How not to become a victim of a beauty industry? The right approach to the choice of cosmetics

How not to become a victim of a beauty industry? The right approach to the choice of cosmetics

How to choose the right cosmetics and not regret? What cosmetics exists and where you can buy it.

Beauty industry

The beauty industry covers a wide range of drugs that help to be beautiful and take care of themselves. In the store, potential buyers usually pay attention to well -known advertising products that look good. Some of them cost decent money, but does not bear a noticeable benefit.

It’s not sad to recognize this, but there are scammers in any field of activity. Sometimes the scale of fraud reaches a high level, when people massively believe the manufacturer of useless cosmetics, only relying on advertising.

On the other hand, the massive use of cosmetics cannot give a long life to any deception. People use the means and recommend them to each other. According to the reviews and advice of a cosmetologist, you can understand whether this or that tool should be used. The beauty industry conditionally divides all cosmetics into:

  • means of designer houses
  • products of cosmetic institutions
  • medical cosmetics

Each group has its own strengths and disadvantages. You should choose the cosmetics that you need according to the strict indications of a specialist. Experiments in this area can lead to unpleasant visual consequences.

Professional cosmetics

Professional cosmetics is another term of marketing that allows you to achieve high sales of the product. People want to believe that professional cosmetics mean quality. Seeing this inscription - we think that if this tool is used by professionals, then it can definitely be trusted. In most cases, it is.

But, remember that any cosmetics are prescribed individually. What will be good for imposing professional makeup in the modeling business is not always suitable for daily use. In most cases, professional cosmetics is a way to create a beautiful, well -groomed image for display. What do you think, is the desire of the model to make your skin not only beautiful, but also healthy?

And even if the line of professional cosmetics is so progressive that taking care of health, do not forget that cosmetics should be used wisely. You can give a simple example, there are many different drugs in the pharmacy, all of them are aimed at improving health, but if you take everything in a row and without analysis, there will be a very sad result.

With cosmetics, the situation is exactly the same. It is necessary to decide on the expected effect, understand the zone and direction of the drug and only then choose the product and the manufacturer. In some cases, professional cosmetics are inferior. Sometimes - it is the only option to achieve the result.

Hair cosmetics

Constant care requires not only skin, but also hair. When the first problems appear, which are manifested in increased brittleness, dryness, loss, special cosmetics for hair should be used. Getting rid of dandruff also occurs due to cosmetic components.

In an active city, the hair is affected not only by the weather and wind, but also to contaminated air. And with an intensified mode of operation, stress is also added. All this leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the hair. With the help of cosmetics, you can change the health of the hair, shade, color and even length.

Hair masks help both with dry hair and oily. A special nutrient base makes them silky. After using cosmetics, the hair is easily combed and not confused with the first convenient occasion. In the whole image of a woman, wellness and beauty are felt. Interestingly, recently, men also began to understand that their hair needed cosmetic care.

Professional hair cosmetics

Professional hair cosmetics allows you to achieve a better result in a short time. Carefully choose the funds so that their actions are aimed at healing. This is a priority parameter that will help to choose only high -quality and necessary cosmetics. The choice of professional tools that strengthen hair is huge:

  • masks
  • strengthening lotions
  • rinsing and air conditioning balms
  • shampoos
  • nourishing creams
  • scrubs, pastes and gels
  • special serum

Cosmetics for the face

Face cosmetics should be used only if you clearly know what you need to achieve. It can be a preventive, protective or therapeutic effect. Depending on this, choose the drug, focusing not on a beautiful label, but on the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

There are cases when an effective cosmetic agent was used to combat acne, which causes an even greater amount of acne. The point here is not as a product, but a person’s individual reaction to the components of the drug.

Cosmetics for the face affects the skin, especially the delicate areas around the eyes. You should understand what the result will be. If necessary, try part of the drug in a place where its manifestation will not be so noticeable. Only after that can unknown cosmetics be used fully.

Trust only the cosmetics that you personally tested. New means should be treated with caution. To care for the face, use the complex effect of several drugs. In the event of an undesirable reaction of the body, it is necessary to identify and replace a cosmetic product or completely stop this care complex.

Cosmetics for the skin

In all areas of our body, the skin is different. The drug that is suitable for the face may be useless for the hands. Therefore, choose cosmetics for the skin, taking into account the use and place of exposure. All lines have their own purpose, it will not be difficult for you to choose the right drug. To do this, you must familiarize yourself with its description on the package or bottle. Additional information can be found from a consultant or seller.

