How to set up a satellite antenna, a tuner yourself? How to configure a satellite for receiving TV channels?

How to set up a satellite antenna, a tuner yourself? How to configure a satellite for receiving TV channels?

In this article we will find out how the satellite antenna is installed correctly and how to configure the tuner for receiving channels.

Satellite television is actively conquering the market and today the cost of equipment has become quite affordable. Many believe that it is only a professional to establish the antenna, but in fact, this is not so. Below we will tell you in detail how to correctly install and configure the equipment.

How to choose a satellite for installing the antenna?

How to choose a satellite?
How to choose a satellite?

So, if you want to purchase a satellite antenna, then decide who will be your operator and provide services. Satellite television is called so because satellites are used to receive channels. They translate the channels to very large territories, and the antennas accept them and direct them to the receiver, which further conveys the image to the TV.

So for viewing satellite TV, she can’t do with the antenna alone. It is also required to purchase a tuner. All this needs to be installed and configured.

There are currently two types of satellites. The former transmit open channels, and the latter - encoded. It also happens that several operators use one satellite at once. Then it is usually proposed for each channel to purchase cards for its decoding.

But, basically, all channels are combined into a single package and only one card is needed to obtain access to them.

Satellite coating
Satellite coating

Russian -speaking channels are shown on many satellites. They differ in location and everyone has their own coordinates. You can take a signal from one satellite with one satellite from one satellite, but if there are others nearby, then they can be configured and use the services of several.

When choosing a satellite, you must consider whether you can direct your antenna to him. In other words, it all depends on your location and if there are any interference, then think about whether it is possible to eliminate them. If this is impossible, then try to install the antenna as high as possible or select another satellite.

How and which satellite antenna to buy: equipment

Settling Antenna
Settling Antenna

When the issue with the satellite is resolved, you can go to the store for equipment. The following details should be for installation and settings:

  • Satellite antenna. Without it, it will not be possible to receive signals from satellites. It is recommended to choose a diameter from 90 cm
  • Converter. It is a small head responsible for receiving the signal and transmitting it further. The final choice is made depending on the polarization of the satellite. In its description, this parameter should be indicated.
  • Receiver. He receives the signals from the converter and transfers it to the image for transmission to the TV. Actually, he is also engaged in the transfer. The device sets is very simple, but more on that later.
  • bracket. It is required to fasten the antenna. Moreover, he makes the head mobile and you can rotate and “catch” the signal. Make sure that the plate is quite removed from the wall. This will not let her touch her at rotation.
  • Coaxial cable. It is a signal conductor and connects the converter with the receiver.
  • Diseq. This tool will be required if you want to configure several satellites at once. Although, if you do not need it, then you should not buy it.
  • F-ki. They connect the cable with each of the links. To work, you will need 8 pieces, but it is better to take 10 just in case.
  • TV connection cable. In this case, you need to decide on your own which particular wire will suit you.

Each of the above devices is sold in assembled sets. If desired, they can be collected independently. So you will definitely be sure that all elements are of high quality.

How to install a satellite antenna yourself?

Installation of a plate
Installation of a plate

Before the installation, determine which way to “look” the antenna. A simple service will help you solve this issue You just need to indicate the place where you want to place the plate, as well as the desired satellite. After some calculations, you will indicate the right direction.

In addition, before starting installation, check whether the signal comes in good quality. It should be 60-70%. To check, direct the antenna in the desired direction and, if everything is fine, then proceed to the installation.

Make sure that the location of the satellite antenna will be reliable and drill holes for the anchors. After fixing the bracket, you can put the antenna itself, but it is better not to delay the nuts until you are sure that you have chosen the right direction. That is, first make the necessary settings and only then complete the installation.

How to connect and configure the satellite antenna, receiver: step -by -step instructions

Reception of the signal
Reception of the signal

The configuration of the antenna will not give anything if you do not connect it to the receiver. To connect, take a cable and put on it one of the F-OK. Only after that it will be possible to connect.

