the lining with top, sew the lock and go for shopping with a new fashionable and roomy bag.

Textured decor from an old sweater
Textured decor from an old sweater

And in conclusion of the photo, the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make a pillow cover and a heating pad from one unnecessary sweater.

Video: What to make from an old sweater?

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