Decorative cosmetics

Decorative cosmetics belongs to the category of harmless substances. These means can significantly change the image of a woman, decorate or supplement it. They have no therapeutic or negative effect on the skin. It is the quality of external change using decorative cosmetics that should be considered here.

Good decorative cosmetics perfectly holds the image even in bad weather conditions. You should choose those tools that can give a positive and persistent result. Using proven cosmetics adds confidence. It is worthwhile to use experimental tools only in cases where minor flaws can be corrected, distracted from the holiday or everyday affairs.

Decorative cosmetics allows you to easily and quickly change the image. Your sense of beautiful and correct combination of tones is important here.

Makeup cosmetics

For makeup, light remedies are suitable without a pronounced effect on the skin. Use cosmetics for the daily creation of your image. You should choose those brands that do not carry negative effects and are resistant to weather and time.

Russian cosmetics

The domestic manufacturer does not always please us with a quality line. Although some means really deserve attention. The persistent belief that foreign and expensive cosmetics is better, in fact false. You should take a closer look at some cosmetic means of Russia.

For example, Teana cosmetics, which have a long history, but become popular only now. You can choose inexpensive natural products that will not be inferior to professional. Naturally, the price looks much more attractive than foreign analogues.

Separately, you can distinguish an Art-Visage brand. Despite the huge selection of drugs with which you can create a unique and beautiful image, Art-Visage offers individual manufacturing of cosmetics at a favorable price. If you have special preferences or differing tastes from the global standard, you can order and make a remedy only for your style.

Here are a few more brands that deserve attention:

  • Kleona
  • Natura Siberica
  • Greenlab
  • "Bark"
  • Organic Shop
  • "Clean line"
  • "Black Pearl"
  • Eva Mosaic

Cosmetics brands

There are many different brands of cosmetics in the world. Everyone chooses the most suitable means for themselves. However, statistics are always telling the truth. In our country, the famous Avon brand occupies the first place in popularity. It is this brand of cosmetics that are most often looking for on the Internet and asked in stores. Such popularity is associated not only with a large assortment of goods, but also with free implementation in a direct way.

Next comes another famous brand of cosmetics. This is Oriflame. Despite the fact that there are cheaper products that are not inferior to expensive funds, fame attracts attention anyway. For some, this is an important element of status - to use only expensive and famous cosmetics.

Further, the situation is confused, it is difficult to collect accurate data due to the large dynamics of sales and the use of cosmetics. About brands and brands in popularity can be placed in this order:

  • Amway
  • Faberlic
  • Mary Kay
  • Victoria Secret
  • Christina
  • Ahava
  • Eveline
  • Chanel
  • Dior
  • L’Oreal
  • Versace

Pharmacy cosmetics

Previously, the concept of pharmacy cosmetics included means that had a pronounced therapeutic effect. Today in pharmacies a large set of cosmetic drugs is sold, which can have a decorative rather than therapeutic effect.

Such cosmetics brands as VICHY, BIODERMA, Avene should be sold by a pharmacist who has passed special training, is well versed in the drugs and their actions. In practice, everything looks completely different. Pharmacy cosmetics are released into the hands of sellers who do not quite understand all the nuances of the use of a particular drug.

To avoid unpleasant situations, not to become a victim of the beauty industry using pharmacy cosmetics, you should consult with a cosmetologist before buying serious drugs.

Cosmetics in online stores

Cosmetics in online stores are different. Product quality depends on the store itself and its policy. If the store monitors its reputation, has a solid name and good reviews on the Internet, be sure you will get really good cosmetics.

Some stores even offer to return money or make a replacement of products if after receiving it turns out that it does not suit you. Buying cosmetics in such places is a pleasure. This usually applies only to online stores of our country. When buying cosmetics from abroad, such a service is not available.

If the online store has a dubious reputation, and reviews on the Internet do not look natural, it is better to refuse to buy. It is highly likely that you will receive a poor -quality product that cannot satisfy you. Some stores have a mixed reputation. This means that with a large number of goods, fifty to fifty risk. Such sites include a well -known store Aliexpress.

How to order cosmetics in the Aliexpress online store?

Cosmetics in the store Aliexpress located here. To buy everything you need to register on the site and add the selected product to the basket. Then you should go through the standard purchase design. After you need to pay in any available way. Usually this is a non -cash payment by card or payment by electronic currency.

Now you should wait for the order and check it. The status of the order can be monitored on the site in your personal account. After you confirm the receipt of goods, frozen money will be credited in favor of the seller.

Video: Errors when choosing cosmetics

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