The cable is prepared according to a special scheme:

  • First, the insulation is cut 1.5 cm from the cable
  • Next, we bend the aluminum braid out
  • We remove foil from the core, about 8-9 mm
  • We clean the core to the end and put on F-ku on it. It should look out a maximum of 2 mm. Remove everything superfluous with nippers
  • We also act on the same side of the cable
  • Now it remains to connect the converter and receiver

The connection is over, the antenna “looks” approximately where it is required and now it remains to improve the quality of the received signal.

Open the receiver settings and select the satellite suitable for you. Sometimes the parameters are indicated automatically, and if they are not, then look on the Internet and install the necessary ones:

Selection of a satellite on TV
Selection of a satellite on TV

Two strips will be displayed on the screen. By the first, we can determine that the signal is really acting, and the second will determine its power. If you correctly installed the antenna, then at least 40% of the power should be displayed. It remains only to make a quality that is almost zero.

Now, if everything is fine, we go to the plate. It’s good that you have the opportunity to watch changes in the signal. If you yourself cannot do this, then ask someone.

To begin with, we turn the antenna up and right, and then begin to rotate it slowly to the left. In this case, track the signal from the satellite.

If the signal did not work, we lower the plate a couple of millimeters lower and repeat the rotation. Setting is a painstaking process, so be patient.

At first, at least 20% should be quality and it will be possible to fix the antenna better. Further, with light movements you need to rotate the plate in the left and right side in order to get at least 40%. For normal work, you need to achieve 60-80%.

After that, the fit will already be carried out through the converter, which rotates in a circle. When you achieve the right quality, you can set up additional converters. If you do not have one, then you don’t need to do anything else.

Additional heads are much easier to configure, because the plate is already receiving a signal completely. It remains to just catch each of your companions.

How to configure a tuner for a satellite antenna: Instructions

When the signal is configured, you can start finding channels through a tuner. The standard menu provides only a few points - setting, antenna and channels. Go to the settings and check their correctness.

Setting up the tuner
Setting up the tuner

Be sure to make sure that the following points are respected:

  • The signal comes from the right satellite
  • The correct parameter is indicated for the satellite head:
    C-Band-LNB, frequency 5150
  • Circular - circular LNB 10750
  • Linear - universal 9750/10600

Usually the necessary parameters are prescribed in the instructions for the head. After checking, you need to find in the menu and set the Diseqc parameter for a suitable satellite. By the way, we advise you to write down in advance which outputs are suitable for a certain antenna.

It is also worth paying attention to the settings such as:

  • Port disk. It has several inputs that can be switched to connect a satellite head.
  • 0/12V. Allows you to switch the diet and mono -suspension.

The addition of channels is carried out by scanning the frequency. To determine the transponder settings, it is important to see the channel in which the satellite broadcasts. To do this, open the list of transponders and look at the installations.

Setting is as follows:

  • Open the CIS/Russia settings
  • Indicate the satellite you need
Channel tuning
Channel tuning

This is required to obtain information. Scan the channels until all the necessary ones are shown. The options of the transponder are in the general menu. Search lines in the properties of television channels and radio allow you to look for only television channels or radio, or both at once.

Search methods may also be different. If you choose the All, then the search will start all channels, even closed and decoded. As an option, encoded channels can be excluded. To do this, select Free to Air.

The search process itself can also differ by type:

  • Search for the transponder
  • Search for a network of transponders for a particular satellite

Search for satellite channels. In this line, the search will depend on the suspension used. The fact is that there are not only satellite antennas, but also with motor suspensions. If you choose the first option, then on the basis of the USALS, the antenna can move the receiver.

As you can see, the setting seems to be not complicated, but has a bunch of nuances. You should not be afraid of them, because everything is known in practice and as soon as you begin to do something, you will quickly figure it out in the process.

Video: Settling of a satellite antenna with your own hands

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